android Programming Glossary: minsidelength
How to overcome this error:java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: bitmap size exceeds VM budget here is the same you use in step 1. private static int computeInitialSampleSize BitmapFactory.Options options int minSideLength int maxNumOfPixels double w options.outWidth double h options.outHeight int lowerBound maxNumOfPixels IImage.UNCONSTRAINED.. int lowerBound maxNumOfPixels IImage.UNCONSTRAINED 1 int Math.ceil Math.sqrt w h maxNumOfPixels int upperBound minSideLength IImage.UNCONSTRAINED 128 int Math.min Math.floor w minSideLength Math.floor h minSideLength if upperBound lowerBound return.. Math.sqrt w h maxNumOfPixels int upperBound minSideLength IImage.UNCONSTRAINED 128 int Math.min Math.floor w minSideLength Math.floor h minSideLength if upperBound lowerBound return the larger one when there is no overlapping zone. return lowerBound..