

php Programming Glossary: messing

Facebook XMPP Chat API send Message PHP


Message PHP Hello Stackoverflow Community I am currently messing about with the Facebook Chat API. I want to send chat messages..

Stored procedure causes “Commands out of sync” on the next query


time. My best guess is the call is doing something that's messing this up. php mysql stored procedures share improve this question..

How do I completely disable caching in Cakephp?


or maybe my hosting service but it's probably just Cakephp messing with me. php cakephp caching share improve this question..

onbeforeprint() and onafterprint() equivalent for non IE browsers (PHP, MySQL, JavaScript, HTML)


putting my function in my Print.css as an image but I am messing it up some how. Then I tried just adding a event listener but..

Which ORM for codeigniter? [closed]


plugin 3 using hooks. I don't like option 1 as it involves messing with CI system files. Option 2 is very easy and what i currently..

Using xpath on a PHP SimpleXML object, SOAP + namespaces (not working..)


share improve this question The multiple namespaces are messing with it adding the following works for me response registerXPathNamespace..

$_SERVER[“REMOTE_ADDR”] gives server IP rather than visitor IP


So eclipse and xdebug walk into a bar, and then my apache server dies


on that article you might be able to get things working by messing with Apache's .htaccess file s or by running a DBGp proxy whatever..

xPath insert before and after - With DOM and PHP


appendChild container As for character encoding I've been messing with it for a while and it's a tricky issue. The characters..

PHP: Suppress output within a function?


other things is there a good method for doing this Maybe messing with the output buffer php function output buffering share.. output buffering share improve this question Yes messing with the Output Buffer is exactly the answer. Just turn it on..

PHP some $_POST values missing but are present in php://input


For Exampe comment by POSTer php Function to fix up PHP's messing up POST input containing dots etc. function getRealPOST pairs..

PHP - Multiple uasort functions breaks sorting


the birthdays... How do I sort multiple times without it messing up my previous sorts. P.S. I am using uasort. php arrays multidimensional..

how to call a php function on button click


do the redirection it would be much cleaner than all this messing around with echoing out javascript. share improve this answer..

php: file_get_contents encoding problem


it works ok. I do not think the library I'm using is messing it up because I tried to output the whole page without passing..

PHP decoding and encoding json with unicode characters


some json I need to decode alter and then encode without messing up any characters. If I have a unicode character in a json string..

What is the best way to stop people hacking the PHP-based highscore table of a Flash game


developers just give up give or take a couple months of messing with attackers by Scrambling the AES keys with XOR operations..

PHP messing with HTML Charset Encoding


messing with HTML Charset Encoding I have this very strange problem...

PHP & mySQL - ë written as ë [duplicate]


written as à « duplicate Possible Duplicate PHP messing with HTML Charset Encoding We've come across special characters..

How to POST backbone model data to DB through Slim php and Paris


'name' cannot be null. So my guess is that either 1 I'm messing something up with the save in that it isn't capturing my attributes..