android Programming Glossary: mimebodypart
Reading mails sent from GMail getBodyPart on the MimeMultiPart That probably returns a MimeBodyPart you can call getContent on http javaee 5 api..
how to send email with attached file in android? new Date setup message body BodyPart messageBodyPart new MimeBodyPart messageBodyPart.setText _body _multipart.addBodyPart messageBodyPart.. filename throws Exception BodyPart messageBodyPart new MimeBodyPart DataSource source new FileDataSource filename messageBodyPart.setDataHandler..
How to send a simple email programatically? (exists a simple way to do it??) import javax.mail.internet.MimeBodyPart import javax.mail.internet.MimeMultipart public class MailService.. Multipart mp new MimeMultipart related set body message MimeBodyPart bodyMsg new MimeBodyPart bodyMsg.setText txtBody iso 8859 1.. related set body message MimeBodyPart bodyMsg new MimeBodyPart bodyMsg.setText txtBody iso 8859 1 if attachments.size 0 htmlBody..
Sending email with attachment through GMailSender? handler Create your new message part BodyPart imgPart new MimeBodyPart Create a related multi part to combine the parts MimeMultipart.. new InternetAddress sender message.setSubject subject MimeBodyPart mbp1 new MimeBodyPart mbp1.setText body MimeBodyPart mbp2 new.. sender message.setSubject subject MimeBodyPart mbp1 new MimeBodyPart mbp1.setText body MimeBodyPart mbp2 new MimeBodyPart FileDataSource..
how to getAuth token and send email in background? related String htmlText null BodyPart messageBodyPart new MimeBodyPart htmlText body messageBodyPart.setContent htmlText text html.. body messageBodyPart.setContent htmlText text html MimeBodyPart attachmentPart new MimeBodyPart FileDataSource fileDataSource.. htmlText text html MimeBodyPart attachmentPart new MimeBodyPart FileDataSource fileDataSource new FileDataSource path_img @Override..
Reading mails sent from GMail as javax.mail.internet.MimeMultipart@44f2e698 Try calling getBodyPart on the MimeMultiPart That probably returns a MimeBodyPart you can call getContent on http javaee 5 api javax mail internet MimeBodyPart.html#content share improve..
how to send email with attached file in android? actAddressTo msg.setSubject _subject msg.setSentDate new Date setup message body BodyPart messageBodyPart new MimeBodyPart messageBodyPart.setText _body _multipart.addBodyPart messageBodyPart msg.setContent _multipart text html msg.setContent.. return true else return false public void addAttachment String filename throws Exception BodyPart messageBodyPart new MimeBodyPart DataSource source new FileDataSource filename messageBodyPart.setDataHandler new DataHandler source messageBodyPart.setFileName..
How to send a simple email programatically? (exists a simple way to do it??) import javax.mail.internet.AddressException import javax.mail.internet.InternetAddress import javax.mail.internet.MimeBodyPart import javax.mail.internet.MimeMultipart public class MailService public static final String MAIL_SERVER localhost private.. setting the subject and content type msg.setSubject subject Multipart mp new MimeMultipart related set body message MimeBodyPart bodyMsg new MimeBodyPart bodyMsg.setText txtBody iso 8859 1 if attachments.size 0 htmlBody htmlBody.replaceAll #filename#.. content type msg.setSubject subject Multipart mp new MimeMultipart related set body message MimeBodyPart bodyMsg new MimeBodyPart bodyMsg.setText txtBody iso 8859 1 if attachments.size 0 htmlBody htmlBody.replaceAll #filename# attachments.get 0 .getFilename..
Sending email with attachment through GMailSender? sender message.setSubject subject message.setDataHandler handler Create your new message part BodyPart imgPart new MimeBodyPart Create a related multi part to combine the parts MimeMultipart multipart new MimeMultipart related multipart.addBodyPart.. MimeMessage message new MimeMessage session message.setSender new InternetAddress sender message.setSubject subject MimeBodyPart mbp1 new MimeBodyPart mbp1.setText body MimeBodyPart mbp2 new MimeBodyPart FileDataSource fds new FileDataSource attachment.. new MimeMessage session message.setSender new InternetAddress sender message.setSubject subject MimeBodyPart mbp1 new MimeBodyPart mbp1.setText body MimeBodyPart mbp2 new MimeBodyPart FileDataSource fds new FileDataSource attachment mbp2.setDataHandler..
how to getAuth token and send email in background? handler MimeMultipart multipart new MimeMultipart related String htmlText null BodyPart messageBodyPart new MimeBodyPart htmlText body messageBodyPart.setContent htmlText text html MimeBodyPart attachmentPart new MimeBodyPart FileDataSource.. htmlText null BodyPart messageBodyPart new MimeBodyPart htmlText body messageBodyPart.setContent htmlText text html MimeBodyPart attachmentPart new MimeBodyPart FileDataSource fileDataSource new FileDataSource path_img @Override public String getContentType.. new MimeBodyPart htmlText body messageBodyPart.setContent htmlText text html MimeBodyPart attachmentPart new MimeBodyPart FileDataSource fileDataSource new FileDataSource path_img @Override public String getContentType return image jpg attachmentPart.setDataHandler..