android Programming Glossary: minus
How can you implement multi-selection and Contextual ActionMode in ActionBarSherlock? if this item is unchecked set unchecked state notice the minus convertView.getBackground .setState new int android.R.attr.state_checked..
Convert magnetic field X, Y, Z values from device into global reference frame represents a vector lying in w_3 more particular it is the minus of the vector influenced by gravity alone. Thus if you pass.. so that the filter values are approximately just the minus gravity vector. Since the gravitational acceleration is the..
Choosing background for Live Wallpaper up just like setting the wallpaper from the home screen minus the Live Wallpapers options. Once the user navigates the choices..
Round button in Android I want to create a circular button having a plus and minus sign on to this and exactly used in Android Contacts application.. item item name android src @drawable ic_btn_round_minus item item name android contentDescription @string description_minus_button.. item name android contentDescription @string description_minus_button item style style name PlusButton item name android background..
my Custom View gets drawn only when added in onCreate private int mAvailHeight space for the bar component minus label private float mBarHeight 0.0 1.0 value public GraphBar..
How to create a Looper thread, then send it a message immediately? looper share improve this question Eventual solution minus error checking thanks to CommonsWare class Worker extends HandlerThread..
How to change the decimal separator of DecimalFormat from comma to dot/point? include the decimal separator the grouping separator the minus sign and the percent sign among others DecimalFormatSymbols..
adding CheckBox to list row loses my onItemClick events? clicks in the row but outside the CheckBox. The layout minus some style stuff is RelativeLayout xmlns android http
Text is pushed to the left in a spinner - Android layout_height wrap_content android layout_toRightOf @ id minus android layout_width wrap_content android layout_below @ id..
what is the difference between match_parent and fill_parent property in android which means that the view wants to be as big as its parent minus padding ... fill_parent The view should be as big as its parent.. ... fill_parent The view should be as big as its parent minus padding . This constant is deprecated starting from API Level..
How to allow the user to select a text range in a TextView (Similar to EditText) takes up the entire width and height of the device minus some padding and a title at the top . In an EditText if you..
Android Camera will not work. startPreview fails Try to find a size match which suits the whole screen minus the menu on the left. for Size size sizes if size.height width..
Is deprecated word the only difference between fill_parent and match_parent means that the view wants to be as big as its parent minus the parent's padding if any. match_parent means that the view.. means that the view wants to be as big as its parent minus the parent's padding if any. Only One difference I found that..
Android ServerSocket programming with jCIFS streaming files range range.substring 6 long startFrom 0 endAt 1 int minus range.indexOf ' ' if minus 0 try String startR range.substring.. long startFrom 0 endAt 1 int minus range.indexOf ' ' if minus 0 try String startR range.substring 0 minus startFrom Long.parseLong.. ' ' if minus 0 try String startR range.substring 0 minus startFrom Long.parseLong startR String endR range.substring..
How can you implement multi-selection and Contextual ActionMode in ActionBarSherlock? .setState new int android.R.attr.state_checked else if this item is unchecked set unchecked state notice the minus convertView.getBackground .setState new int android.R.attr.state_checked return convertView share improve this answer..
Convert magnetic field X, Y, Z values from device into global reference frame The 2 important assumptions are 1 The gravity parameter represents a vector lying in w_3 more particular it is the minus of the vector influenced by gravity alone. Thus if you pass in the accelerometer values without filtering the rotation matrix.. be slightly off. That is why you need to filter the accelerometer so that the filter values are approximately just the minus gravity vector. Since the gravitational acceleration is the dominant factor in the accelerometer vector normally low pass..
Choosing background for Live Wallpaper a button in the Settings menu have the list of options show up just like setting the wallpaper from the home screen minus the Live Wallpapers options. Once the user navigates the choices and picks an actually image I would load it to my canvas...
Round button in Android button in Android I want to create a circular button having a plus and minus sign on to this and exactly used in Android Contacts application like shown in the image as below android layout button.. name MinusButton item name android background @drawable btn_circle item item name android src @drawable ic_btn_round_minus item item name android contentDescription @string description_minus_button item style style name PlusButton item name android.. item item name android src @drawable ic_btn_round_minus item item name android contentDescription @string description_minus_button item style style name PlusButton item name android background @drawable btn_circle item item name android src @drawable..
my Custom View gets drawn only when added in onCreate Here is the code public class GraphBar extends RelativeLayout private int mAvailHeight space for the bar component minus label private float mBarHeight 0.0 1.0 value public GraphBar Context context this context null public GraphBar Context context..
How to create a Looper thread, then send it a message immediately? most elegant way out of this android multithreading handler looper share improve this question Eventual solution minus error checking thanks to CommonsWare class Worker extends HandlerThread ... public synchronized void waitUntilReady d_handler..
How to change the decimal separator of DecimalFormat from comma to dot/point? numbers produced by the format method. These symbols include the decimal separator the grouping separator the minus sign and the percent sign among others DecimalFormatSymbols otherSymbols new DecimalFormatSymbols currentLocale otherSymbols.setDecimalSeparator..
adding CheckBox to list row loses my onItemClick events? onClick but the onItemClickListener is never fired if the user clicks in the row but outside the CheckBox. The layout minus some style stuff is RelativeLayout xmlns android http apk res android android id @ id vw1 android layout_width..
Text is pushed to the left in a spinner - Android is the declaration of the Spinner in the XML Spinner android layout_height wrap_content android layout_toRightOf @ id minus android layout_width wrap_content android layout_below @ id female android id @ id spin android gravity center android background..
what is the difference between match_parent and fill_parent property in android FILL_PARENT renamed MATCH_PARENT in API Level 8 and higher which means that the view wants to be as big as its parent minus padding ... fill_parent The view should be as big as its parent minus padding . This constant is deprecated starting from.. that the view wants to be as big as its parent minus padding ... fill_parent The view should be as big as its parent minus padding . This constant is deprecated starting from API Level 8 and is replaced by match_parent . http
How to allow the user to select a text range in a TextView (Similar to EditText) the user to select a range of text from within it. The TextView takes up the entire width and height of the device minus some padding and a title at the top . In an EditText if you long click you get a selection overlay that allows you to set..
Android Camera will not work. startPreview fails ASPECT_TOLERANCE 0.1 double targetRatio double height width Try to find a size match which suits the whole screen minus the menu on the left. for Size size sizes if size.height width continue double ratio double size.width size.height if ratio..
Is deprecated word the only difference between fill_parent and match_parent fill_parent and match_parent means the same thing fill_parent means that the view wants to be as big as its parent minus the parent's padding if any. match_parent means that the view wants to be as big as its parent minus the parent's padding.. big as its parent minus the parent's padding if any. match_parent means that the view wants to be as big as its parent minus the parent's padding if any. Only One difference I found that is fill_parent is deprecated starting from API Level 8 and..
Android ServerSocket programming with jCIFS streaming files HTTP_416 null return if debug BrowserUtils.LOGRUN range range range.substring 6 long startFrom 0 endAt 1 int minus range.indexOf ' ' if minus 0 try String startR range.substring 0 minus startFrom Long.parseLong startR String endR.. debug BrowserUtils.LOGRUN range range range.substring 6 long startFrom 0 endAt 1 int minus range.indexOf ' ' if minus 0 try String startR range.substring 0 minus startFrom Long.parseLong startR String endR range.substring minus 1 endAt.. 6 long startFrom 0 endAt 1 int minus range.indexOf ' ' if minus 0 try String startR range.substring 0 minus startFrom Long.parseLong startR String endR range.substring minus 1 endAt Long.parseLong endR catch NumberFormatException..