android Programming Glossary: mimage
Android Drag/Animation of Views class public class Card extends View private Bitmap mImage private final Paint mPaint new Paint private final Point mSize.. return mCardImage public final void setImage Bitmap image mImage image setSize mCardImage.getWidth mCardImage.getHeight @Override..
Image in Canvas with touch events static final int INVALID_POINTER_ID 1 private Drawable mImage private float mPosX private float mPosY private float mLastTouchX.. 1.f public MyImageView Context context this context null 0 mImage getResources .getDrawable R.drawable.imagename mImage.setBounds.. 0 mImage getResources .getDrawable R.drawable.imagename mImage.setBounds 0 0 mImage.getIntrinsicWidth mImage.getIntrinsicHeight..
can we use scale gesture detector for pinch zoom in android static final int INVALID_POINTER_ID 1 private Drawable mImage private float mPosX private float mPosY private float mLastTouchX.. 1.f public MyImageView Context context this context null 0 mImage act.getResources .getDrawable context.getResources .getIdentifier.. .getIdentifier imagÂename drawable packagename mImage.setBounds 0 0 mImage.getIntrinsicWidth mImage.getIntrinsicHeight..
How to crop image in android Window.FEATURE_NO_TITLE setContentView R.layout.cropimage mImageView CropImageView findViewById showStorageToast this.. circleCrop null mCircleCrop true mAspectX 1 mAspectY 1 mImagePath extras.getString image path mSaveUri getImageUri mImagePath.. extras.getString image path mSaveUri getImageUri mImagePath mBitmap getBitmap mImagePath mAspectX extras.getInt aspectX..
Pinch Zoom in android for an imageview? static final int INVALID_POINTER_ID 1 private Drawable mImage private float mPosX private float mPosY private float mLastTouchX.. 1.f public MyImageView Context context this context null 0 mImage act.getResources .getDrawable context.getResources .getIdentifier.. .getIdentifier imagÂename drawable packagename mImage.setBounds 0 0 mImage.getIntrinsicWidth mImage.getIntrinsicHeight..
My Android camera Uri is returning a null value, but the Samsung fix is in place, help? values.put MediaStore.Images.Media.TITLE m_username mImageUri getContentResolver .insert MediaStore.Images.Media.EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI.. values cameraIntent.putExtra MediaStore.EXTRA_OUTPUT mImageUri startActivityForResult cameraIntent CAMERA_PIC_REQUEST This.. are identical direct copy paste but in one activity the mImageUri object becomes null during the camera process while in the..
Android Drag/Animation of Views of having the DrawView class draw it. Edit Here is an example class public class Card extends View private Bitmap mImage private final Paint mPaint new Paint private final Point mSize new Point private final Point mStartPosition new Point public.. Context context super context public final Bitmap getImage return mCardImage public final void setImage Bitmap image mImage image setSize mCardImage.getWidth mCardImage.getHeight @Override protected void onDraw Canvas canvas Point position getPosition..
Image in Canvas with touch events android.view.View public class MyImageView extends View private static final int INVALID_POINTER_ID 1 private Drawable mImage private float mPosX private float mPosY private float mLastTouchX private float mLastTouchY private int mActivePointerId.. mScaleDetector private float mScaleFactor 1.f public MyImageView Context context this context null 0 mImage getResources .getDrawable R.drawable.imagename mImage.setBounds 0 0 mImage.getIntrinsicWidth mImage.getIntrinsicHeight .. 1.f public MyImageView Context context this context null 0 mImage getResources .getDrawable R.drawable.imagename mImage.setBounds 0 0 mImage.getIntrinsicWidth mImage.getIntrinsicHeight public MyImageView Context context AttributeSet attrs..
can we use scale gesture detector for pinch zoom in android android.view.View public class MyImageView extends View private static final int INVALID_POINTER_ID 1 private Drawable mImage private float mPosX private float mPosY private float mLastTouchX private float mLastTouchY private int mActivePointerId.. mScaleDetector private float mScaleFactor 1.f public MyImageView Context context this context null 0 mImage act.getResources .getDrawable context.getResources .getIdentifier imagÂename drawable packagename mImage.setBounds 0 0 mImage.getIntrinsicWidth.. null 0 mImage act.getResources .getDrawable context.getResources .getIdentifier imagÂename drawable packagename mImage.setBounds 0 0 mImage.getIntrinsicWidth mImage.getIntrinsicHeight public MyImageView Context context AttributeSet attrs..
How to crop image in android mContentResolver getContentResolver requestWindowFeature Window.FEATURE_NO_TITLE setContentView R.layout.cropimage mImageView CropImageView findViewById showStorageToast this Intent intent getIntent Bundle extras intent.getExtras if.. extras intent.getExtras if extras null if extras.getString circleCrop null mCircleCrop true mAspectX 1 mAspectY 1 mImagePath extras.getString image path mSaveUri getImageUri mImagePath mBitmap getBitmap mImagePath mAspectX extras.getInt aspectX.. circleCrop null mCircleCrop true mAspectX 1 mAspectY 1 mImagePath extras.getString image path mSaveUri getImageUri mImagePath mBitmap getBitmap mImagePath mAspectX extras.getInt aspectX mAspectY extras.getInt aspectY mOutputX extras.getInt outputX..
Pinch Zoom in android for an imageview? android.view.View public class MyImageView extends View private static final int INVALID_POINTER_ID 1 private Drawable mImage private float mPosX private float mPosY private float mLastTouchX private float mLastTouchY private int mActivePointerId.. mScaleDetector private float mScaleFactor 1.f public MyImageView Context context this context null 0 mImage act.getResources .getDrawable context.getResources .getIdentifier imagÂename drawable packagename mImage.setBounds 0 0 mImage.getIntrinsicWidth.. null 0 mImage act.getResources .getDrawable context.getResources .getIdentifier imagÂename drawable packagename mImage.setBounds 0 0 mImage.getIntrinsicWidth mImage.getIntrinsicHeight public MyImageView Context context AttributeSet attrs..
My Android camera Uri is returning a null value, but the Samsung fix is in place, help? ContentValues values new ContentValues values.put MediaStore.Images.Media.TITLE m_username mImageUri getContentResolver .insert MediaStore.Images.Media.EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI values cameraIntent.putExtra MediaStore.EXTRA_OUTPUT.. .insert MediaStore.Images.Media.EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI values cameraIntent.putExtra MediaStore.EXTRA_OUTPUT mImageUri startActivityForResult cameraIntent CAMERA_PIC_REQUEST This example creates a Uri for the camera to store the data in... data in. My app has a camera function in two locations. Both are identical direct copy paste but in one activity the mImageUri object becomes null during the camera process while in the other it doesn't. The latter works fine but the former gives..