android Programming Glossary: minoccurs
KSoap2 and KvmSerializable - How to Send complex Objects like Stringarrays xsd xs complexType name Category xs sequence xs element minOccurs 0 name categoryId type xs int xs element minOccurs 0 name description.. element minOccurs 0 name categoryId type xs int xs element minOccurs 0 name description nillable true type xs string xs element minOccurs.. 0 name description nillable true type xs string xs element minOccurs 0 name name nillable true type xs string xs sequence xs complexType..
passing objects to wcf soap service from android using ksoap2; it sends and receives 0 testadd xs sequence xs element name number_1 type xs int minOccurs 0 xs element name number_2 type xs int minOccurs 0 xs sequence.. xs int minOccurs 0 xs element name number_2 type xs int minOccurs 0 xs sequence xs complexType xs element name testadd type tns..
Pass ArrayList data into SOAP web service in android name insertResultUser s complexType s sequence s element minOccurs 0 maxOccurs 1 name dt s complexType s sequence s any minOccurs.. 0 maxOccurs 1 name dt s complexType s sequence s any minOccurs 0 maxOccurs unbounded namespace http 2001 XMLSchema.. http 2001 XMLSchema processContents lax s any minOccurs 1 namespace urn schemas microsoft com xml diffgram v1 processContents..
How to query a web service via POST request in Android? element name AcceptVersions type ows AcceptVersionsType minOccurs 0 annotation documentation When omitted server shall return.. element element name Sections type ows SectionsType minOccurs 0 annotation documentation When omitted or not supported by.. element name AcceptFormats type ows AcceptFormatsType minOccurs 0 annotation documentation When omitted or not supported by..
How to create SOAP request via ksoap2 xs sequence xs element name arg0 type xs string minOccurs 0 xs sequence xs complexType i should have a SOAP response like.. xs sequence xs element name arg0 type xs string minOccurs 0 xs sequence xs complexType So you will need to create a local..
KSoap2 and KvmSerializable - How to Send complex Objects like Stringarrays qualified targetNamespace http xsd xs complexType name Category xs sequence xs element minOccurs 0 name categoryId type xs int xs element minOccurs 0 name description nillable true type xs string xs element minOccurs.. xsd xs complexType name Category xs sequence xs element minOccurs 0 name categoryId type xs int xs element minOccurs 0 name description nillable true type xs string xs element minOccurs 0 name name nillable true type xs string xs sequence.. 0 name categoryId type xs int xs element minOccurs 0 name description nillable true type xs string xs element minOccurs 0 name name nillable true type xs string xs sequence xs complexType xs schema xs schema xmlns ax22 http
passing objects to wcf soap service from android using ksoap2; it sends and receives 0 elementFormDefault qualified xs complexType name testadd xs sequence xs element name number_1 type xs int minOccurs 0 xs element name number_2 type xs int minOccurs 0 xs sequence xs complexType xs element name testadd type tns testadd nillable.. name testadd xs sequence xs element name number_1 type xs int minOccurs 0 xs element name number_2 type xs int minOccurs 0 xs sequence xs complexType xs element name testadd type tns testadd nillable true xs schema here is my soap request v..
Pass ArrayList data into SOAP web service in android My XML WSDL service is as following. wsdl types s element name insertResultUser s complexType s sequence s element minOccurs 0 maxOccurs 1 name dt s complexType s sequence s any minOccurs 0 maxOccurs unbounded namespace http 2001 XMLSchema.. insertResultUser s complexType s sequence s element minOccurs 0 maxOccurs 1 name dt s complexType s sequence s any minOccurs 0 maxOccurs unbounded namespace http 2001 XMLSchema processContents lax s any minOccurs 1 namespace urn schemas.. s sequence s any minOccurs 0 maxOccurs unbounded namespace http 2001 XMLSchema processContents lax s any minOccurs 1 namespace urn schemas microsoft com xml diffgram v1 processContents lax s sequence s complexType s element s sequence..
How to query a web service via POST request in Android? correct value for that OWS. documentation annotation sequence element name AcceptVersions type ows AcceptVersionsType minOccurs 0 annotation documentation When omitted server shall return latest supported version. documentation annotation element.. shall return latest supported version. documentation annotation element element name Sections type ows SectionsType minOccurs 0 annotation documentation When omitted or not supported by server server shall return complete service metadata Capabilities.. Capabilities document. documentation annotation element element name AcceptFormats type ows AcceptFormatsType minOccurs 0 annotation documentation When omitted or not supported by server server shall return service metadata document using..
How to create SOAP request via ksoap2 name FReadStatus type tns FReadStatus xs complexType name FReadStatus xs sequence xs element name arg0 type xs string minOccurs 0 xs sequence xs complexType i should have a SOAP response like this SOAP Response xml version 1.0 encoding UTF 8 S Envelope.. arg0 of type String. Its definition is xs complexType name FReadStatus xs sequence xs element name arg0 type xs string minOccurs 0 xs sequence xs complexType So you will need to create a local class that implements kvmSerializable to map this complex..