android Programming Glossary: mindistance
Android Location Listener call very often Android compatible devices to observe both the minTime and minDistance parameters. However you can use requestSingleUpdate with a Looper.. requestLocationUpdates String provider long minTime float minDistance LocationListener listener requestLocationUpdates String provider.. requestLocationUpdates String provider long minTime float minDistance LocationListener listener Looper looper requestLocationUpdates..
Map view following user - MyLocationOverlay type functionality for Android Maps API V2 between location updates in milliseconds private final int minDistance 10 minimum distance between location updates in meters private.. bestAvailableProvider minTime minDistance this else Display a message dialog No Location Providers currently..
How to get My Location changed event with Google Maps android API v2? between location updates in milliseconds private final int minDistance 10 minimum distance between location updates in meters private.. bestAvailableProvider minTime minDistance this else Display a message dialog No Location Providers currently..
Android: How to get location information from intent bundle extras when using LocationManager.requestLocationUpdates() 0 Register for broadcast intents int minTime 5000 int minDistance 0 lm.requestLocationUpdates LocationManager.GPS_PROVIDER minTime.. LocationManager.GPS_PROVIDER minTime minDistance pendingIntent I have a broadcast receiver that is defined in..
Android: How to periodically send location to a server requestLocationUpdates String provider long minTime float minDistance LocationListener listener where minTime is the poll period from..
BroadcastReceiver for location long minTime This should probably be fairly long float minDistance This should probably be fairly big String provider GPS_PROVIDER.. 0 intent 0 manager.requestLocationUpdates provider minTime minDistance launchIntent Then you just have to register your BroadcastReceiver.. up location updates with either a large minTime or minDistance parameter to allow the location service to rest. This feature..
How to time out GPS signal acquisition location updates. public void locupdate int minTime float minDistance mlocManager LocationManager getSystemService Context.LOCATION_SERVICE.. LocationManager.GPS_PROVIDER minTime minDistance mlocListener and one last method within the location listener..
Good way of getting the user's location in Android long checkInterval getGPSCheckMilliSecsFromPrefs long minDistance getMinDistanceFromPrefs receive updates LocationManager locationManager.. locationManager.requestLocationUpdates s checkInterval minDistance new LocationListener @Override public void onStatusChanged.. public void doLocationUpdate Location l boolean force long minDistance getMinDistanceFromPrefs Log.d TAG update received l if l null..
Android: requestLocationUpdates updates location at most every 45 seconds a call to requestLocationUpdates provider minTime minDistance locationListener with any minTime 45000 has the same effect..
Android Location Listener call very often ignored it. From Jellybean and onwards it is mandatory for Android compatible devices to observe both the minTime and minDistance parameters. However you can use requestSingleUpdate with a Looper and Handler to run the updates once an hour. Addition.. introduced in API 9. API 8 only have these three methods requestLocationUpdates String provider long minTime float minDistance LocationListener listener requestLocationUpdates String provider long minTime float minDistance LocationListener listener.. long minTime float minDistance LocationListener listener requestLocationUpdates String provider long minTime float minDistance LocationListener listener Looper looper requestLocationUpdates String provider long minTime float minDistance PendingIntent..
Map view following user - MyLocationOverlay type functionality for Android Maps API V2 private final int minTime 10000 minimum time interval between location updates in milliseconds private final int minDistance 10 minimum distance between location updates in meters private FollowMeLocationSource Get reference to Location Manager.. Location Manager if bestAvailableProvider null locationManager.requestLocationUpdates bestAvailableProvider minTime minDistance this else Display a message dialog No Location Providers currently available. Deactivates this provider. This method..
How to get My Location changed event with Google Maps android API v2? private final int minTime 10000 minimum time interval between location updates in milliseconds private final int minDistance 10 minimum distance between location updates in meters private FollowMeLocationSource Get reference to Location Manager.. Location Manager if bestAvailableProvider null locationManager.requestLocationUpdates bestAvailableProvider minTime minDistance this else Display a message dialog No Location Providers currently available. Deactivates this provider. This method..
Android: How to get location information from intent bundle extras when using LocationManager.requestLocationUpdates() PendingIntent.getBroadcast getApplicationContext 0 intent 0 Register for broadcast intents int minTime 5000 int minDistance 0 lm.requestLocationUpdates LocationManager.GPS_PROVIDER minTime minDistance pendingIntent I have a broadcast receiver that.. broadcast intents int minTime 5000 int minDistance 0 lm.requestLocationUpdates LocationManager.GPS_PROVIDER minTime minDistance pendingIntent I have a broadcast receiver that is defined in the manifesto as receiver android name .LocationReceiver intent..
Android: How to periodically send location to a server tracking method from inside the StartTrack Activity using requestLocationUpdates String provider long minTime float minDistance LocationListener listener where minTime is the poll period from the server it just did not work and I'm not getting any..
BroadcastReceiver for location context.getSystemService Context.LOCATION_SERVICE long minTime This should probably be fairly long float minDistance This should probably be fairly big String provider GPS_PROVIDER or NETWORK_PROVIDER PendingIntent launchIntent PendingIntent.getBroadcast.. launchIntent PendingIntent.getBroadcast context 0 intent 0 manager.requestLocationUpdates provider minTime minDistance launchIntent Then you just have to register your BroadcastReceiver with the same Intent action and it will receive the location.. this functionality. You will want to greatly reduce the frequency up location updates with either a large minTime or minDistance parameter to allow the location service to rest. This feature should also be attached to a user controlled preference so..
How to time out GPS signal acquisition this 1000L I start the timer right before requesting location updates. public void locupdate int minTime float minDistance mlocManager LocationManager getSystemService Context.LOCATION_SERVICE mlocListener new MyLocationListener if mlocListener.. mlocListener .onStart runtest true mlocManager.requestLocationUpdates LocationManager.GPS_PROVIDER minTime minDistance mlocListener and one last method within the location listener public void stoplistening mlocManager.removeUpdates mlocListener..
Good way of getting the user's location in Android public void startRecording gpsTimer.cancel gpsTimer new Timer long checkInterval getGPSCheckMilliSecsFromPrefs long minDistance getMinDistanceFromPrefs receive updates LocationManager locationManager LocationManager getApplicationContext .getSystemService.. for String s locationManager.getAllProviders locationManager.requestLocationUpdates s checkInterval minDistance new LocationListener @Override public void onStatusChanged String provider int status Bundle extras @Override public.. doLocationUpdate location false 0 checkInterval public void doLocationUpdate Location l boolean force long minDistance getMinDistanceFromPrefs Log.d TAG update received l if l null Log.d TAG Empty location if force Toast.makeText this Current..
Android: requestLocationUpdates updates location at most every 45 seconds Problem When I test it provider LocationManager.NETWORK_PROVIDER a call to requestLocationUpdates provider minTime minDistance locationListener with any minTime 45000 has the same effect as minTime 45000 i.e. I get updates with an interval of exactly..