android Programming Glossary: mimagecaptureuri
nullpointer exception raises when i click on the button OnClickListener static final int DIALOG_ID 0 private Uri mImageCaptureUri private ImageView mImageView public static class Certificates.. tmp_avatar_ String.valueOf System.currentTimeMillis .jpg mImageCaptureUri Uri.fromFile file try intent.putExtra android.provider.MediaStore.EXTRA_OUTPUT.. intent.putExtra android.provider.MediaStore.EXTRA_OUTPUT mImageCaptureUri intent.putExtra return data true startActivityForResult..
How to send multiple images to server using MultipartEntity from android method stub if resultCode RESULT_OK if data null mImageCaptureUri data.getData display mImageCaptureUri else Toast.makeText CustomTabActivity.mTabHost.getContext.. if data null mImageCaptureUri data.getData display mImageCaptureUri else Toast.makeText CustomTabActivity.mTabHost.getContext No.. Toast.LENGTH_SHORT .show private String display Uri mImageCaptureUri2 TODO Auto generated method stub String base64string null try..
Let user crop image Image Crop Uri for set image crop option . private Uri mImageCaptureUri int for set key and get key from result activity . public.. file . private void doCrop String filePath try New Flow mImageCaptureUri Uri.fromFile new File filePath final ArrayList CropOption cropOptions.. Toast.LENGTH_SHORT .show return else intent.setData mImageCaptureUri intent.putExtra outputX 300 intent.putExtra outputY 300 intent.putExtra..
Android: Crop an Image after Taking it With Camera with a Fixed Aspect Ratio Wysie_Soh Create path for temp file mImageCaptureUri Uri.fromFile new File Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory.. intent.putExtra android.provider.MediaStore.EXTRA_OUTPUT mImageCaptureUri try intent.putExtra return data true startActivityForResult.. Wysie_Soh Delete the temporary file File f new File mImageCaptureUri.getPath if f.exists f.delete InputMethodManager mgr InputMethodManager..
Android Camera Intent with Crop app Toast.LENGTH_SHORT .show return else intent.setData mImageCaptureUri intent.putExtra outputX 200 intent.putExtra outputY 200 intent.putExtra.. @Override public void onCancel DialogInterface dialog if mImageCaptureUri null getContentResolver .delete mImageCaptureUri null null.. if mImageCaptureUri null getContentResolver .delete mImageCaptureUri null null mImageCaptureUri null AlertDialog alert builder.create..
nullpointer exception raises when i click on the button public class SaveData extends Activity implements OnClickListener static final int DIALOG_ID 0 private Uri mImageCaptureUri private ImageView mImageView public static class Certificates private Bitmap bmp public Certificates Bitmap b bmp b public.. File file new File Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory tmp_avatar_ String.valueOf System.currentTimeMillis .jpg mImageCaptureUri Uri.fromFile file try intent.putExtra android.provider.MediaStore.EXTRA_OUTPUT mImageCaptureUri intent.putExtra return.. .jpg mImageCaptureUri Uri.fromFile file try intent.putExtra android.provider.MediaStore.EXTRA_OUTPUT mImageCaptureUri intent.putExtra return data true startActivityForResult intent PICK_FROM_CAMERA catch Exception e e.printStackTrace..
How to send multiple images to server using MultipartEntity from android int requestCode int resultCode Intent data TODO Auto generated method stub if resultCode RESULT_OK if data null mImageCaptureUri data.getData display mImageCaptureUri else Toast.makeText CustomTabActivity.mTabHost.getContext No photo selected.. Toast.LENGTH_SHORT.. data TODO Auto generated method stub if resultCode RESULT_OK if data null mImageCaptureUri data.getData display mImageCaptureUri else Toast.makeText CustomTabActivity.mTabHost.getContext No photo selected.. Toast.LENGTH_SHORT .show private String.. CustomTabActivity.mTabHost.getContext No photo selected.. Toast.LENGTH_SHORT .show private String display Uri mImageCaptureUri2 TODO Auto generated method stub String base64string null try if mImageCaptureUri2 null System.gc selectedImagePath getPath..
Let user crop image of Crop Image In Android. This the Global variable. This For Image Crop Uri for set image crop option . private Uri mImageCaptureUri int for set key and get key from result activity . public final int CROP_FROM_CAMERA 0 Bitmap for apply Crop Operation.. Method for apply Crop . @param filePath String path of file . private void doCrop String filePath try New Flow mImageCaptureUri Uri.fromFile new File filePath final ArrayList CropOption cropOptions new ArrayList CropOption Intent intent new Intent.. if size 0 Toast.makeText this Can not find image crop app Toast.LENGTH_SHORT .show return else intent.setData mImageCaptureUri intent.putExtra outputX 300 intent.putExtra outputY 300 intent.putExtra aspectX 1 intent.putExtra aspectY 1 intent.putExtra..
Android: Crop an Image after Taking it With Camera with a Fixed Aspect Ratio msg 2ab62c12ee99ba30 Intent intent new Intent MediaStore.ACTION_IMAGE_CAPTURE Wysie_Soh Create path for temp file mImageCaptureUri Uri.fromFile new File Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory tmp_contact_ String.valueOf System.currentTimeMillis .jpg.. tmp_contact_ String.valueOf System.currentTimeMillis .jpg intent.putExtra android.provider.MediaStore.EXTRA_OUTPUT mImageCaptureUri try intent.putExtra return data true startActivityForResult intent PICK_FROM_CAMERA catch ActivityNotFoundException e Do.. true mPhotoImageView.setImageBitmap photo setPhotoPresent true Wysie_Soh Delete the temporary file File f new File mImageCaptureUri.getPath if f.exists f.delete InputMethodManager mgr InputMethodManager getSystemService Context.INPUT_METHOD_SERVICE..
Android Camera Intent with Crop if size 0 Toast.makeText this Can not find image crop app Toast.LENGTH_SHORT .show return else intent.setData mImageCaptureUri intent.putExtra outputX 200 intent.putExtra outputY 200 intent.putExtra outputX int_Height_crop intent.putExtra outputY.. new DialogInterface.OnCancelListener @Override public void onCancel DialogInterface dialog if mImageCaptureUri null getContentResolver .delete mImageCaptureUri null null mImageCaptureUri null AlertDialog alert builder.create.. @Override public void onCancel DialogInterface dialog if mImageCaptureUri null getContentResolver .delete mImageCaptureUri null null mImageCaptureUri null AlertDialog alert builder.create Cropoption package com.any import android.content.Intent..