

c# Programming Glossary: renamed

Calling C# from C++, Reverse P/Invoke, Mixed Mode DLLs and C++/CLI


C . Later on the syntax was changed quite a lot and it was renamed as C CLI. Have a look at this link for details. Yes CLR will..

How to resize window using XNA


where I am messing up. I will post my entire Game1 class I renamed it MainApp below. If anyone would like to see any of the other.. constructor obviously if you rename Game1 do it in your renamed constructor public class Game1 Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Game..

How to make Databinding type safe and support refactoring


is not very good because If the property is removed or renamed I don ™t get a compiler warning. If a rename the property with.. INotifyPropertyChanged so it copes with properties being renamed. It ™s usage looks like checkBoxCanEdit.Bind c c.Checked person..

How to resolve a .lnk in c#


the target of a Shell link even if it has been moved or renamed summary void Resolve IntPtr hwnd SLR_FLAGS fFlags summary Sets.. of the hwnd call resolve first. This handles moved and renamed files. IShellLinkW link .Resolve hwnd 0 StringBuilder sb new..

Unique file identifier in windows


meta data with individual files. If files are modified renamed or moved it would be useful to be able to automatically detect..

Are there good reasons not to use an ORM? [closed]


effort if a table gets a new column or a column gets renamed. Updating numerous SELECT INSERT and UPDATE queries vs. updating..

How to reference different version of dll with MSBuild


same just difference file versions. What I have done is renamed each one to 1.v5.dll 1.v6.dll etc. In my project files I am..

Sending email with attachments from C#, attachments arrive as Part 1.2 in Thunderbird


Thunderbird and Blackberry users the attachments have been renamed as Part 1.2 . I found this article which describes the problem..

git mv and only change case of directory


commit m renaming mv foo2 FOO git add A git commit amend m renamed foo to FOO That's the drawn out way of changing the working..

HTML Agility Pack strip tags NOT IN whitelist


0 DeletableNodesXpath i .ToString return _xPath I renamed the node because if I had to parse an XML namespace node it..

How do I create an expression tree calling IEnumerable<TSource>.Any(…)?


the way solving the real problem isn't too difficult. I've renamed your method to CallAny and changed the parameter types as suggested..

Is DbContext the same as DataContext?


on any namespace on framework 4 and it seems to me it was renamed from CT4 DbContext to .net4 System.Data.Linq.DataContext. Is..

Embedding a File Explorer instance in a WinForms app form


And if I could trap events e.g. files being selected renamed double clicked etc. then all the better c# winforms explorer..

The provider is not compatible with the version of Oracle client


in it Grab these dll's that were just unzipped oci.dll renamed from 'oci.dll.dbl' Oracle.DataAccess.dll oraociicus11.dll OraOps11w.dll.. OraOps11w.dll orannzsbb11.dll oraocci11.dll ociw32.dll renamed from 'ociw32.dll.dbl' Put all the DLLs in the same folder as..

Resolving a parameter name at runtime [duplicate]


at runtime For example in the following method if you renamed the method parameter you'd also have to remember to update the..