android Programming Glossary: minutes
Android AlarmManager won't work. I need to trigger a block of code after 20 minutes from the AlarmManager being set. java android alarmmanager..
Android Open and Save files to/from Google Drive SDK that right now and will probably edit this answer in a few minutes if i figure it out... THE ANDROID CODE Set Up and Uploading..
Saving Activity state in Android like that but I've been poking away in the docs for 30 minutes or so and haven't found anything obvious so would appreciate..
Android and obfuscation reduce the total library of Java Standard edition in 16 minutes 66 less size faster performance ánd obfuscation No experience..
Android: How to periodically send location to a server location updates once every pre determined period min 3 minutes max 1 hr until the user flags the end of the trip or until a..
Alarm Manager Example this question This is working code. It wakes CPU every 10 minutes until the phone turns off. Add to Manifest.xml ... uses permission..
Android timer? How? starttime int seconds int millis 1000 int minutes seconds 60 seconds seconds 60 text.setText String.format d 02d.. 60 seconds seconds 60 text.setText String.format d 02d minutes seconds return false runs without timer be reposting self.. starttime int seconds int millis 1000 int minutes seconds 60 seconds seconds 60 text3.setText String.format d..
Android “Only the original thread that created a view hierarchy can touch its views.” This works fine. Now I want a timer counting the seconds minutes of the progress of the song. So I put a TextView in the layout..
How to set a reminder in Android? dtstart cal.getTimeInMillis 11 60 1000 event starts at 11 minutes from now values.put dtend cal.getTimeInMillis 60 60 1000 ends.. values.put dtend cal.getTimeInMillis 60 60 1000 ends 60 minutes from now values.put description Reminder description values.put.. event.getLastPathSegment values.put method 1 values.put minutes 10 cr.insert REMINDERS_URI values You'll also need to add these..
Good way of getting the user's location in Android the user's location at a fixed interval let say every 10 minutes or so and send it to a server. The app should conserve as much.. boolean isNewer timeDelta 0 If it's been more than two minutes since the current location use the new location because the.. return location If the new location is more than two minutes older it must be worse else if isSignificantlyOlder return currentBestLocation..
Write/Geotag JPEGs (EXIF data) in Android minute String.valueOf Calendar.getInstance .getTime .getMinutes String second String.valueOf Calendar.getInstance .getTime .getSeconds.. The EXIFInterface expects the coordinates in Degrees Minutes Seconds and then written as rationals this is part of the EXIF.. explains how to convert from Decimal Degrees to Degrees Minutes Seconds. Using this code the GPS coordinates gets written correctly..
Android Thread for a timer work. Can you help me Its a Timer that counts down from 5 Minutes to 0 00. java android share improve this question You are..
VideoView onResume loses buffered portion of the video from a webserver. Now assume Total Video length is 60 Minutes Current Video progress is 20 Minutes Current Buffered progress.. Video length is 60 Minutes Current Video progress is 20 Minutes Current Buffered progress 30 Minutes Now when I click on the.. Video progress is 20 Minutes Current Buffered progress 30 Minutes Now when I click on the above mentioned Button which takes user..
Android AlarmManager been playing around with some code for a few days and it just won't work. I need to trigger a block of code after 20 minutes from the AlarmManager being set. java android alarmmanager android alarms android 1.5 share improve this question Some..
Android Open and Save files to/from Google Drive SDK API Key not set up something for Android. I'm looking into that right now and will probably edit this answer in a few minutes if i figure it out... THE ANDROID CODE Set Up and Uploading First get an auth token AccountManager am AccountManager.get..
Saving Activity state in Android probably something simple like overriding onPause or something like that but I've been poking away in the docs for 30 minutes or so and haven't found anything obvious so would appreciate any help. Cue me looking a fool in three two one... android..
Android and obfuscation about ProGuard here http It even can reduce the total library of Java Standard edition in 16 minutes 66 less size faster performance ánd obfuscation No experience on ProGuard for the Android but used it many times for Java..
Android: How to periodically send location to a server am not sure how to set up a background service that sends the location updates once every pre determined period min 3 minutes max 1 hr until the user flags the end of the trip or until a preset amount of time elapses. Once the trip is started from..
Alarm Manager Example alarm manager program android alarmmanager share improve this question This is working code. It wakes CPU every 10 minutes until the phone turns off. Add to Manifest.xml ... uses permission android name android.permission.WAKE_LOCK uses permission..
Android timer? How? boolean handleMessage Message msg long millis System.currentTimeMillis starttime int seconds int millis 1000 int minutes seconds 60 seconds seconds 60 text.setText String.format d 02d minutes seconds return false runs without timer be reposting.. starttime int seconds int millis 1000 int minutes seconds 60 seconds seconds 60 text.setText String.format d 02d minutes seconds return false runs without timer be reposting self Handler h2 new Handler Runnable run new Runnable @Override public.. new Runnable @Override public void run long millis System.currentTimeMillis starttime int seconds int millis 1000 int minutes seconds 60 seconds seconds 60 text3.setText String.format d 02d minutes seconds h2.postDelayed this 500 tells handler to..
Android “Only the original thread that created a view hierarchy can touch its views.” e return catch Exception e return progress.setProgress pos This works fine. Now I want a timer counting the seconds minutes of the progress of the song. So I put a TextView in the layout get it with findViewById in onCreate and put this in run..
How to set a reminder in Android? title Reminder Title values.put allDay 0 values.put dtstart cal.getTimeInMillis 11 60 1000 event starts at 11 minutes from now values.put dtend cal.getTimeInMillis 60 60 1000 ends 60 minutes from now values.put description Reminder description.. 11 60 1000 event starts at 11 minutes from now values.put dtend cal.getTimeInMillis 60 60 1000 ends 60 minutes from now values.put description Reminder description values.put visibility 0 values.put hasAlarm 1 Uri event cr.insert EVENTS_URI.. values new ContentValues values.put event_id Long.parseLong event.getLastPathSegment values.put method 1 values.put minutes 10 cr.insert REMINDERS_URI values You'll also need to add these permissions to your manifest for this method uses permission..
Good way of getting the user's location in Android the best of them. Background of the app The app will collect the user's location at a fixed interval let say every 10 minutes or so and send it to a server. The app should conserve as much battery as possible and the location should have X 50 100.. TWO_MINUTES boolean isSignificantlyOlder timeDelta TWO_MINUTES boolean isNewer timeDelta 0 If it's been more than two minutes since the current location use the new location because the user has likely moved if isSignificantlyNewer return location.. because the user has likely moved if isSignificantlyNewer return location If the new location is more than two minutes older it must be worse else if isSignificantlyOlder return currentBestLocation Check whether the new location fix is more..
Write/Geotag JPEGs (EXIF data) in Android String.valueOf Calendar.getInstance .getTime .getHours String minute String.valueOf Calendar.getInstance .getTime .getMinutes String second String.valueOf Calendar.getInstance .getTime .getSeconds filename Billede day hour minute second try FileOutputStream.. getLogitude on a Location object is in Decimal Degrees. The EXIFInterface expects the coordinates in Degrees Minutes Seconds and then written as rationals this is part of the EXIF specification . More on GPS coordinate formats and conversion.. and conversion here . Here is another question answer that explains how to convert from Decimal Degrees to Degrees Minutes Seconds. Using this code the GPS coordinates gets written correctly in the EXIF and Flickr have no problem importing the..
Android Thread for a timer t.start This is a code for a Thread in Java but it doesn't work. Can you help me Its a Timer that counts down from 5 Minutes to 0 00. java android share improve this question You are trying to update the UI Thread from a background Thread with..
VideoView onResume loses buffered portion of the video When the application starts VideoView is made to play the Video from a webserver. Now assume Total Video length is 60 Minutes Current Video progress is 20 Minutes Current Buffered progress 30 Minutes Now when I click on the above mentioned Button.. is made to play the Video from a webserver. Now assume Total Video length is 60 Minutes Current Video progress is 20 Minutes Current Buffered progress 30 Minutes Now when I click on the above mentioned Button which takes user to the next activity... Now assume Total Video length is 60 Minutes Current Video progress is 20 Minutes Current Buffered progress 30 Minutes Now when I click on the above mentioned Button which takes user to the next activity. From that Activity if i press the..