

c# Programming Glossary: remove

How to detect the currently pressed key?


Get property value from string using reflection in C#


has a switch comparing various types but I want to remove these types and properties and have GetSourceValue get the value..

How to remove illegal characters from path and filenames?


to remove illegal characters from path and filenames I need a robust.. from path and filenames I need a robust and simple way to remove illegal path and file characters from a simple string. I've..

Understanding Garbage Collection in .net


in the Release build. In fact the jitter optimizer will remove that statement since it has no effect whatsoever. So be sure..

Getting the size of a field in bytes with C#


sort of... and sort of not. Fairly obviously you could remove any single variable from FiveBytes to get the size back down..

How to provide user name and password when connecting to a network share


it into an IDisposable and call WNetCancelConnection2 to remove the creds afterwards avoiding the multiple usernames error using..

How can I create a Product Key for my C# App


that too. Digitally signing your code won't help they can remove that signature or resign it. You can complicate matters a bit..

How do I make a textbox that only accepts numbers?


as TextBox .Text.IndexOf '.' 1 e.Handled true You can remove the check for '.' and the subsequent check for more than one..

Proper use of the IDisposable interface


them again You'll notice in my code I was careful to remove references to objects that I've disposed so I don't try to call..

How can I evaluate a C# expression dynamically?


Following Biri s link I got this snippet modified to remove obsolete method ICodeCompiler.CreateCompiler private object..

Convert generic List/Enumerable to DataTable?


HyperDescriptor should be more than adequate. For example remove this if not on C# 3.0 .NET 3.5 public static DataTable ToDataTable..

C# Events and Thread Safety


with appropriate synchronisation in the add and remove accessors. And in addition there is the problem of possible.. the handler to have an empty action that is never removed. But doing a null check is the standard pattern. So the one..

Using C# regular expressions to remove HTML tags [duplicate]


C# regular expressions to remove HTML tags duplicate This question already has an answer here.. answers How do I use C# regular expression to replace remove all HTML tags including the angle brackets Can someone please..

How to remove all event handlers from a control


to remove all event handlers from a control To create a new event handler.. or this c.Click mainFormButton_Click and to remove an event handler you can do this c.Click mainFormButton_Click.. can do this c.Click mainFormButton_Click But how do you remove all event handlers from a control c# .net share improve this..

Remove duplicates from array


from a function call. I was wondering what the best way to remove duplicates from this array would be I could possibly cast to..

ASP.NET MVC ambiguous action methods


4321 1234 4321 Here are my action methods there are also Remove action methods ... Method #1 public ActionResult Assign string.. page ... And here are the routes... routes.MapRoute AssignRemove Items action itemId new controller Items routes.MapRoute.. action itemId new controller Items routes.MapRoute AssignRemovePretty Items action parentName itemName new controller Items..

Win32 API function to programmatically enable/disable device


1 InstallDevice 2 AssignResources 3 Properties 4 Remove 5 FirstTimeSetup 6 FoundDevice 7 SelectClassDrivers 8 ValidateClassDrivers.. 0x13 DetectVerify int 0x14 InstallDeviceFiles int 0x15 UnRemove int 0x16 SelectBestCompatDrv int 0x17 AllowInstall int 0x18.. unchecked int 0xe000021b DeviceInterfaceRemoved unchecked int 0xe000021c BadInterfaceInstallSect unchecked..

Remove duplicates in the list using linq


duplicates in the list using linq I have a class Items with..

How do C# Events work behind the scenes?


but otherwise the add remove just call Delegate. Combine Remove to change the value of the auto generated field. Both of these.. to __ElementAddedEvent value __ElementAddedEvent Delegate.Remove __ElementAddedEvent value The initial value of the generated.. are removed as that is the behaviour of Delegate.Remove. If you want a no op handler to subscribe to your event so as..

Bidirectional 1 to 1 Dictionary in C#


it is not for unique elements and also does not implement RemoveByFirst T t or RemoveBySecond S s . Thanks c# .net collections.. elements and also does not implement RemoveByFirst T t or RemoveBySecond S s . Thanks c# .net collections share improve this.. throw new ArgumentException second return first summary Remove the record containing first. If first is not in the dictionary..

Collection<T> versus List<T> what should you use on your interfaces?


be overridden and there are no hooks into its Add Insert Remove operations. This means that if you need to alter the behaviour..

Parse email content from quoted reply


Original Message On such and such day so and so wrote Remove the text from there down and you're done. The downside to any..

Is it possible to “steal” an event handler from one control and give it to another?


button1 null Delegate click events secret Remove it from button1 add it to button2 events.RemoveHandler secret.. secret Remove it from button1 add it to button2 events.RemoveHandler secret click events EventHandlerList eventsProp.GetValue..

multimap in .NET


toReturn values.Contains value return toReturn summary Removes the specified value for the specified key. It will leave the.. key. param param name value The value. param public void Remove TKey key TValue value ArgumentVerifier.CantBeNull key key HashSet.. null if this.TryGetValue key out container container.Remove value if container.Count 0 this.Remove key summary Merges..

Remove element of a regular array


element of a regular array I have an array of Foo objects... second element of the array I need something similar to RemoveAt but for a regular array. c# .net arrays share improve this.. don't want to use List var foos new List Foo array foos.RemoveAt index return foos.ToArray You could try this extension method..

Remove duplicates from a List<T> in C#


duplicates from a List T in C# Anyone have a quick method for..

TreeView Remove CheckBox by some Nodes


Remove CheckBox by some Nodes i want remove CheckBoxes where the Node.Type.. Image and the Line to the Root Node is not there. How can Remove the Checkbox and let the Image and the Line there This is wrong..

When to use struct in C#?


16 bytes Entry has an undetermined lifetime from Add to Remove Clear or garbage collection And ... 4. Both structs store TKey..

Creating a blocking Queue<T> in .NET?


checkSize internal void Remove T item lock List List.Remove item Trace.WriteLine string.Format.. checkSize internal void Remove T item lock List List.Remove item Trace.WriteLine string.Format BlockingCollection item.. protected override void OnRemoveComplete int index object value checkSize base.OnRemoveComplete..

Why is inserting entities in EF 4.1 so slow compared to ObjectContext?


by default. They are The Add Attach Find Local or Remove members on DbSet The GetValidationErrors Entry or SaveChanges..

Remove duplicates from array


duplicates from array I have been working with a string array..