android Programming Glossary: mini
Android resource selection layout- and values- inconsistencies 3.1 phablet landscape layout layout sw600dp port post 3.1 mini tablet portrait layout Nexus 7 layout sw600dp land post 3.1.. portrait layout Nexus 7 layout sw600dp land post 3.1 mini tablet landscape layout layout sw700dp port post 3.1 tablet..
Android - Configurable directory? return stringBuilder.toString The code above acts like a mini file explorer that lists the files and folders of the Android..
External USB devices to Android phones? port on the phone. The sensor would plug into the micro mini USB and then I would need to read the incoming data from the..
How to Check available space on android device ? on mini sd card? to Check available space on android device on mini sd card How do I check to see how much MB or GB is left on..
How to Use Android addHeaderView of the offsets or wraps those separator views in their own mini adapters. Take a look at Mark Murphy's SectionedListAdapter..
Using AudioTrack in Android to play a WAV file a lot of strange stuff. The file is saved on my phone's mini SD card and reading the contents doesn't seem to be a problem..
Android: how to add app to “Share via” list for camera picture Share via list so maybe this will have to be a separate mini app that just adds to the list... Hopefully not because it'd..
using onOffsetsChanged() to get home screen swipe direction screens at once e.g. by using a pop up that displays mini versions of all the home screens . Generally speaking you want..
How to avoid 15 second delay/caching in Android Media Player when playing stream player.prepareAsync UPDATE I am using a local self built mini HTTP server to connect my byte stream to Androids media player...
Send AT Commands to Android Phone answer use cat dev smd0 i've test this command in samsung mini cooper s and it works. if you use htc htc rhyme tested try to..
Android Save images to SQLite or SDCard or memory the image uri.Now put it in second code.U can get micro or mini thumbnail according to requirement share improve this answer..
NETWORK_PROVIDER not providing updated locations problem see my question here . In my case on S3 Galaxy Mini there were similar symptoms no location updates until reboot.....
Android listview row delete animation Gouda Mihalic Peynir Milleens Mimolette Mine Gabhar Mini Baby Bells Mixte Molbo Monastery Cheeses Mondseer Mont D'or..
Which mobile operating system should I code for? [closed] ObjectiveC C C . You'll need a Mac running osX. Even a Mini will do. To distribute you need to be on the Developer program..
Listing of manufacturer's clock / alarm package and class name, Please add you for sharing the information Sony Ericsson XPERIA X10 Mini Pro Android 2.1 Package name 'com.sonyericsson.alarm' Activity..
How to set Android camera orientation properly? fix the issue with XPeria X10 but it is good for X8 and Mini Camera.Parameters parameters camera.getParameters parameters.set..
Sending SMS using Intent does not add recipients on some devices but on some it doesn't. One of the devices is SE XPERIA Mini. What else can be added when sending SMS to make sure recipient..
How to change the hosts file on android [closed] closed I have successfully rooted my Samsung Galaxy Mini android 2.2.1 and thought that I could change anything as root..
Manifest and supported devices showed in android market that android smallScreens should let Samsung Galaxy Mini with Android 2.3 install my app but it does not. supports screens..
Android resource selection layout- and values- inconsistencies layout Galaxy Note at v4.0.3 layout sw520dp land post 3.1 phablet landscape layout layout sw600dp port post 3.1 mini tablet portrait layout Nexus 7 layout sw600dp land post 3.1 mini tablet landscape layout layout sw700dp port post 3.1 tablet.. phablet landscape layout layout sw600dp port post 3.1 mini tablet portrait layout Nexus 7 layout sw600dp land post 3.1 mini tablet landscape layout layout sw700dp port post 3.1 tablet portrait layout layout sw700dp land post 3.1 tablet landscape..
Android - Configurable directory? int i 0 i dirs.length 1 i stringBuilder.append dirs i .append return stringBuilder.toString The code above acts like a mini file explorer that lists the files and folders of the Android File System. You use it like showFileListDialog Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory..
External USB devices to Android phones? visualization of a sensor that would be attached to the USB port on the phone. The sensor would plug into the micro mini USB and then I would need to read the incoming data from the USB serial port. Is this possible I have heard of people using..
How to Check available space on android device ? on mini sd card? to Check available space on android device on mini sd card How do I check to see how much MB or GB is left on the android device I am using JAVA and android SDK 2.0.1. Is..
How to Use Android addHeaderView return a header view type for certain rows and keep track of the offsets or wraps those separator views in their own mini adapters. Take a look at Mark Murphy's SectionedListAdapter GPL which takes the first approach based on code by Jeff Sharkey..
Using AudioTrack in Android to play a WAV file Tada.wav . Frankly it shouldn't be this hard but I'm hearing a lot of strange stuff. The file is saved on my phone's mini SD card and reading the contents doesn't seem to be a problem but when I play the file with parameters I'm only PRETTY SURE..
Android: how to add app to “Share via” list for camera picture AppInventor AI but AI does not allow developers to edit the Share via list so maybe this will have to be a separate mini app that just adds to the list... Hopefully not because it'd be great to have just 1 app for users to download install...
using onOffsetsChanged() to get home screen swipe direction to know the exact offset because the user may have jumped several screens at once e.g. by using a pop up that displays mini versions of all the home screens . Generally speaking you want to save the xPixel value you get in onOffsetsChanged then..
How to avoid 15 second delay/caching in Android Media Player when playing stream public void onPrepared MediaPlayer mp mp.start player.prepareAsync UPDATE I am using a local self built mini HTTP server to connect my byte stream to Androids media player. It seems like Android DRM is delaying caching in this case...
Send AT Commands to Android Phone then in adb shell su echo e AT r dev smd0 if you want to see answer use cat dev smd0 i've test this command in samsung mini cooper s and it works. if you use htc htc rhyme tested try to adb shell and type this command radiooptions 13 AT if you..
Android Save images to SQLite or SDCard or memory
NETWORK_PROVIDER not providing updated locations improve this question I finally found a way to solve this problem see my question here . In my case on S3 Galaxy Mini there were similar symptoms no location updates until reboot... like the ones described above. Location in most cases stopped..
Android listview row delete animation Menonita Meredith Blue Mesost Metton Cancoillotte Meyer Vintage Gouda Mihalic Peynir Milleens Mimolette Mine Gabhar Mini Baby Bells Mixte Molbo Monastery Cheeses Mondseer Mont D'or Lyonnais Montasio Monterey Jack Monterey Jack Dry Morbier..
Which mobile operating system should I code for? [closed] device debugging is from non existent to not very nice. iPhone ObjectiveC C C . You'll need a Mac running osX. Even a Mini will do. To distribute you need to be on the Developer program 99 . Everything else is free. XCode is quite a nice IDE and..
Listing of manufacturer's clock / alarm package and class name, Please add class package clock share improve this question Thank you for sharing the information Sony Ericsson XPERIA X10 Mini Pro Android 2.1 Package name 'com.sonyericsson.alarm' Activity name 'com.sonyericsson.alarm.Alarm' Samsung Galaxy S Vibrant..
How to set Android camera orientation properly? 90 Version 2.1 depend on kind of devices for example Cannt fix the issue with XPeria X10 but it is good for X8 and Mini Camera.Parameters parameters camera.getParameters parameters.set orientation portrait camera.setParameters parameters Version..
Sending SMS using Intent does not add recipients on some devices and address String extra to Intent. It works on most devices but on some it doesn't. One of the devices is SE XPERIA Mini. What else can be added when sending SMS to make sure recipient is set in SMS App android sms android intent receiver ..
How to change the hosts file on android [closed] to change the hosts file on android closed I have successfully rooted my Samsung Galaxy Mini android 2.2.1 and thought that I could change anything as root usually can . I would like to change the hosts file on the..
Manifest and supported devices showed in android market reason. I currently support the following screens and I suppose that android smallScreens should let Samsung Galaxy Mini with Android 2.3 install my app but it does not. supports screens android largeScreens true android normalScreens true android..