android Programming Glossary: mimagewidth
How to write a convolution multiplication in Android Renderscript? gIn rs_allocation gOut rs_script gScript static int mImageWidth const uchar4 gPixels const float4 kWhite 1.0f 1.0f 1.0f 1.0f.. v_in float4 colour original kMultiplier int y_component mImageWidth y for int i kBlurWidth i 0 i float4 temp_colour if int x i 0.. for int i 1 i kBlurWidth i float4 temp_colour if x i mImageWidth temp_colour rsUnpackColor8888 gPixels x i y_component else..
Passing Array to rsForEach in Renderscript Compute rs_allocation gIn rs_allocation gOut rs_script gScript int mImageWidth const uchar4 gInPixels uchar4 gOutPixels void init static const.. int32_t row_index v_in int blur_index 0 for int i 0 i mImageWidth i float4 pixel_colour rsUnpackColor8888 gInPixels i row_index.. mOutAllocation Pass in the image width mBlurRowScript.set_mImageWidth row_width Pass in the row indices Allocation as the input...
How to generate Image Histogram in Android? mainImage mDrawOnTop new DrawOnTop this mDrawOnTop.mImageWidth mainImage.getWidth mDrawOnTop.mImageHeight mainImage.getHeight.. mDrawOnTop.mBitmap Bitmap.createBitmap mDrawOnTop.mImageWidth mDrawOnTop.mImageHeight Bitmap.Config.RGB_565 mDrawOnTop.mRGBData.. mDrawOnTop.mRGBData new int mDrawOnTop.mImageWidth mDrawOnTop.mImageHeight int bytes mainImage.getByteCount or..
How to write a convolution multiplication in Android Renderscript? java_package_name rs_allocation gIn rs_allocation gOut rs_script gScript static int mImageWidth const uchar4 gPixels const float4 kWhite 1.0f 1.0f 1.0f 1.0f const float4 kBlack 0.0f 0.0f 0.0f 1.0f void init static const.. uint32_t x uint32_t y float4 original rsUnpackColor8888 v_in float4 colour original kMultiplier int y_component mImageWidth y for int i kBlurWidth i 0 i float4 temp_colour if int x i 0 temp_colour rsUnpackColor8888 gPixels x i y_component else.. else temp_colour kWhite colour temp_colour kMultiplier for int i 1 i kBlurWidth i float4 temp_colour if x i mImageWidth temp_colour rsUnpackColor8888 gPixels x i y_component else temp_colour kWhite colour temp_colour kMultiplier colour.a..
Passing Array to rsForEach in Renderscript Compute rs java_package_name rs_allocation gIn rs_allocation gOut rs_script gScript int mImageWidth const uchar4 gInPixels uchar4 gOutPixels void init static const int kBlurWidth 20 This is called per row. The row indices.. i float3 init_colour 0.0f 0.0f 0.0f blur i init_colour int32_t row_index v_in int blur_index 0 for int i 0 i mImageWidth i float4 pixel_colour rsUnpackColor8888 gInPixels i row_index cur_colour blur blur_index blur blur_index pixel_colour.rgb.. mInAllocation mBlurRowScript.bind_gOutPixels mOutAllocation Pass in the image width mBlurRowScript.set_mImageWidth row_width Pass in the row indices Allocation as the input. It is also passed in as the output though the output is not..
How to generate Image Histogram in Android? .getBitmap histroImage Bitmap.createBitmap mainImage mDrawOnTop new DrawOnTop this mDrawOnTop.mImageWidth mainImage.getWidth mDrawOnTop.mImageHeight mainImage.getHeight mDrawOnTop.mBitmap Bitmap.createBitmap mDrawOnTop.mImageWidth.. mainImage.getWidth mDrawOnTop.mImageHeight mainImage.getHeight mDrawOnTop.mBitmap Bitmap.createBitmap mDrawOnTop.mImageWidth mDrawOnTop.mImageHeight Bitmap.Config.RGB_565 mDrawOnTop.mRGBData new int mDrawOnTop.mImageWidth mDrawOnTop.mImageHeight.. mDrawOnTop.mImageWidth mDrawOnTop.mImageHeight Bitmap.Config.RGB_565 mDrawOnTop.mRGBData new int mDrawOnTop.mImageWidth mDrawOnTop.mImageHeight int bytes mainImage.getByteCount or we can calculate bytes this way. Use a different value than..