

php Programming Glossary: mere

Properly Escaping with MySQLI | query over prepared statements


something essential existing on it's own but it's rather mere a consequence. A consequence of improperly formatted query...

mysql_ deprecated


rowCount To be clear though neither of these is a mere substitute for mysql_num_rows . Your code must eventually be..

Deprecated MySql Functions


improve this question It will just make no sense. A mere mechanical replacement will do no good. You have to understand..

What is better in a foreach loop… using the & symbol or reassigning based on key?


still quite obvious in this example mainly because it's a mere 15 lines long even using the spacious Allman coding style.....

php warning mysql_fetch_assoc


mysql_query query resource is a MySQL result resource a mere link to the result set while row mysql_fetch_assoc resource..

isset() and empty() make code ugly


to your program logic you should ask yourself why. The mere existence of a variable shouldn't be important only its value..

Why doesn't MySQL support millisecond / microsecond precision?


following Doctrine#Timestamp The timestamp data type is a mere combination of the date and the time of the day data types...

str_replace within certain html tags only


this question Do not treat the HTML document as a mere string. Like you already noticed tags elements and how they..

Query WMI remotely with PHP


hr hr Capacity . Capacity. br Name . Name. br hr hr carte mere hr hr SerialNumber . SerialNumber. br hr hr disk hr hr SerialNumber..

PHP error: Notice: Undefined index:


There are many great stable releases some as simple as mere object models that are available for download. share improve..

Minifying final HTML output using regular expressions with CodeIgniter


taken the liberty of commented it so it can be read by mere mortals function process_data_alan text re ' # Collapse ws everywhere..

Strange 5 second pause with PHP command line interface (related to mysql/mysqli extension)


no annoying pause and the PHP script terminates in mere milliseconds. The command I'm using is C Program Files PHP php.exe..

When should I use Perl CGI instead of PHP (or vice versa)?


out mod_perl mod_php mod_ruby et alia are much more than mere CGI accelerators they provide access to the Apache API. They..

Export mySQL to excel or csv


mySQL to excel or csv I'm no php expert a mere beginner but need some help After hours searching Google and..