android Programming Glossary: minsdkversion
Error importing HoloEverywhere folder Build Target should be the latest 14 or15 but your minSdkVersion can be less 7 or 8 Press Finish Right click on the newly created..
error opening trace file: No such file or directory (2) lines are added to AndroidManifest.xml uses sdk android minSdkVersion 14 android targetSdkVersion 15 I have also added the line uses..
Why my App is not showing up on tablets in Google Play? xhdpi compatible screens uses sdk tag uses sdk android minSdkVersion 8 android targetSdkVersion 11 permissions uses permission android..
Listview click to show image in ImageView versionCode 1 android versionName 1.0 uses sdk android minSdkVersion 8 android targetSdkVersion 15 uses permission android name android.permission.INTERNET..
This app won't run unless you update Google Play Services. (via Bazaar) versionCode 1 android versionName 1.0 uses sdk android minSdkVersion 8 android targetSdkVersion 15 permission android name com.example.maptest.permission.MAPS_RECEIVE..
Google Maps Android API v2 Authorization failure uses sdk android minSdkVersion 8 android targetSdkVersion 15 uses permission android name android.permission.INTERNET..
Unable instantiate android.gms.maps.MapFragment versionCode 1 android versionName 1.0 uses sdk android minSdkVersion 8 android targetSdkVersion 15 uses permission android name android.permission.INTERNET..
Sending and Receiving SMS and MMS in Android (pre Kit Kat Android 4.4) versionCode 1 android versionName 1.0 uses sdk android minSdkVersion 16 android targetSdkVersion 17 uses permission android name..
How to disable orientation change in Android? developing for API level 13 or higher as declared by the minSdkVersion and targetSdkVersion attributes you must include the screenSize..
ClassNotFoundException after ADT update versionCode 1 android versionName 1.0 uses sdk android minSdkVersion 8 android targetSdkVersion 17 uses permission android name android.permission.INTERNET..
Retrieve incoming call's phone number in Android intent filter receiver application uses sdk android minSdkVersion 5 uses permission android name android.permission.INTERNET uses..
After Google Play Service update to version 13 I got an error android versionName 4.0.30 889083 30 uses sdk android minSdkVersion 8 manifest public void loginGooglePlus aHelper.setup this GameHelper.CLIENT_APPSTATE..
Changing Locale within the app itself intent filter activity application uses sdk android minSdkVersion 3 manifest THIS IS WHAT I FOUND uses sdk android minSdkVersion.. 3 manifest THIS IS WHAT I FOUND uses sdk android minSdkVersion 5 IT WORKS JUST FINE ... uses sdk android minSdkVersion 3 Menu.. minSdkVersion 5 IT WORKS JUST FINE ... uses sdk android minSdkVersion 3 Menu shrinks every time you change the locale as I want to..
Android - SMS Broadcast receiver intent filter receiver application uses sdk android minSdkVersion 7 uses permission android name android.permission.INTERNET uses..
Example: Communication between Activity and Service using Messaging name .MyService service application uses sdk android minSdkVersion 8 manifest res values strings.xml xml version 1.0 encoding utf..
Android Min SDK Version vs. Target SDK Version android eclipse share improve this question android minSdkVersion An integer designating the minimum API Level required for the.. says that it is able to run on older versions down to minSdkVersion but was explicitly tested to work with the version specified..
How to start a Service when .apk is Installed for the first time versionCode 1 android versionName 1.0 uses sdk android minSdkVersion 8 uses permission android name android.permission.RECEIVE_BOOT_COMPLETED..
Error importing HoloEverywhere to the library folder inside extracted AndroidBarSherlock folder Build Target should be the latest 14 or15 but your minSdkVersion can be less 7 or 8 Press Finish Right click on the newly created project and go to Properties . Under the Android heading..
error opening trace file: No such file or directory (2) possible reason for this I am using android sdk 20 and below lines are added to AndroidManifest.xml uses sdk android minSdkVersion 14 android targetSdkVersion 15 I have also added the line uses permission android name android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE..
Why my App is not showing up on tablets in Google Play? hdpi screen android screenSize xlarge android screenDensity xhdpi compatible screens uses sdk tag uses sdk android minSdkVersion 8 android targetSdkVersion 11 permissions uses permission android name uses permission android..
Listview click to show image in ImageView apk res android package com.example.test android versionCode 1 android versionName 1.0 uses sdk android minSdkVersion 8 android targetSdkVersion 15 uses permission android name android.permission.INTERNET uses permission android name android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE..
This app won't run unless you update Google Play Services. (via Bazaar) apk res android package com.example.maptest android versionCode 1 android versionName 1.0 uses sdk android minSdkVersion 8 android targetSdkVersion 15 permission android name com.example.maptest.permission.MAPS_RECEIVE android protectionLevel..
Google Maps Android API v2 Authorization failure protectionLevel signature uses permission android name uses sdk android minSdkVersion 8 android targetSdkVersion 15 uses permission android name android.permission.INTERNET uses permission android name android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE..
Unable instantiate android.gms.maps.MapFragment apk res android package com.wenhai.driverschool android versionCode 1 android versionName 1.0 uses sdk android minSdkVersion 8 android targetSdkVersion 15 uses permission android name android.permission.INTERNET add for map2 permission android name..
Sending and Receiving SMS and MMS in Android (pre Kit Kat Android 4.4) apk res android package com.myexample android versionCode 1 android versionName 1.0 uses sdk android minSdkVersion 16 android targetSdkVersion 17 uses permission android name android.permission.READ_CONTACTS uses permission android name..
How to disable orientation change in Android? to prevent runtime restarts due to orientation change when developing for API level 13 or higher as declared by the minSdkVersion and targetSdkVersion attributes you must include the screenSize value in addition to the orientation value. That is you..
ClassNotFoundException after ADT update apk res android package com.example.myapp android versionCode 1 android versionName 1.0 uses sdk android minSdkVersion 8 android targetSdkVersion 17 uses permission android name android.permission.INTERNET uses permission android name android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE..
Retrieve incoming call's phone number in Android filter action android name android.intent.action.PHONE_STATE intent filter receiver application uses sdk android minSdkVersion 5 uses permission android name android.permission.INTERNET uses permission android name android.permission.WRITE_CONTACTS..
After Google Play Service update to version 13 I got an error package android versionCode 4030530 android versionName 4.0.30 889083 30 uses sdk android minSdkVersion 8 manifest public void loginGooglePlus aHelper.setup this GameHelper.CLIENT_APPSTATE GameHelper.CLIENT_GAMES mHelper aHelper.getAppStateClient..
Changing Locale within the app itself category android name android.intent.category.LAUNCHER intent filter activity application uses sdk android minSdkVersion 3 manifest THIS IS WHAT I FOUND uses sdk android minSdkVersion 5 IT WORKS JUST FINE ... uses sdk android minSdkVersion 3.. intent filter activity application uses sdk android minSdkVersion 3 manifest THIS IS WHAT I FOUND uses sdk android minSdkVersion 5 IT WORKS JUST FINE ... uses sdk android minSdkVersion 3 Menu shrinks every time you change the locale as I want to keep.. minSdkVersion 3 manifest THIS IS WHAT I FOUND uses sdk android minSdkVersion 5 IT WORKS JUST FINE ... uses sdk android minSdkVersion 3 Menu shrinks every time you change the locale as I want to keep my application accessible for users on 1.5 what should..
Android - SMS Broadcast receiver android name android.provider.telephony.SMS_RECEIVED action intent filter receiver application uses sdk android minSdkVersion 7 uses permission android name android.permission.INTERNET uses permission uses permission android name android.permission.RECEIVE_SMS..
Example: Communication between Activity and Service using Messaging intent filter activity service android name .MyService service application uses sdk android minSdkVersion 8 manifest res values strings.xml xml version 1.0 encoding utf 8 resources string name app_name ExampleService string string..
Android Min SDK Version vs. Target SDK Version a new project unless Min and Target versions are the same android eclipse share improve this question android minSdkVersion An integer designating the minimum API Level required for the application to run. The Android system will prevent the user.. is targetting. With this attribute set the application says that it is able to run on older versions down to minSdkVersion but was explicitly tested to work with the version specified here. Specifying this target version allows the platform to..
How to start a Service when .apk is Installed for the first time apk res android package android versionCode 1 android versionName 1.0 uses sdk android minSdkVersion 8 uses permission android name android.permission.RECEIVE_BOOT_COMPLETED application android icon @drawable ic_launcher..