android Programming Glossary: mimages
Android: failed to setContentView when switching to ListActivity any idea why private TextView mSelection private ImageView mImages static final String keywords new String China Japan USA Canada..
How to perform zoom in/out ,rotation together in Android new center angle and scale ratio of the updated images in mImages i .getCenterX mImages i .getAngle mImages i .getScaleX ... Using.. scale ratio of the updated images in mImages i .getCenterX mImages i .getAngle mImages i .getScaleX ... Using this values you can.. images in mImages i .getCenterX mImages i .getAngle mImages i .getScaleX ... Using this values you can replicate the transformations..
how can i get images and names from mysql database into a listview static LayoutInflater inflater null private ImageView mImages String itemimage String itemname HashMap String String map new.. ImageAdapter Context context JSONArray imageArrayJson this.mImages new ImageView imageArrayJson.length String qrimage try for int.. Image Height Height bmp.getHeight Width bmp.getWidth mImages i new ImageView context mImages i .setImageBitmap resizedbitmap..
Android: failed to setContentView when switching to ListActivity when I changed extends Activity to extends ListActivity any idea why private TextView mSelection private ImageView mImages static final String keywords new String China Japan USA Canada Called when the activity is first created. @Override public..
How to perform zoom in/out ,rotation together in Android that you can retreive at any time the new center angle and scale ratio of the updated images in mImages i .getCenterX mImages i .getAngle mImages i .getScaleX ... Using this values you can replicate the transformations rotation.. that you can retreive at any time the new center angle and scale ratio of the updated images in mImages i .getCenterX mImages i .getAngle mImages i .getScaleX ... Using this values you can replicate the transformations rotation scaling translation.. at any time the new center angle and scale ratio of the updated images in mImages i .getCenterX mImages i .getAngle mImages i .getScaleX ... Using this values you can replicate the transformations rotation scaling translation on another Bitmap...
how can i get images and names from mysql database into a listview public class ImageAdapter extends BaseAdapter Bitmap bmp private static LayoutInflater inflater null private ImageView mImages String itemimage String itemname HashMap String String map new HashMap String String public ImageAdapter Context context.. HashMap String String map new HashMap String String public ImageAdapter Context context JSONArray imageArrayJson this.mImages new ImageView imageArrayJson.length String qrimage try for int i 0 i imageArrayJson.length i JSONObject image imageArrayJson.getJSONObject.. Bitmap.createScaledBitmap bmp width height true Log.e Image Height Height bmp.getHeight Width bmp.getWidth mImages i new ImageView context mImages i .setImageBitmap resizedbitmap mImages i .setScaleType ImageView.ScaleType.FIT_START catch..