android Programming Glossary: mimageview
Draw Rectangle Over ImageView for highlight that can be zoom in-out in android orignalRect private Drawable mDrawable private ImageView mImageView display width height. private int mWidth private int mHeight..
nullpointer exception raises when i click on the button DIALOG_ID 0 private Uri mImageCaptureUri private ImageView mImageView public static class Certificates private Bitmap bmp public Certificates.. final AlertDialog dialog builder.create mImageView ImageView findViewById Button findViewById bitmap BitmapFactory.decodeFile path mImageView.setImageBitmap bitmap public String getRealPathFromURI Uri..
Resizing ImageView to fit to aspect ratio imageview share improve this question ImageView mImageView This is the ImageView to change Use this in onWindowFocusChanged.. url Gets the width you want it to be intendedWidth mImageView.getWidth Gets the downloaded image dimensions int originalWidth.. int newHeight int Math.round originalHeight scale Resizes mImageView. Change FrameLayout to whatever layout mImageView is located..
Masking(crop) image in frame image and using of Xfermode with Bitmap Mask ImageView mImageView ImageView findViewById Bitmap original BitmapFactory.decodeResource.. mCanvas.drawBitmap mask 0 0 paint paint.setXfermode null mImageView.setImageBitmap result mImageView.setScaleType ScaleType.CENTER.. paint.setXfermode null mImageView.setImageBitmap result mImageView.setScaleType ScaleType.CENTER mImageView.setBackgroundResource..
How to parse Sub JSONArray and display image? Void Void Bitmap private String mUrl private ImageView mImageView null public DownloadImageTask String Url ImageView imageView.. String Url ImageView imageView mUrl Url this.mImageView imageView protected void onPostExecute Bitmap result super.onPostExecute.. Bitmap result super.onPostExecute result if result null mImageView.setImageBitmap result protected Bitmap doInBackground Void.....
How to crop image in android Window.FEATURE_NO_TITLE setContentView R.layout.cropimage mImageView CropImageView findViewById showStorageToast this.. this Outside Face Detection Toast.LENGTH_LONG .show mImageView.setImageBitmapResetBase mBitmap true Util.startBackgroundJob.. new Runnable public void run if b mBitmap b null mImageView.setImageBitmapResetBase b true mBitmap.recycle mBitmap b ..
Download image for imageview on Android StackOverflowActivity extends Activity private ImageView mImageView Called when the activity is first created. @Override public.. R.layout.main Find the reference to the ImageView mImageView ImageView findViewById You can set a temporary.. @param drawable private void setImage Drawable drawable mImageView.setBackgroundDrawable drawable public class DownloadImage extends..
Draw Rectangle Over ImageView for highlight that can be zoom in-out in android float 9 private final float mMatrixValues new float 9 RectF orignalRect private Drawable mDrawable private ImageView mImageView display width height. private int mWidth private int mHeight private int mIntrinsicWidth private int mIntrinsicHeight private..
nullpointer exception raises when i click on the button Activity implements OnClickListener static final int DIALOG_ID 0 private Uri mImageCaptureUri private ImageView mImageView public static class Certificates private Bitmap bmp public Certificates Bitmap b bmp b public Bitmap getBitmap return bmp.. Intent.createChooser intent Complete action using PICK_FROM_FILE final AlertDialog dialog builder.create mImageView ImageView findViewById Button findViewById .setOnClickListener new View.OnClickListener @Override.. null bitmap BitmapFactory.decodeFile path else path mImageCaptureUri.getPath bitmap BitmapFactory.decodeFile path mImageView.setImageBitmap bitmap public String getRealPathFromURI Uri contentUri String proj MediaStore.Images.Media.DATA Cursor..
Resizing ImageView to fit to aspect ratio will only scale down an image and not scale it up. android imageview share improve this question ImageView mImageView This is the ImageView to change Use this in onWindowFocusChanged so that the ImageView is fully loaded or the dimensions.. the image from the internet Bitmap loadedImage getImageFromInternet url Gets the width you want it to be intendedWidth mImageView.getWidth Gets the downloaded image dimensions int originalWidth loadedImage.getWidth int originalHeight loadedImage.getHeight.. new dimensions float scale float intendedWidth originalWidth int newHeight int Math.round originalHeight scale Resizes mImageView. Change FrameLayout to whatever layout mImageView is located in. mImageView.setLayoutParams new FrameLayout.LayoutParams..
Masking(crop) image in frame this question Finally got the solution while changing mask image and using of Xfermode with Bitmap Mask ImageView mImageView ImageView findViewById Bitmap original BitmapFactory.decodeResource getResources R.drawable.content_image.. PorterDuff.Mode.DST_IN mCanvas.drawBitmap original 0 0 null mCanvas.drawBitmap mask 0 0 paint paint.setXfermode null mImageView.setImageBitmap result mImageView.setScaleType ScaleType.CENTER mImageView.setBackgroundResource R.drawable.background_frame.. original 0 0 null mCanvas.drawBitmap mask 0 0 paint paint.setXfermode null mImageView.setImageBitmap result mImageView.setScaleType ScaleType.CENTER mImageView.setBackgroundResource R.drawable.background_frame see output Source can be found..
How to parse Sub JSONArray and display image? public class DownloadImageTask extends AsyncTask Void Void Bitmap private String mUrl private ImageView mImageView null public DownloadImageTask String Url ImageView imageView mUrl Url this.mImageView imageView protected void onPostExecute.. String mUrl private ImageView mImageView null public DownloadImageTask String Url ImageView imageView mUrl Url this.mImageView imageView protected void onPostExecute Bitmap result super.onPostExecute result if result null mImageView.setImageBitmap.. Url this.mImageView imageView protected void onPostExecute Bitmap result super.onPostExecute result if result null mImageView.setImageBitmap result protected Bitmap doInBackground Void... params Bitmap bitmap getBitmap mUrl return bitmap public..
How to crop image in android mContentResolver getContentResolver requestWindowFeature Window.FEATURE_NO_TITLE setContentView R.layout.cropimage mImageView CropImageView findViewById showStorageToast this Intent intent getIntent Bundle extras intent.getExtras if extras.. Face Detection Toast.LENGTH_LONG .show return Toast.makeText this Outside Face Detection Toast.LENGTH_LONG .show mImageView.setImageBitmapResetBase mBitmap true Util.startBackgroundJob this null Please wait u2026 new Runnable public void run final.. IImage.UNCONSTRAINED 1024 1024 mBitmap new Runnable public void run if b mBitmap b null mImageView.setImageBitmapResetBase b true mBitmap.recycle mBitmap b if mImageView.getScale 1F true true latch.countDown..
Download image for imageview on Android android.util.Log import android.widget.ImageView public class StackOverflowActivity extends Activity private ImageView mImageView Called when the activity is first created. @Override public void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState super.onCreate savedInstanceState.. savedInstanceState super.onCreate savedInstanceState setContentView R.layout.main Find the reference to the ImageView mImageView ImageView findViewById You can set a temporary background here image.setImageResource null Start the DownloadImage.. CQzlM.jpg Simple functin to set a Drawable to the image View @param drawable private void setImage Drawable drawable mImageView.setBackgroundDrawable drawable public class DownloadImage extends AsyncTask String Integer Drawable @Override protected..