android Programming Glossary: minimize
How do I stop GC_CONCURRENT running so frequently? Collection is called almost continuously. How can I minimize GArbage Colloection calls and what is the reason behind AudioTrack..
Declare local variables as late as possible or at the nearest curly brace they belong? [closed] variables alive for as short a time as possible and to minimize scope. The important thing for me is following naming conventions..
Pause an Android App with Phonegap in a particular state the user would expect the app to minimize and I want to replicate this behavior. Keep in mind on Android..
When is it better not to use Phonegap? [closed] a framework called phonegap as a possibility solution to minimize the development process. I understand the advantages phonegap..
Low-latency audio playback on Android audio playback on Android I'm currently attempting to minimize audio latency for a simple application I have a video on a PC..
Way to parse XML (org.w3c.Document) on Android a custom parser from the scratch . Word of advice Try to minimize string comparison and try to use hashmaps instead of long chains..
Change the background color of the options menu solution that works in current versions and is designed to minimize the chances of crashing breaking in future versions. We want..
PendingIntent works correctly for the first notification but incorrectly for the rest Clicking on the rest cause the notification window to minimize. Extra information Function displayNotification is in a class..
How to calculate distance based on phone acceleration There are a lot of tricks people have come up with to minimize this noise using things like Weiner and Kalman filters. Third..
HTML <select> element is abbreviated in iPhone or Android browsers question Are you able to create groups of option s to minimize the redundant text option value 1 AccountType EUR Customer option..
Android - How to decide whether to run a Service in a separate Process? Our Application uses startForeground and friends to minimize the chance of getting killed by the OS. The Android docs are..
AudioRecord and AudioTrack latency buffer sizes. The reason for those buffer sizes is to minimize drops when GC's occur according to Google which is a wrong decision..
Prevent Activity Stack from being Restored? no effect. But this will kill my activities even if I just minimize the application wont it I'd rather only clear the stack if the..
Pixel-Perfect Collision Detection Android each pixel of the bitmasks for the two objects. You could minimize the number of pixels you need to check by calculating the rectangular..
Creating a table/grid with a frozen column and frozen headers so that smaller strings will fit for sure while we can minimize the white space for larger strings that are for my system not..
failed binder transaction on widget update is to keep all transactions relatively small. Try to minimize the amount of memory needed to create a Parcel for the arguments..
How do I stop GC_CONCURRENT running so frequently? The AudiTrack is restarted every few miliseconds and GArbage Collection is called almost continuously. How can I minimize GArbage Colloection calls and what is the reason behind AudioTrack restart Plz Help... android audio audio recording android..
Declare local variables as late as possible or at the nearest curly brace they belong? [closed] close to where they are first used. He also recommends keeping variables alive for as short a time as possible and to minimize scope. The important thing for me is following naming conventions Sun's Java Code Conventions are widely used . As for where..
Pause an Android App with Phonegap this and while in most cases I want it to do my action when in a particular state the user would expect the app to minimize and I want to replicate this behavior. Keep in mind on Android this is not the same as closing the app. That is quite easy..
When is it better not to use Phonegap? [closed] Android IOS WindowsPhone in the wild internet I found a framework called phonegap as a possibility solution to minimize the development process. I understand the advantages phonegap has but could not find real downsides... 1. So the question..
Low-latency audio playback on Android latency audio playback on Android I'm currently attempting to minimize audio latency for a simple application I have a video on a PC and I'm transmitting the video's audio through RTP to a mobile..
Way to parse XML (org.w3c.Document) on Android these SAX parsers is as good as it gets unless you write a custom parser from the scratch . Word of advice Try to minimize string comparison and try to use hashmaps instead of long chains of if token.isEqual CONSTANT_TOKEN . Here are a few examples..
Change the background color of the options menu simply not available as of Android 2.3. So we have to use a solution that works in current versions and is designed to minimize the chances of crashing breaking in future versions. We want a solution that fails gracefully back to the default behavior..
PendingIntent works correctly for the first notification but incorrectly for the rest Unfortunately only the first notification launches testActivity. Clicking on the rest cause the notification window to minimize. Extra information Function displayNotification is in a class called UploadManager. Context is passed into UploadManager..
How to calculate distance based on phone acceleration But in the short run it means your reading is going to be noisy. There are a lot of tricks people have come up with to minimize this noise using things like Weiner and Kalman filters. Third as you may have noticed the accelerometer reading is not constant...
HTML <select> element is abbreviated in iPhone or Android browsers iphone jquery android html jquery ui share improve this question Are you able to create groups of option s to minimize the redundant text option value 1 AccountType EUR Customer option option value 1 CH12 3456 7890 1234 5678 9 option option..
Android - How to decide whether to run a Service in a separate Process? by the OS to free up resources if it's in a separate process Our Application uses startForeground and friends to minimize the chance of getting killed by the OS. The Android docs are not very specific about this the mostly state that it depends..
AudioRecord and AudioTrack latency AudioTrack AudioRecord classes have high latency due to minimum buffer sizes. The reason for those buffer sizes is to minimize drops when GC's occur according to Google which is a wrong decision in my opinion you can optimize your own memory management..
Prevent Activity Stack from being Restored? I want I've added it to my default activity but am seeing no effect. But this will kill my activities even if I just minimize the application wont it I'd rather only clear the stack if the entire process is rebooting. EDIT 2 No it's not what I want..
Pixel-Perfect Collision Detection Android if the object is actually there or not. Then you compare each pixel of the bitmasks for the two objects. You could minimize the number of pixels you need to check by calculating the rectangular area in which the two bounding boxes overlap. The..
Creating a table/grid with a frozen column and frozen headers and the maximum size of that column. This is really so that smaller strings will fit for sure while we can minimize the white space for larger strings that are for my system not going to be all capital letters. If you ran in to trouble..
failed binder transaction on widget update occurred. The key to avoiding TransactionTooLargeException is to keep all transactions relatively small. Try to minimize the amount of memory needed to create a Parcel for the arguments and the return value of the remote procedure call. Avoid..