

php Programming Glossary: mentioning

correct way to upload image to database


all its getting is the addslashes. i remember someone once mentioning to do it with something called base64 but i can barely recall..

Implementing cross domain communication between sites through CORS using PHP and Javascript


settings for the entire domain sub domain together by mentioning the same in your .htaccess file as shown IfModule mod_headers.c..

PHP - rmdir (permission denied)


permissions. Also it might not be empty. Also it's worth mentioning that new_folder _POST 'nazevS' new_dir_path key. . new_folder..

Is there a function to make a copy of a PHP array to another?


Can't pass mysqli connection in session in php


it is explicitly impossible. See PHP Documentation here mentioning in a highlighted Warning Some types of data can not be serialized..

How to build a 'related questions' engine?


work Are keywords extracted and if so how Might be worth mentioning this site is built on the LAMP stack thus these are the technologies..

How to make a Multilanguage website in php and Mysql


engines but details on that are too off topic here just mentioning so you are aware of the potential issues . Are you targeting..

How to run multiple ajax calls on one page


much the same thing. I had to pick one and I thought mentioning security is important for anyone else who travels down this..

Zend PHP framework


boxing data up behind a class . A small point but worth mentioning is that the Zend Framework has taken into account existing design..



PDO MySQL Queries People keep on mentioning that I should be using PDO in my PHP when dealing with MySQL..

Load Wordpress post content into DIV using AJAX


few other steps to make this work but the reason I'm only mentioning the post ID right now is because it seems it's the only part..

Call a REST API in PHP


expired Yahoo tutorial on how to call the service. Not mentioning the headers or anything in depth information. Is there any decent..