android Programming Glossary: minor
Switching fragments within tab Navigations Tabs on the Android developer site with some minor changes public class TabListener T extends SherlockFragment..
Android upload video to remote server using HTTP multipart form data
What's Android ADB shell 'dumpsys' tool and it's benefits? to 34683ms ago system_server 1 1 user 0 kernel faults 16 minor 0 0 user 0 kernel faults 160 minor tiwlan_wq 0.. faults 16 minor 0 0 user 0 kernel faults 160 minor tiwlan_wq 0 0 user 0 kernel usb_mass_storag 0 0 user 0 kernel..
USSD service not working I've used the code from http blog p 58 with minor changes. I've created the IExtendedNetworkService.aidl in the..
Ellipsize not working for textView inside custom listView they claim it's not reproducible so you have to use a minor hack. Use android inputType text android maxLines 1 on anything..
Saving Activity state in Android unclear on saving an application's state. So given this minor re tooling of the 'Hello Android' example package
How to check internet access on Android? InetAddress never timeouts asynchronous share improve this question @Eddie. Just a minor edit to your solution if the device is in airplane mode or presumably..
How can we create iPhone-like spinners in android? trackball then all it will take is WebView along with some minor tweaks to some existing JavaScript that impersonates Apple's..
Android column '_id' does not exist? which as far as I can see is basically the same with a few minor changes. I've simplified and simplified my code but the problem..
Android - Key Dispatching Timed Out ActivityManager 88 package name 6 1 user 5 kernel faults 7 minor INFO ActivityManager 88 system_server 5 4 user 1 kernel faults.. 88 system_server 5 4 user 1 kernel faults 27 minor INFO ActivityManager 88 tiwlan_wifi_wq 3 0 user 3 kernel INFO..
Is Dalvik's memory model the same as Java's? of 3.0 Honeycomb most of the pieces were in place but some minor things had been overlooked that would be difficult to encounter..
Using Phonegap for Native Application development [closed] apps quickly for iOS Android Symbian Palm Blackberry. With minor adjustments to your codebase for each. share improve this..
Android 2.2 MediaPlayer is working fine with one SHOUTcast URL but not with the other one you people that our current code works with Android 2.1 minor versions but not works with Android 2.2 or higher . Thanks ..
Mobile development - Native VS Cross Platform VS JavaScript [closed] on excessive use of the devices API's but do need some minor basic access The company already developed for iOS and we have..
How to query a web service via POST request in Android? propertyInfo Still there are a major problem and some minor problems left. The major problem is that JAXBElement is contained.. that Android refuses to consume. The minor problems are stated in the comments and TODOs. EDIT April 27..
Speeding up the Android build process apps that use much of the same components. There is some minor customization at build time and we would like to speed that.. build process using Unix Windows shell scripts. Those minor customization you required are quite easy to achieve using maven..
Switching fragments within tab .getSelectedNavigationIndex The TabListener from Adding Navigations Tabs on the Android developer site with some minor changes public class TabListener T extends SherlockFragment implements private..
Android upload video to remote server using HTTP multipart form data
What's Android ADB shell 'dumpsys' tool and it's benefits? cpuinfo Output Load 0.08 0.4 0.64 CPU usage from 42816ms to 34683ms ago system_server 1 1 user 0 kernel faults 16 minor 0 0 user 0 kernel faults 160 minor tiwlan_wq 0 0 user 0 kernel usb_mass_storag 0 0 user 0 kernel pvr_workqueue.. from 42816ms to 34683ms ago system_server 1 1 user 0 kernel faults 16 minor 0 0 user 0 kernel faults 160 minor tiwlan_wq 0 0 user 0 kernel usb_mass_storag 0 0 user 0 kernel pvr_workqueue 0 0 user 0 kernel sleep 0 0 user 0 kernel sleep..
USSD service not working an application which silently dismiss the USSD responses. I've used the code from http blog p 58 with minor changes. I've created the IExtendedNetworkService.aidl in the package and USSDDumbExtendedNetworkService..
Ellipsize not working for textView inside custom listView Ellipsize is broken go vote on the bug report especially since they claim it's not reproducible so you have to use a minor hack. Use android inputType text android maxLines 1 on anything you want to ellipsize. Also don't use singleLine it's been..
Saving Activity state in Android been playing around with the Android SDK and I am a little unclear on saving an application's state. So given this minor re tooling of the 'Hello Android' example package import import android.os.Bundle..
How to check internet access on Android? InetAddress never timeouts return main.continueAfterHostCheck android networking asynchronous share improve this question @Eddie. Just a minor edit to your solution if the device is in airplane mode or presumably in other situations where there's no available network..
How can we create iPhone-like spinners in android? improve this question If you don't need support for the trackball then all it will take is WebView along with some minor tweaks to some existing JavaScript that impersonates Apple's UIPickerView to create applications like this. A majority of..
Android column '_id' does not exist? not null All seems good to me. Now on to my application which as far as I can see is basically the same with a few minor changes. I've simplified and simplified my code but the problem persists. String from new String x int to new int
Android - Key Dispatching Timed Out ActivityManager 88 CPU usage from 7373ms to 1195ms ago INFO ActivityManager 88 package name 6 1 user 5 kernel faults 7 minor INFO ActivityManager 88 system_server 5 4 user 1 kernel faults 27 minor INFO ActivityManager 88 tiwlan_wifi_wq 3 0 user.. 88 package name 6 1 user 5 kernel faults 7 minor INFO ActivityManager 88 system_server 5 4 user 1 kernel faults 27 minor INFO ActivityManager 88 tiwlan_wifi_wq 3 0 user 3 kernel INFO ActivityManager 88 mediaserver 0 0 user 0 kernel INFO ActivityManager..
Is Dalvik's memory model the same as Java's? should match up with JSR 133 the Java Memory Model . As of 3.0 Honeycomb most of the pieces were in place but some minor things had been overlooked that would be difficult to encounter in practice e.g. some edge cases in finalization . As of..
Using Phonegap for Native Application development [closed]
Android 2.2 MediaPlayer is working fine with one SHOUTcast URL but not with the other one 1 1002 Can someone help me to fix it EDIT Just to share with you people that our current code works with Android 2.1 minor versions but not works with Android 2.2 or higher . Thanks android media player uri audio streaming shoutcast share improve..
Mobile development - Native VS Cross Platform VS JavaScript [closed] information tools. The applications are not depending on excessive use of the devices API's but do need some minor basic access The company already developed for iOS and we have a small team of native iOS developers Objective C geeks We..
How to query a web service via POST request in Android? propertyInfo.setValue featureType soapObject.addProperty propertyInfo Still there are a major problem and some minor problems left. The major problem is that JAXBElement is contained in a core library javax.xml.bind.JAXBElement that Android.. is that JAXBElement is contained in a core library javax.xml.bind.JAXBElement that Android refuses to consume. The minor problems are stated in the comments and TODOs. EDIT April 27 2012 As I read this post I imagine that something similar might..
Speeding up the Android build process real noob question. I work for a company that makes 100's of apps that use much of the same components. There is some minor customization at build time and we would like to speed that up to increase efficiency. The majority of the customization.. right direction to go it enables the possibilities of batching build process using Unix Windows shell scripts. Those minor customization you required are quite easy to achieve using maven properties plugin and android maven plugin together. android..