

c# Programming Glossary: render

C# get thumbnail from file via windows api


and mabye about a dozen more. I don't want to parse render and make thumbnails myself because Windows already knows how...

Complex UI inside ListBoxItem


items it doesn't take a lifetime to load the UI and only render what's visible on screen 5 Say I wanted to introduce complex.. to introduce complex graphics to the equation. Is winforms rendering hardware accelerated 6 How do I make all this Resolution.. own derived ListBox control that overrides paint etc to render the desired content. To your individual questions Is there any..

Weak event handler model for use with lambdas


and slightly mindblowing. I suspect that it will also render questions like this totally redundant. So far the most interesting..

Reading large text files with streams in C#


No ones concerned once its loaded the time it takes to render in the richtextbox its just the initial load of the text. Now..

How can I create a friendly URL in ASP.NET MVC?


of your URI and the application will ignore it. When you render the links you need to add the friendly text Html.ActionLink..

Creating an instance using Ninject with additional parameters in the constructor


for the kernel TransientBehavior in the sample which might render fact that the factory calculates i on the fly moot e.g. if it..

How do I create a custom membership provider for ASP.NET MVC 2?


summary The name of the master page or view to use when rendering the view on authorization failure. Default is null indicating.. string MasterName get set summary The name of the view to render on authorization failure. Default is Error . summary public..

Render HTML as an Image


ASP.NET MVC Razor: How to render a Razor Partial View's HTML inside the controller action


MVC Razor How to render a Razor Partial View's HTML inside the controller action How.. view does not derive from UserControl . How to fix the rendering to support razor partial view I need this because I generate..

C# mvc 3 using selectlist with selected value in view


i've got the following two rules which are supposed to render the selectlist for me. @Html.LabelFor m m.Categories @Html.DropDownListFor.. I can see all the correct data. Also the selectlist is rendered correctly but the item i want to be selected lost it's selection...

Regarding IE9 WebBrowser control


properties and functions of IE9 My concern is I want to render some SVG graphics on it. Thanks Omky c# .net 3.5 web browser.. the IE8 version you do have a little more control over the rendering mode inside the page by changing the doctype. Of course to..

How to render pdfs using C#


to render pdfs using C# I want to load and draw pdf files graphically.. using C#. I don't need to edit them or anything just render them at a given zoom level. The pdf libraries I have found seem.. on generation. How do I do this Thanks. c# pdf drawing rendering share improve this question There are a few other choices..

What does the [Flags] Enum Attribute mean in C#?


this way will be Yellow 0 Green 1 Red 2 Blue 3. This will render it useless for use as flags. Here's an example of a correct..

MVC Razor view nested foreach's model


to simply state what happens behind the scenes when razor renders this view it generates a class. Inside of this class is an.. Expression is we can go back to Html.TextBoxFor . When it renders a textbox it needs to generate a few things about the property.. to do with it. Now some people suggested using partials to render. Now this in theory will work but probably not the way that..

How to render a formula in WPF or WinForms


to render a formula in WPF or WinForms I need to have a way to draw a.. questions on SO WPF Math an inactive WPF library for rendering math related Tex. gNumerator is a WinForms control that renders.. math related Tex. gNumerator is a WinForms control that renders MathML . It is native C# but appears to be quite old. Math..

Redirecting unauthorized controller in ASP.NET MVC


summary The name of the master page or view to use when rendering the view on authorization failure. Default is null indicating.. string MasterName get set summary The name of the view to render on authorization failure. Default is Error . summary public..

ASP.NET Custom Controls - Composites


though since they can be compiled into a DLL. Custom Rendered Controls Similar to Custom Composite Controls these are added.. completely controlled by the programmer by overriding the Render method. My Thoughts.. OK so while playing with custom composites..

How to generate barcode from a string using c#?


special bar code font try to google for barcode font free Render the bar code to an image and display that try using the Barcode.. code to an image and display that try using the Barcode Rendering Framework available on codeplex In response to your updated..

How to render bitmap into canvas in WPF?


in WPF I've subclassed Canvas so that I can override its Render function. I need to know how I can load a bitmap in WPF and.. started class MyCanvas Canvas protected override void OnRender DrawingContext dc BitmapImage img new BitmapImage new Uri c..

Creating T4 templates at runtime (build-time)?


SomeNamespace public class SomeClass public string Render object data ... all your code goes here This means that you..

Double Buffering when not drawing in OnPaint(): why doesn't it work?


object sender PaintEventArgs e g doc.CreateGraphics Render ScaleFactor Offset private void Render float ScaleFactor PointF.. doc.CreateGraphics Render ScaleFactor Offset private void Render float ScaleFactor PointF offset foreach Line X in Document.Lines..

c# gridview row click


error messages i have this code protected override void Render HtmlTextWriter writer .NET will refuse to accept unknown postbacks.. to register all possible callbacks This must be done in Render hence the override for int i 0 i grdSearchResults.Rows.Count.. Select i.ToString Do the standard rendering stuff base.Render writer My question is how can I give a row a unique ID from..

Render HTML as an Image


HTML as an Image I'm generating a coupon based on dynamic input.. to do in your image is set the URL to be something like RenderImage.aspx MagicParm WooHoo or whatever you need. That way you..

ASP.NET Custom 404 Returning 200 OK Instead of 404 Not Found


it after the render was complete. protected override void Render HtmlTextWriter writer base.Render writer Response.StatusCode.. protected override void Render HtmlTextWriter writer base.Render writer Response.StatusCode 404 More work could be done to find..

Using the Razor view engine in a different way


ViewModel.Name Billy Boy string output RazorViewEngineRender myTemplate ViewModel Then the string output Hello Billy Boy.. System.Text.ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetBytes RazorViewEngineRender.strings System.IO.Path.GetFileName path Render Class This class.. System.IO.Path.GetFileName path Render Class This class takes your template as a constructor parameter..

Asp Composite control child control (radiobutton) losing checked value


to cowboy this slightly like so protected override void Render HtmlTextWriter writer base.Render writer writer.WriteBeginTag.. protected override void Render HtmlTextWriter writer base.Render writer writer.WriteBeginTag input writer.WriteAttribute type..

Render PDF in iTextSharp from HTML with CSS


PDF in iTextSharp from HTML with CSS Any idea how to render..

GraphViz C# interop resulting in AccessViolationException occasionally


mind. The failure is toward the end of the sample within RenderImage at the third statement set. I've noted the failing line.. static extern int gvFreeLayout IntPtr gvc IntPtr g summary Renders a graph to a file. summary DllImport LIB_GVC public static.. file. summary DllImport LIB_GVC public static extern int gvRenderFilename IntPtr gvc IntPtr g string format string fileName summary..

Making an entire row clickable in a gridview


RowToolTipSet value protected override void OnPreRender EventArgs e base.OnPreRender e foreach GridViewRow row in Rows.. protected override void OnPreRender EventArgs e base.OnPreRender e foreach GridViewRow row in Rows if row.RowType DataControlRowType.DataRow.. onmouseout protected override void Render HtmlTextWriter writer base.Render writer foreach GridViewRow..

Reporting (free || open source) Alternatives to Crystal Reports in Winforms [closed]


it to PDF and print it. See these threads for more details Render PDF in iTextSharp from HTML with CSS Maintain CSS styling when..