

c# Programming Glossary: remoteendpoint

how to change originating IP in HttpWebRequest


delegate ServicePoint servicePoint IPEndPoint remoteEndPoint int retryCount if remoteEndPoint.AddressFamily System.Net.Sockets.AddressFamily.InterNetworkV6.. servicePoint IPEndPoint remoteEndPoint int retryCount if remoteEndPoint.AddressFamily System.Net.Sockets.AddressFamily.InterNetworkV6..

Listen for ICMP packets in C#


IPAddress.Any 0 byte buffer new byte 4096 EndPoint remoteEndPoint new IPEndPoint IPAddress.Any 0 int bytesRead icmpListener.ReceiveFrom.. 0 int bytesRead icmpListener.ReceiveFrom buffer ref remoteEndPoint logger.Debug ICMPListener received bytesRead from remoteEndPoint.ToString.. logger.Debug ICMPListener received bytesRead from remoteEndPoint.ToString Below is a wireshark trace showing the ICMP responses..

UdpClient receive on broadcast address


ex MessageBox.Show ex.ErrorCode.ToString IPEndPoint remoteEndPoint null receivedNotification udpServer.Receive ref remoteEndPoint.. null receivedNotification udpServer.Receive ref remoteEndPoint ... However I am getting a socket exception saying that the..