

c# Programming Glossary: reliablesession

WCF inactivity timeout


the WCF client. However when I change my app.config from reliableSession ordered true inactivityTimeout 00 10 00 enabled false to reliableSession.. ordered true inactivityTimeout 00 10 00 enabled false to reliableSession ordered true inactivityTimeout infinite enabled true I get..

WCF Service Library with NetTcpBinding


tcpBinding transferMode Streamed portSharingEnabled false reliableSession enabled true security mode None transport clientCredentialType..

“Could not find endpoint element with name…”


16384 maxBytesPerRead 4096 maxNameTableCharCount 16384 reliableSession ordered true inactivityTimeout 00 10 00 enabled false security..

Mysterious Problem in WCF and IIS?


16384 maxBytesPerRead 4096 maxNameTableCharCount 16384 reliableSession ordered true inactivityTimeout 00 10 00 security mode Message..

WCF Service Client: The content type text/html; charset=utf-8 of the response message does not match the content type of the binding


maxBytesPerRead 2000000 maxNameTableCharCount 2000000 reliableSession enabled false ordered true inactivityTimeout 00 10 00 security.. 16384 maxBytesPerRead 4096 maxNameTableCharCount 16384 reliableSession enabled false ordered true inactivityTimeout 00 10 00 security..

WCF stops responding after about 10 or so calls (throttling)


2147483647 maxNameTableCharCount 2147483647 reliableSession ordered true inactivityTimeout 00 10 00 enabled false security..

Large WCF web service request failing with (400) HTTP Bad Request


maxBytesPerRead 4096 maxNameTableCharCount 16384 reliableSession ordered true inactivityTimeout 00 10 00 enabled false security..