android Programming Glossary: mimic
How can I get the direction of movement using an accelerometer? fine grained determination of direction e.g. to attempt to mimic the movement of a computer mouse you might find that a phone's..
Wipe data/Factory reset through ADB [closed] stuck in a bootloop. Trying to use adb input keyevent to mimic the key presses. I have no idea what they are mapped to because..
Pause an Android App with Phonegap pause an Android app in Phonegap I would like to mimic the behavior that occurs when you hit the HOME button. I've..
Detecting the scrolling direction in the adapter (up/down) scrolling direction in the adapter up down I am trying to mimic the Google Plus application in my project as it seems to be..
Application Skeleton to support multiple screen low density. Always configure your Android emulators to mimic real device values and always set them to scale to emulate device..
Android: velocity-based ViewPager scrolling question The technique here is to extends ViewPager and mimic most of what the pager will be doing internally coupled with.. on the bounds that the scroll will be effective. You can mimic the calculations in the extended ViewPager and detect when this.. false private void trackMotion float distX The following mimics the underlying calculations in ViewPager float scrollX getScrollX..
Android: custom view onClickEvent with X & Y locations work cleanly you can use a boolean in the onTouchEvent to mimic click detection if all else fails. in ACTION_DOWN set it to..
Android: Capturing the return of an activity include 3 images that look like real tabs so I can try and mimic the operation of the tabs while rotating the screen to landscape..
Difference between iPhone Simulator and Android Emulator is not true in case of simulator. I think Android emulator mimics the processing speed of the target device the memory usage.. between emulators and simulators is that emulators mimic the software and hardware environments found on actual devices... found on actual devices. Simulators on the other hand only mimic the software environment they otherwise have access to all of..
Android WebView Javascript getSelection a WebTextView private class in Android's arsenal which mimics the text position yet allows images to show through and allows.. check the source that's a lot of work to mimic text selection instead of provide it It is sad and currently..
How to simulate :active css pseudo class in android on non-link elements? in android on non link elements I'd like to be able to mimic the behavior of the active pseudo class on all elements in Android..
Sending DTMF tones over the uplink in-call classes in I am hoping to mimic how the native Phone app does this. I followed this site on..
How integrate Paypal in android Application? 200 android.view.ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT Semi mimic PP button sizes exitApp.setOnClickListener this exitApp.setText..
Webview in Scrollview method and when used on Jelly Bean or above it will mimic the same behavior. The source code is available under the Apache..
How can I get the direction of movement using an accelerometer? X and Y axis that the phone has moved in. To provide a more fine grained determination of direction e.g. to attempt to mimic the movement of a computer mouse you might find that a phone's accelerometer is not fit for purpose. To attempt this I would..
Wipe data/Factory reset through ADB [closed] does wipe but then the ROM doesn't work properly and gets stuck in a bootloop. Trying to use adb input keyevent to mimic the key presses. I have no idea what they are mapped to because they are in a UNIX shell basically and even then there is..
Pause an Android App with Phonegap an Android App with Phonegap Is there any way to programmatically pause an Android app in Phonegap I would like to mimic the behavior that occurs when you hit the HOME button. I've already had to overwrite the back button handler using this..
Detecting the scrolling direction in the adapter (up/down) the scrolling direction in the adapter up down I am trying to mimic the Google Plus application in my project as it seems to be the reference now. The listview effect when scrolling is really..
Application Skeleton to support multiple screen Linux . Compared with mobile desktop displays are always low density. Always configure your Android emulators to mimic real device values and always set them to scale to emulate device density. In Eclipse it's easy to create multiple emulators..
Android: velocity-based ViewPager scrolling android viewpager gestures onfling share improve this question The technique here is to extends ViewPager and mimic most of what the pager will be doing internally coupled with scrolling logic from the Gallery widget. The general idea is.. scroll . This happens because the fake drag implements caps on the bounds that the scroll will be effective. You can mimic the calculations in the extended ViewPager and detect when this will happen then just flip the page and continue as usual... float velY mFlingRunnable.startUsingVelocity int velX return false private void trackMotion float distX The following mimics the underlying calculations in ViewPager float scrollX getScrollX distX final int width getWidth final int widthWithMargin..
Android: custom view onClickEvent with X & Y locations to true or setClickable true . But if you can't make it work cleanly you can use a boolean in the onTouchEvent to mimic click detection if all else fails. in ACTION_DOWN set it to true isClicking or something like that in ACTION_MOVE set it..
Android: Capturing the return of an activity And that works fine. I had to do a linear layout and include 3 images that look like real tabs so I can try and mimic the operation of the tabs while rotating the screen to landscape and keep the visuals as portrait. The user can click one..
Difference between iPhone Simulator and Android Emulator that Emulator really emulates the target device which is not true in case of simulator. I think Android emulator mimics the processing speed of the target device the memory usage but a simulator does not emulate the device. android iphone.. developer not an Android developer. You are correct the difference between emulators and simulators is that emulators mimic the software and hardware environments found on actual devices. Simulators on the other hand only mimic the software environment.. that emulators mimic the software and hardware environments found on actual devices. Simulators on the other hand only mimic the software environment they otherwise have access to all of the host system's hardware resources such as disk space memory..
Android WebView Javascript getSelection actually being used for selection... It is being pushed under a WebTextView private class in Android's arsenal which mimics the text position yet allows images to show through and allows you to select the text which appears in the actual HTML... android core platform frameworks base android webkit check the source that's a lot of work to mimic text selection instead of provide it It is sad and currently very painful for a project our team has undertaken especially..
How to simulate :active css pseudo class in android on non-link elements? to simulate active css pseudo class in android on non link elements I'd like to be able to mimic the behavior of the active pseudo class on all elements in Android webkit. Currently the active syntax only works on a elements..
Sending DTMF tones over the uplink in-call the current SDK standard APIs. However by using the relevant classes in I am hoping to mimic how the native Phone app does this. I followed this site on how to use internal APIs for standard 3rd party apps . I've..
How integrate Paypal in android Application? new Button this exitApp.setLayoutParams new LayoutParams 200 android.view.ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT Semi mimic PP button sizes exitApp.setOnClickListener this exitApp.setText Exit layoutExit.addView exitApp content.addView layoutExit..
Webview in Scrollview