android Programming Glossary: mimics
Actionbarsherlock - change actionbar line colour this question You need to do two things The ABS 4 now mimics the standard Action bar with its attributes so you need to add..
ActionBarSherlock: how to access home button view? in list navigation. Supply a custom navigation view which mimics the home view e.g. has your app icon in it . With this custom..
Android: velocity-based ViewPager scrolling false private void trackMotion float distX The following mimics the underlying calculations in ViewPager float scrollX getScrollX..
Difference between iPhone Simulator and Android Emulator is not true in case of simulator. I think Android emulator mimics the processing speed of the target device the memory usage but..
Android WebView Javascript getSelection a WebTextView private class in Android's arsenal which mimics the text position yet allows images to show through and allows..
Check if intent uri is available intent. Of course you need to construct the intent that mimics the uri click. That might be done using Intent.setData function..
Styling EditText view with shape drawable to look similar to new holographic theme for Android < 3.0 Android 3.0 I want to create a shape drawable for that mimics the new holographic theme Android 3.0 on older Android versions...
Actionbarsherlock - change actionbar line colour actionbarsherlock android theme android styles share improve this question You need to do two things The ABS 4 now mimics the standard Action bar with its attributes so you need to add item name background @drawable ad_tab_unselected_holo item..
ActionBarSherlock: how to access home button view? Go for the newer style navigation and customize the built in list navigation. Supply a custom navigation view which mimics the home view e.g. has your app icon in it . With this custom view you will be able to provide an anchor on which the custom..
Android: velocity-based ViewPager scrolling float velY mFlingRunnable.startUsingVelocity int velX return false private void trackMotion float distX The following mimics the underlying calculations in ViewPager float scrollX getScrollX distX final int width getWidth final int widthWithMargin..
Difference between iPhone Simulator and Android Emulator that Emulator really emulates the target device which is not true in case of simulator. I think Android emulator mimics the processing speed of the target device the memory usage but a simulator does not emulate the device. android iphone..
Android WebView Javascript getSelection actually being used for selection... It is being pushed under a WebTextView private class in Android's arsenal which mimics the text position yet allows images to show through and allows you to select the text which appears in the actual HTML...
Check if intent uri is available there is any Activity in the system capable of handling your intent. Of course you need to construct the intent that mimics the uri click. That might be done using Intent.setData function though I didn't test verify that myself. share improve..
Styling EditText view with shape drawable to look similar to new holographic theme for Android < 3.0 shape drawable to look similar to new holographic theme for Android 3.0 I want to create a shape drawable for that mimics the new holographic theme Android 3.0 on older Android versions. It's quite easy to draw a line at the bottom with xml version..