android Programming Glossary: minwidth
ActionBarSherlock - How to set the padding of each actionbar's icon? parent Widget.Sherlock.ActionButton item name android minWidth 50dip item style android icons padding android actionbar actionbarsherlock.. parent Widget.Sherlock.ActionButton item name android minWidth 32dip item item name android padding 0dip item style The default.. padding 0dip item style The default value of android minWidth for the ActionBar buttons is 56dip . Don't forget to set @style..
android: swipe left or right to slide views product_detail_gradient android minHeight 100dp android minWidth 100dp ImageView android id @ id productimage2 android layout_width.. product_detail_gradient android minHeight 100dp android minWidth 100dp ImageView android id @ id productimage1 android layout_width.. product_detail_gradient android minHeight 100dp android minWidth 100dp LinearLayout HorizontalScrollView RelativeLayout android..
indeterminateProgressBar in ActionBar styling - padding issue item item name android minWidth @dimen ab_indeterminate_progress_bar_size item item name android..
Take screensot and save android 44dp android maxWidth 55dp android minHeight 44dp android minWidth 55dp android src @drawable icon_edit TextView android id @ id..
Android Widget Not Updating android http apk res android android minWidth 294dp android minHeight 72dp android updatePeriodMillis 20000..
How to set a dialog themed activity width to screen width? [duplicate] android share improve this question Set android minWidth and or android minHeight in your LinearLayout. share improve..
How to center icon and text in a android button with width set to “fill parent” layout_height wrap_content android minHeight 32dp android minWidth 150dp android gravity center_horizontal top share improve..
How to keep an alertdialog open after button onclick is fired? fill_parent android layout_height wrap_content android minWidth 180dip android digits 1234567890 android maxLength 4 android..
Android ListView with RadioButton in singleChoice mode and a custom row layout android textSize 40sp android layout_margin 2dip android minWidth 30dip android textColor #555 RelativeLayout android layout_toRightOf..
Android: Enable Scrollbars on Canvas-Based View attr name android minHeight attr name android minWidth attr name android nextFocusDown attr name android nextFocusLeft..
Android Layout Weight inputType number android selectAllOnFocus true android minWidth 50sp android maxWidth 50sp android background @drawable tv_black_background3..
Android 4.0: widgets not appearing? android http apk res android android minWidth 72dip android minHeight 72dip android updatePeriodMillis 0 android..
Is there a way to reduce the spacing between the Action Item Icons on Action Bar? style Widget.Holo.Light.ActionButton item name android minWidth 0dip item item name android paddingLeft 0dip item item name..
1x1 Android Widget shows as 2x2 widget on WXGA720 screen android http apk res android android minWidth 72dip android minHeight 72dip android updatePeriodMillis 1000..
ActionBarSherlock - How to set the padding of each actionbar's icon? item style style name Widget.AstraTheme_Purple.ActionButton parent Widget.Sherlock.ActionButton item name android minWidth 50dip item style android icons padding android actionbar actionbarsherlock share improve this question style name AppTheme.. MyActionButtonStyle item style style name MyActionButtonStyle parent Widget.Sherlock.ActionButton item name android minWidth 32dip item item name android padding 0dip item style The default value of android minWidth for the ActionBar buttons is.. item name android minWidth 32dip item item name android padding 0dip item style The default value of android minWidth for the ActionBar buttons is 56dip . Don't forget to set @style AppTheme as the Activity 's theme. share improve this answer..
android: swipe left or right to slide views 20dp android layout_weight 1 android background @drawable product_detail_gradient android minHeight 100dp android minWidth 100dp ImageView android id @ id productimage2 android layout_width wrap_content android layout_height wrap_content .. 70dp android layout_weight 1 android background @drawable product_detail_gradient android minHeight 100dp android minWidth 100dp ImageView android id @ id productimage1 android layout_width wrap_content android layout_height wrap_content .. 70dp android layout_weight 1 android background @drawable product_detail_gradient android minHeight 100dp android minWidth 100dp LinearLayout HorizontalScrollView RelativeLayout android id @ id description android layout_width fill_parent..
indeterminateProgressBar in ActionBar styling - padding issue item name android indeterminateDrawable @drawable layer_list_ab_indeterminate_progress_bar item item name android minWidth @dimen ab_indeterminate_progress_bar_size item item name android maxWidth @dimen ab_indeterminate_progress_bar_size item..
Take screensot and save android android layout_toLeftOf @ id imageButton4 android maxHeight 44dp android maxWidth 55dp android minHeight 44dp android minWidth 55dp android src @drawable icon_edit TextView android id @ id textView1 android layout_width 297dp android layout_height..
Android Widget Not Updating battery just testing . Configuration appwidget provider xmlns android http apk res android android minWidth 294dp android minHeight 72dp android updatePeriodMillis 20000 android initialLayout @layout my_custom_app_widget ` appwidget..
How to set a dialog themed activity width to screen width? [duplicate]
How to center icon and text in a android button with width set to “fill parent”
How to keep an alertdialog open after button onclick is fired? android orientation vertical EditText android layout_width fill_parent android layout_height wrap_content android minWidth 180dip android digits 1234567890 android maxLength 4 android password true LinearLayout android layout_width fill_parent..
Android ListView with RadioButton in singleChoice mode and a custom row layout android layout_centerVertical true android gravity center android textSize 40sp android layout_margin 2dip android minWidth 30dip android textColor #555 RelativeLayout android layout_toRightOf @id quantity android layout_centerVertical true android..
Android: Enable Scrollbars on Canvas-Based View attr name android keepScreenOn attr name android longClickable attr name android minHeight attr name android minWidth attr name android nextFocusDown attr name android nextFocusLeft attr name android nextFocusRight attr name android nextFocusUp..
Android Layout Weight wrap_content android layout_height wrap_content android inputType number android selectAllOnFocus true android minWidth 50sp android maxWidth 50sp android background @drawable tv_black_background3 android textColorHighlight #c30505 EditText..
Android 4.0: widgets not appearing? xml version 1.0 encoding utf 8 appwidget provider xmlns android http apk res android android minWidth 72dip android minHeight 72dip android updatePeriodMillis 0 android initialLayout @layout main appwidget provider android..
Is there a way to reduce the spacing between the Action Item Icons on Action Bar? the magic is here style name ActionButtonStyle parent @android style Widget.Holo.Light.ActionButton item name android minWidth 0dip item item name android paddingLeft 0dip item item name android paddingRight 0dip item style normaly minWidth is set..
1x1 Android Widget shows as 2x2 widget on WXGA720 screen x 144 pixels My widget specification appwidget provider xmlns android http apk res android android minWidth 72dip android minHeight 72dip android updatePeriodMillis 1000 android initialLayout @layout widget appwidget provider On..