android Programming Glossary: mime
Android : Html Anchor Link works only once in webview 9 h2 p This chapter explains ba bla bla p body html String mime text html String encoding utf 8 WebView myWebView WebView this.findViewById.. myWebView.loadDataWithBaseURL null html mime encoding null i have tried this link but not worked for me...
Phonegap Plugin to convert Base64 String to a PNG image in Android javascript script script type text javascript May have a mime type definition or not var myBase64 data image png base64 iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAAAUAAAAFCAYAAACNbyblAAAAHElEQVQI12P4.. result alert result function error alert error No mimetype definition example var myOtherBase64 iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAAAUAAAAFCAYAAACNbyblAAAAHElEQVQI12P4..
declaring mime type for a “custom file” that is to be sent via bluetooth mime type for a &ldquo custom file&rdquo that is to be sent via bluetooth.. data android scheme file data android mimeType image data android host intent filter And code worked fine... in the code that I posted above How should I write the mimeType in the intent filter what should be the line intent.setType..
How to read contacts on Android 2.0
Android intent filter for a particular file extension? out the intent filter. The filetype is not included in the mimetypes and I tried using data android path .ext but I couldn't.. data android scheme file data android mimeType data android pathPattern . .kdb data android host intent.. a local file is opened rather than protocol like http . mimeType can be set to to match any mime type. pathPattern is where..
How to add new field(s) to the contact? share improve this question You have to creat your own mime type for those. Here is an example that saves a boolean as my.. Here is an example that saves a boolean as my custom mime type to the contacts. It uses the latest SDK 2.1 public void..
How to Read MMS Data in Android? difference is that you will be looking for a different mime type String selectionPart mid mmsId Uri uri Uri.parse content..
Load local html in WebView? String html html body Hello World body html String mime text html String encoding utf 8 WebView myWebView WebView this.findViewById.. true myWebView.loadDataWithBaseURL null html mime encoding null EDIT try to set the first parameter the baseURL..
Android httpclient file upload data corruption and timeout issues with uploading images in android. i'm using apache httpmime 4.1 lib the code is like this MultipartEntity reqEntity new.. file is same as the original one.. tried to change mime type to application octet stream or remove it at all. tries.. as i read the net nobody was experiencing this with httpmime library. what can it be i'm completely lost now the other issue..
How to display image with WebView loaddata? the following String urlStr http my.jpg String mimeType image jpeg String encoding null String pageData This is.. webview.loadDataWithBaseURL urlStr pageData mimeType encoding urlStr but when I run this all I see is a blue.. my.jpg It seems silly that loadData takes a mime type if it can only handle text html . Especially since the..
Uploading an audio recording to mysql and playing in website echo statement in your PHP and if that isn't enough add a mime type to your embed like this object data sound.php id 110 width..
How to customize share intent in Android? or the component names of the target apps or the type or mime type of data you can't force a particular app to work on generalized..
Trigger mediascanner on specific path (folder), how to? mPath private String mMimeType filePath where to scan mime type of media to scan i.e. image jpeg . use for any media public.. MediaScannerWrapper Context ctx String filePath String mime mPath sdcard DCIM Camera mMimeType jpg mConnection new MediaScannerConnection..
Parse application/smil MMS MIME type on android application smil MMS MIME type on android So I have come across three categories of MMS..
How to add new field(s) to the contact? like to add a SIP address name@domain field to it. What MIME type will I need to associate with it Also I want to add a group.. group addresses in it name@domain name@domain ... . Wich MIME type will I have to associate with this type of field. I also.. values Data.CONTACT_ID this.getId AND Data.MIMETYPE ' clsContacts.FORMALITY_MIMETYPE ' null if mod 0 values.put..
How to open Email program via Intents (but only an Email program) android share improve this question Changing the MIME type is the answer this is what I did in my app to change the..
How use multipart/form-data upload picture/image on Android submission for use as a POST request body you'll need a MIME multipart encoder typically org.apache.http.entity.mime.MultipartEntity..
Android: How do I attach a temporary, generated image to an email? another app to be able to access it. I misunderstood what MIME type I should have been using. Even though I was sending email..
sqlite example program in android [closed] int QUADUSER 1 private static final int QUADUSER_ID 2 The MIME type of a directory of events private static final String CONTENT_TYPE.. CONTENT_TYPE vnd.example.brown The MIME type of a single event private static final String CONTENT_ITEM_TYPE.. CONTENT_TYPE1 vnd.example.brown The MIME type of a single event private static final String CONTENT_ITEM_TYPE1..
How to send file using bluetooth on android programatically? String _DATA _data The name of the column containing the MIME type of the shared file. public static final String MIMETYPE.. MIME type of the shared file. public static final String MIMETYPE mimetype The name of the column containing the direction..
MediaPlayer stutters at start of mp3 playback String headers HTTP 1.0 200 OK r n headers Content Type MIME TYPE HERE r n headers Content Length fileSize r n headers Connection..
Android\Intent: Send an email with attachment [duplicate] instead of Uri.parse file file Also try text xml for your MIME type assuming that this is an XML file as your variable name..
Send Email Intent We can use message rfc822 instead of text plain as the MIME type. However that is not indicating only offer email clients..
How to query a web service via POST request in Android? server shall return service metadata document using the MIME type text xml . documentation annotation element sequence attribute.. first. Each response format shall be identified by its MIME type. See AcceptFormats parameter use subclause for more information... documentation XML encoded identifier of a standard MIME type possibly a parameterized MIME type. documentation annotation..
Android : Html Anchor Link works only once in webview 8 h2 p This chapter explains ba bla bla p h2 Chapter 9 h2 p This chapter explains ba bla bla p body html String mime text html String encoding utf 8 WebView myWebView WebView this.findViewById myWebView.loadDataWithBaseURL.. encoding utf 8 WebView myWebView WebView this.findViewById myWebView.loadDataWithBaseURL null html mime encoding null i have tried this link but not worked for me. UPDATE Testing result of my code in various device. Working..
Phonegap Plugin to convert Base64 String to a PNG image in Android some parameters button script src Base64ToPNG.js type text javascript script script type text javascript May have a mime type definition or not var myBase64 data image png base64 iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAAAUAAAAFCAYAAACNbyblAAAAHElEQVQI12P4 8.. Image. window.plugins.base64ToPNG.saveImage myBase64 function result alert result function error alert error No mimetype definition example var myOtherBase64 iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAAAUAAAAFCAYAAACNbyblAAAAHElEQVQI12P4 8 w38GIAXDIBKE0DHxgljNBAAO9TXL0Y4OHwAAAABJRU5ErkJggg..
declaring mime type for a “custom file” that is to be sent via bluetooth mime type for a &ldquo custom file&rdquo that is to be sent via bluetooth I really need help in solving this issue I am developing.. category android name android.intent.category.BROWSABLE data android scheme file data android mimeType image data android host intent filter And code worked fine. Now my question is Similarly I want to send a file that.. this card12434247.Xcard Now what modifications are required in the code that I posted above How should I write the mimeType in the intent filter what should be the line intent.setType ... How should I modify it so that bluetooth will be able..
How to read contacts on Android 2.0
Android intent filter for a particular file extension? to deal with it but I haven't been able to figure out the intent filter. The filetype is not included in the mimetypes and I tried using data android path .ext but I couldn't get that to work. android android intent android manifest.. category android name android.intent.category.BROWSABLE data android scheme file data android mimeType data android pathPattern . .kdb data android host intent filter activity The scheme of file indicates that this should.. The scheme of file indicates that this should happen when a local file is opened rather than protocol like http . mimeType can be set to to match any mime type. pathPattern is where you specify what extension you want to match in this example..
How to add new field(s) to the contact? It'll be great if someone can give me an example. android share improve this question You have to creat your own mime type for those. Here is an example that saves a boolean as my custom mime type to the contacts. It uses the latest SDK 2.1.. this question You have to creat your own mime type for those. Here is an example that saves a boolean as my custom mime type to the contacts. It uses the latest SDK 2.1 public void saveFormality try ContentValues values new ContentValues values.put..
How to Read MMS Data in Android? from MMS It's the same than getting the text part... the only difference is that you will be looking for a different mime type String selectionPart mid mmsId Uri uri Uri.parse content mms part Cursor cPart getContentResolver .query uri null selectionPart..
Load local html in WebView? something like that. This solution load HTML from a String variable String html html body Hello World body html String mime text html String encoding utf 8 WebView myWebView WebView this.findViewById myWebView.getSettings .setJavaScriptEnabled.. myWebView.getSettings .setJavaScriptEnabled true myWebView.loadDataWithBaseURL null html mime encoding null EDIT try to set the first parameter the baseURL of loadDataWithBaseURL for your needs share improve this..
Android httpclient file upload data corruption and timeout issues upload data corruption and timeout issues i'm having issues with uploading images in android. i'm using apache httpmime 4.1 lib the code is like this MultipartEntity reqEntity new MultipartEntity HttpMultipartMode.BROWSER_COMPATIBLE reqEntity.addPart.. it doesn't throw any exceptions. the lenght of the uploaded file is same as the original one.. tried to change mime type to application octet stream or remove it at all. tries playing with timeouts. still same result. end users upload corrupted.. the apache's library.. maybe it is the problem.. but as far as i read the net nobody was experiencing this with httpmime library. what can it be i'm completely lost now the other issue is that timeouts sometimes not working. like when it comes..
How to display image with WebView loaddata? to display image with WebView loaddata I've got the following String urlStr http my.jpg String mimeType image jpeg String encoding null String pageData This is data read in from an HttpURLConnection webview.loadDataWithBaseURL.. null String pageData This is data read in from an HttpURLConnection webview.loadDataWithBaseURL urlStr pageData mimeType encoding urlStr but when I run this all I see is a blue question mark instead of my image. What is the proper way to.. a way to do this without passing pageData as img src http my.jpg It seems silly that loadData takes a mime type if it can only handle text html . Especially since the javadoc lists image jpeg as an example mime type that you might..
Uploading an audio recording to mysql and playing in website For AMR try adding header Content type audio amr before the echo statement in your PHP and if that isn't enough add a mime type to your embed like this object data sound.php id 110 width '391' height '298' embed src 'sound.php' type audio amr..
How to customize share intent in Android?
Trigger mediascanner on specific path (folder), how to? private MediaScannerConnection mConnection private String mPath private String mMimeType filePath where to scan mime type of media to scan i.e. image jpeg . use for any media public MediaScannerWrapper Context ctx String filePath String.. of media to scan i.e. image jpeg . use for any media public MediaScannerWrapper Context ctx String filePath String mime mPath sdcard DCIM Camera mMimeType jpg mConnection new MediaScannerConnection ctx this do the scanning public void scan..
Parse application/smil MMS MIME type on android application smil MMS MIME type on android So I have come across three categories of MMS message types Plain Text text plain Image image jpeg image..
How to add new field(s) to the contact? provider. I'm trying to build a Voip application and would like to add a SIP address name@domain field to it. What MIME type will I need to associate with it Also I want to add a group address field which will have a list of group addresses.. I want to add a group address field which will have a list of group addresses in it name@domain name@domain ... . Wich MIME type will I have to associate with this type of field. I also want to add custom fields to the Call History like a session.. 1 0 int mod ctx.getContentResolver .update Data.CONTENT_URI values Data.CONTACT_ID this.getId AND Data.MIMETYPE ' clsContacts.FORMALITY_MIMETYPE ' null if mod 0 values.put Data.CONTACT_ID this.getId values.put Data.MIMETYPE..
How to open Email program via Intents (but only an Email program) that the user has chosen and adjust the message appropriately android share improve this question Changing the MIME type is the answer this is what I did in my app to change the same behavior. I used intent.setType message rfc822 share..
How use multipart/form-data upload picture/image on Android form data block. To create a multipart form data encoded form submission for use as a POST request body you'll need a MIME multipart encoder typically org.apache.http.entity.mime.MultipartEntity . Unfortunately this is not bundled by Android so..
Android: How do I attach a temporary, generated image to an email? to your app. You can't put something there and expect another app to be able to access it. I misunderstood what MIME type I should have been using. Even though I was sending email text I really needed to specify image png for the sake of..
sqlite example program in android [closed] extends ContentProvider private static final int QUADUSER 1 private static final int QUADUSER_ID 2 The MIME type of a directory of events private static final String CONTENT_TYPE vnd.example.brown The MIME.. type of a directory of events private static final String CONTENT_TYPE vnd.example.brown The MIME type of a single event private static final String CONTENT_ITEM_TYPE vnd.example.brown private static.. vnd.example.brown private static final String CONTENT_TYPE1 vnd.example.brown The MIME type of a single event private static final String CONTENT_ITEM_TYPE1 vnd.example.brown private..
How to send file using bluetooth on android programatically? the shared file was actually stored. public static final String _DATA _data The name of the column containing the MIME type of the shared file. public static final String MIMETYPE mimetype The name of the column containing the direction Inbound.. String _DATA _data The name of the column containing the MIME type of the shared file. public static final String MIMETYPE mimetype The name of the column containing the direction Inbound Outbound of the transfer. See the DIRECTION_ constants..
MediaPlayer stutters at start of mp3 playback long fileSize GET CONTENT LENGTH HERE Create HTTP header String headers HTTP 1.0 200 OK r n headers Content Type MIME TYPE HERE r n headers Content Length fileSize r n headers Connection close r n headers r n Begin with HTTP header int fc..
Android\Intent: Send an email with attachment [duplicate]
Send Email Intent to the intent. Use Uri to add the subject and body text. EDIT We can use message rfc822 instead of text plain as the MIME type. However that is not indicating only offer email clients it indicates offer anything that supports message rfc822 data..
How to query a web service via POST request in Android? documentation When omitted or not supported by server server shall return service metadata document using the MIME type text xml . documentation annotation element sequence attribute name updateSequence type ows UpdateSequenceType use.. formats desired by client with preferred formats listed first. Each response format shall be identified by its MIME type. See AcceptFormats parameter use subclause for more information. documentation annotation sequence element name OutputFormat.. ows 1.0.0 owsCommon.xsd simpleType name MimeType annotation documentation XML encoded identifier of a standard MIME type possibly a parameterized MIME type. documentation annotation restriction base string pattern value application audio..