android Programming Glossary: mimageview.setimagebitmap
nullpointer exception raises when i click on the button bitmap BitmapFactory.decodeFile path mImageView.setImageBitmap bitmap public String getRealPathFromURI Uri contentUri String..
Masking(crop) image in frame mCanvas.drawBitmap mask 0 0 paint paint.setXfermode null mImageView.setImageBitmap result mImageView.setScaleType ScaleType.CENTER mImageView.setBackgroundResource..
Java Generics - What is this syntax for? doInBackground protected void onPostExecute Bitmap result mImageView.setImageBitmap result java android generics share improve this question..
How to parse Sub JSONArray and display image? Bitmap result super.onPostExecute result if result null mImageView.setImageBitmap result protected Bitmap doInBackground Void... params Bitmap..
How can I make image opaque to some level? bmpOriginal zoomRegion display null break default mImageView.setImageBitmap bmResult sets alpha to semi transparent value 128 rotates around..
Rotating a drawable in Android 2 tempCanvas.drawBitmap bmpOriginal 0 0 null mImageView.setImageBitmap bmResult In this code sample rotation for 90 degrees over image..
Is there an accepted best-practice on making asynchronous HTTP requests in Android? urls 0 protected void onPostExecute Bitmap result mImageView.setImageBitmap result The doInBackgroundThread method is called on a separate..
nullpointer exception raises when i click on the button null bitmap BitmapFactory.decodeFile path else path mImageCaptureUri.getPath bitmap BitmapFactory.decodeFile path mImageView.setImageBitmap bitmap public String getRealPathFromURI Uri contentUri String proj MediaStore.Images.Media.DATA Cursor cursor managedQuery..
Masking(crop) image in frame PorterDuff.Mode.DST_IN mCanvas.drawBitmap original 0 0 null mCanvas.drawBitmap mask 0 0 paint paint.setXfermode null mImageView.setImageBitmap result mImageView.setScaleType ScaleType.CENTER mImageView.setBackgroundResource R.drawable.background_frame see output..
Java Generics - What is this syntax for? perform work in the UI thread and delivers the result from doInBackground protected void onPostExecute Bitmap result mImageView.setImageBitmap result java android generics share improve this question AsyncTask String Void Bitmap Tells AsyncTask is described..
How to parse Sub JSONArray and display image? Url this.mImageView imageView protected void onPostExecute Bitmap result super.onPostExecute result if result null mImageView.setImageBitmap result protected Bitmap doInBackground Void... params Bitmap bitmap getBitmap mUrl return bitmap public Bitmap getBitmap..
How can I make image opaque to some level? display.bottom bmpOriginal.getHeight tempCanvas.drawBitmap bmpOriginal zoomRegion display null break default mImageView.setImageBitmap bmResult sets alpha to semi transparent value 128 rotates around original image center for 90 degrees zoom into top left..
Rotating a drawable in Android
Is there an accepted best-practice on making asynchronous HTTP requests in Android? Bitmap doInBackground String... urls return loadImageFromNetwork urls 0 protected void onPostExecute Bitmap result mImageView.setImageBitmap result The doInBackgroundThread method is called on a separate thread managed by a thread pooled ExecutorService and the..