android Programming Glossary: mimetype
YouTube Video not playing in WebView - Android true wv.getSettings .setPluginsEnabled true final String mimeType text html final String encoding UTF 8 String html getHTML wv.loadDataWithBaseURL.. UTF 8 String html getHTML wv.loadDataWithBaseURL html mimeType encoding public String getHTML String html iframe class youtube..
Sending and Receiving SMS and MMS in Android (pre Kit Kat Android 4.4) android.provider.Telephony.WAP_PUSH_RECEIVED data android mimeType application vnd.wap.mms message intent filter receiver In the..
Playing HTML5 video on fullscreen in android webview client @Override public void loadData String data String mimeType String encoding addJavascriptInterface super.loadData data.. encoding addJavascriptInterface super.loadData data mimeType encoding @Override public void loadDataWithBaseURL String baseUrl.. void loadDataWithBaseURL String baseUrl String data String mimeType String encoding String historyUrl addJavascriptInterface super.loadDataWithBaseURL..
declaring mime type for a “custom file” that is to be sent via bluetooth data android scheme file data android mimeType image data android host intent filter And code worked fine... in the code that I posted above How should I write the mimeType in the intent filter what should be the line intent.setType..
Android intent filter for a particular file extension? data android scheme file data android mimeType data android pathPattern . .kdb data android host intent filter.. a local file is opened rather than protocol like http . mimeType can be set to to match any mime type. pathPattern is where you..
Android intent filter: associate app with file extension name android.intent.category.BROWSABLE data android mimeType application pdf intent filter Well it does not work. What did.. data android scheme http data android host data android mimeType application pdf intent filter Handle intent from a file browser..
broadcast receiver wont receive camera event android name data android mimeType image intent filter receiver No matter what I try to do the.. context text duration If I remove the mimeType line in the manifest and in my activity I send my own broadcast..
Register new file type in Android scheme http data android pathPattern . .stl data android mimeType application sla data android host intent filter But at the moment..
Problem loading swf file in android FL.swf width 550 height 400 embed object String mimeType text html String encoding utf 8 WebView wv WebView findViewById.. .setPluginsEnabled true wv.loadDataWithBaseURL null html mimeType encoding wv.setWebViewClient new HelloWebViewClient package.. this question Replace wv.loadDataWithBaseURL null html mimeType encoding with wv.loadData html mimeType encoding wv.getSettings..
Download File inside WebView url String userAgent String contentDisposition String mimetype long contentLength Intent i new Intent Intent.ACTION_VIEW i.setData..
MediaStore - Uri to query all types of files (media and non-media) sortOrder If you want .pdf only you could check the mimetype only pdf String selectionMimeType MediaStore.Files.FileColumns.MIME_TYPE..
Launching an intent for file and MIME type? Uri.fromFile file .toString String mimetype android.webkit.MimeTypeMap.getSingleton .getMimeTypeFromExtension.. extension myIntent.setDataAndType Uri.fromFile file mimetype startActivity myIntent This fails and generates the error android.content.ActivityNotFoundException..
Phonegap Plugin to convert Base64 String to a PNG image in Android result alert result function error alert error No mimetype definition example var myOtherBase64 iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAAAUAAAAFCAYAAACNbyblAAAAHElEQVQI12P4..
Android Webview app won't let video player go full screen url String userAgent String contentDisposition String mimetype long contentLength mProgressDialog new ProgressDialog WebViewActivity.this..
How to add custom data/field in contacts in android 2.0? question You can easily do that by inserting you own mimetype Builder builder ContentProviderOperation.newInsert ContactsContract.Data.CONTENT_URI.. own application easily using query method and you pass you mimetype in the search criteria. Also if you want to update an already..
Contact Custom Fields this Utility method to read data with mime type @param mimetype String representation of the mimetype used for this type of.. mime type @param mimetype String representation of the mimetype used for this type of data @param contactid String representation.. id @return private Cursor readDataWithMimeType String mimetype String contactid return ctx.getContentResolver .query Data.CONTENT_URI..
How to read a pdf in android You need to have a application which can support that mimetype and open it. In your device emulator that app is not installed..
How to send file using bluetooth on android programatically? of the shared file. public static final String MIMETYPE mimetype The name of the column containing the direction Inbound Outbound..
WebView NOT opening android default video player? if you detect a URL with a supported video mimetype return true and then launch the default activity with the URL...
ACTION_VIEW intent for a file with unknown MimeType share improve this question This should detect the mimetype and open with default MimeTypeMap myMime MimeTypeMap.getSingleton..
YouTube Video not playing in WebView - Android wv.getSettings .setJavaScriptEnabled true wv.getSettings .setPluginsEnabled true final String mimeType text html final String encoding UTF 8 String html getHTML wv.loadDataWithBaseURL html mimeType encoding public String getHTML.. true final String mimeType text html final String encoding UTF 8 String html getHTML wv.loadDataWithBaseURL html mimeType encoding public String getHTML String html iframe class youtube player style border 0 width 100 height 95 padding 0px margin..
Sending and Receiving SMS and MMS in Android (pre Kit Kat Android 4.4) intent filter action android name android.provider.Telephony.WAP_PUSH_RECEIVED data android mimeType application vnd.wap.mms message intent filter receiver In the MMSReceiver class the onReceive method is only able to grab..
Playing HTML5 video on fullscreen in android webview VideoEnabledWebChromeClient client super.setWebChromeClient client @Override public void loadData String data String mimeType String encoding addJavascriptInterface super.loadData data mimeType encoding @Override public void loadDataWithBaseURL.. @Override public void loadData String data String mimeType String encoding addJavascriptInterface super.loadData data mimeType encoding @Override public void loadDataWithBaseURL String baseUrl String data String mimeType String encoding String historyUrl.. super.loadData data mimeType encoding @Override public void loadDataWithBaseURL String baseUrl String data String mimeType String encoding String historyUrl addJavascriptInterface super.loadDataWithBaseURL baseUrl data mimeType encoding historyUrl..
declaring mime type for a “custom file” that is to be sent via bluetooth category android name android.intent.category.BROWSABLE data android scheme file data android mimeType image data android host intent filter And code worked fine. Now my question is Similarly I want to send a file that is created.. this card12434247.Xcard Now what modifications are required in the code that I posted above How should I write the mimeType in the intent filter what should be the line intent.setType ... How should I modify it so that bluetooth will be able to..
Android intent filter for a particular file extension? category android name android.intent.category.BROWSABLE data android scheme file data android mimeType data android pathPattern . .kdb data android host intent filter activity The scheme of file indicates that this should.. The scheme of file indicates that this should happen when a local file is opened rather than protocol like http . mimeType can be set to to match any mime type. pathPattern is where you specify what extension you want to match in this example..
Android intent filter: associate app with file extension android name android.intent.category.DEFAULT category android name android.intent.category.BROWSABLE data android mimeType application pdf intent filter Well it does not work. What did I do wrong I simply want to declare my own file type. android.. category android name android.intent.category.DEFAULT data android scheme http data android host data android mimeType application pdf intent filter Handle intent from a file browser app intent filter action android name android.intent.action.VIEW..
broadcast receiver wont receive camera event by receiver android name photoReceiver intent filter action android name data android mimeType image intent filter receiver No matter what I try to do the program won't receive the broadcast. Here is my receiver class.. Log.d TAG Received new photo Toast toast Toast.makeText context text duration If I remove the mimeType line in the manifest and in my activity I send my own broadcast using Intent intent new Intent
Register new file type in Android android name android.intent.category.DEFAULT data android scheme http data android pathPattern . .stl data android mimeType application sla data android host intent filter But at the moment I launch browser and go to download some sample STL file..
Problem loading swf file in android movie value file android_asset FL.swf embed src file android_asset FL.swf width 550 height 400 embed object String mimeType text html String encoding utf 8 WebView wv WebView findViewById wv.getSettings .setJavaScriptEnabled true.. wv.getSettings .setJavaScriptEnabled true wv.getSettings .setPluginsEnabled true wv.loadDataWithBaseURL null html mimeType encoding wv.setWebViewClient new HelloWebViewClient package com.androidpeople.view import android.webkit.WebView import..
Download File inside WebView new DownloadListener public void onDownloadStart String url String userAgent String contentDisposition String mimetype long contentLength Intent i new Intent Intent.ACTION_VIEW i.setData Uri.parse url startActivity i share improve this..
MediaStore - Uri to query all types of files (media and non-media) allNonMediaFiles cr.query uri projection selection selectionArgs sortOrder If you want .pdf only you could check the mimetype only pdf String selectionMimeType MediaStore.Files.FileColumns.MIME_TYPE String mimeType MimeTypeMap.getSingleton .getMimeTypeFromExtension..
Launching an intent for file and MIME type? String extension android.webkit.MimeTypeMap.getFileExtensionFromUrl Uri.fromFile file .toString String mimetype android.webkit.MimeTypeMap.getSingleton .getMimeTypeFromExtension extension myIntent.setDataAndType Uri.fromFile file mimetype.. android.webkit.MimeTypeMap.getSingleton .getMimeTypeFromExtension extension myIntent.setDataAndType Uri.fromFile file mimetype startActivity myIntent This fails and generates the error android.content.ActivityNotFoundException No Activity found to..
Phonegap Plugin to convert Base64 String to a PNG image in Android Image. window.plugins.base64ToPNG.saveImage myBase64 function result alert result function error alert error No mimetype definition example var myOtherBase64 iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAAAUAAAAFCAYAAACNbyblAAAAHElEQVQI12P4 8 w38GIAXDIBKE0DHxgljNBAAO9TXL0Y4OHwAAAABJRU5ErkJggg..
Android Webview app won't let video player go full screen new DownloadListener public void onDownloadStart String url String userAgent String contentDisposition String mimetype long contentLength mProgressDialog new ProgressDialog WebViewActivity.this mProgressDialog.setMessage Downloading... ..
How to add custom data/field in contacts in android 2.0? application from my application. android share improve this question You can easily do that by inserting you own mimetype Builder builder ContentProviderOperation.newInsert ContactsContract.Data.CONTENT_URI .withValueBackReference ContactsContract.Data.RAW_CONTACT_ID.. And then you can read your own data from your own application easily using query method and you pass you mimetype in the search criteria. Also if you want to update an already existed contact you just need to add new mimtype to that contact...
Contact Custom Fields value data.remove FORMALITY data.put FORMALITY value return this Utility method to read data with mime type @param mimetype String representation of the mimetype used for this type of data @param contactid String representation of the contact id.. FORMALITY value return this Utility method to read data with mime type @param mimetype String representation of the mimetype used for this type of data @param contactid String representation of the contact id @return private Cursor readDataWithMimeType.. of data @param contactid String representation of the contact id @return private Cursor readDataWithMimeType String mimetype String contactid return ctx.getContentResolver .query Data.CONTENT_URI new String Data.DATA1 Data.RAW_CONTACT_ID contactid..
How to read a pdf in android
How to send file using bluetooth on android programatically? _DATA _data The name of the column containing the MIME type of the shared file. public static final String MIMETYPE mimetype The name of the column containing the direction Inbound Outbound of the transfer. See the DIRECTION_ constants for a list..
WebView NOT opening android default video player? have to attach your own WebViewClient and override shouldOverrideUrlLoading if you detect a URL with a supported video mimetype return true and then launch the default activity with the URL. Here is an untested sample. mWebView.setWebViewClient new..
ACTION_VIEW intent for a file with unknown MimeType dat file sdcard dropbox test.pdf android share improve this question This should detect the mimetype and open with default MimeTypeMap myMime MimeTypeMap.getSingleton Intent newIntent new Intent android.content.Intent.ACTION_VIEW..