

php Programming Glossary: merchant

any good php tutorial on how to send sms to phones?


and am using wamp would i need to go through a type of merchant of some type to be able to send sms's and if you know of any..

PHP: Best random numbers


display 2 or 3 images per row using php mysql


php include_once config.php result mysql_query SELECT FROM merchant while res mysql_fetch_array result php echo res 'description'.. php include_once config.php result mysql_query SELECT FROM merchant count 0 while res mysql_fetch_array result if count 3 three..

Credit card payment gateway in PHP? [closed]


has a PHP library to accept credit cards without needing a merchant account https github.com stripe stripe php Check out the documentation..

What is the best way to validate a credit card in PHP?


associated account you are unlikely to get this without a merchant account Pattern There is a description here that describes many..

PHP Curl Paypal Sandbox


Send confirmation email to buyer and notification email to merchant Redirect to thankyou page Payment failed else print Please try..

Disable shipping address option in PayPal Express Checkout


developer.paypal.com webapps developer docs classic api merchant SetExpressCheckout_API_Operation_NVP share improve this answer..

I need some guidance on payment gateways [closed]


component or API is used. ard details are collected by the merchant The application owner and sent for payment processing. Hope..

Can I parameterize the table name in a prepared statement?


code sample function insertRow db mysqli new_table Partner Merchant ips score category overall protocol statement mysqli prepare.. VALUES mysqli_stmt_bind_param statment 'sssisss' Partner Merchant ips score category overall protocol statement execute Is it.. of this function insertRow db mysqli new_table Partner Merchant ips score category overall protocol statement mysqli prepare..

Redirection to the original site after purchase is completed in Paypal


sandbox account do the following 1. Log in to the Sandbox Merchant Id and click the Profile subtab under My Account. 2. Click the..

Do any projects exist for PHP that is similar to ActiveMerchant for Ruby?


any projects exist for PHP that is similar to ActiveMerchant for Ruby I'm curious if anyone is aware of something for PHP.. payment processor functionality that exists with ActiveMerchant. php payment gateway payment share improve this question..

mySql - creating a join using a list of comma separated values


comma separated values I've got a table with a field for Merchant's name and field with the Services they provide. The Services.. single query that joins those two so I can have a list of Merchants along with the Services Names. My solution so far has been.. 'foreach' loop but that can mean 5 or 6 db calls for each Merchant name. After some StackOverflow ing google ing I noticed that..