

php Programming Glossary: mentions

Check the language of string based on glyphs in PHP


when the u pattern modifier is used . The PHP manual mentions Extended properties such as Greek or InMusicalSymbols are not..

Is there anyway to write android applications in PHP?


to write android applications in PHP This page clearly mentions that Android apps should be written in Java. Just wondering..

Helping using JSON for an API


checkins 5015 twitter_followers 8154 facebook_likes 1134 mentions 07 09 2011 positive 0 neutral 0 negative 0 07 07 2011 positive..

Are PHP short tags acceptable to use?


of syntax highlighting available to them. As ThiefMaster mentions in the comments as of PHP 5.4 ... tags are supported everywhere..

What are the arguments IN FAVOR of PHP closing tags for PHP only files?


for PHP only files The Zend Framework coding standard mentions the following For files that contain only PHP code the closing..

Speeding up CakePHP


2008 05 21 memcachephp stats like apcphp As Mark Story mentions in the comments section of the 8 ways article compressing your..

PHP emitting 500 on errors - where is this documented?


errors where is this documented In this question the OP mentions PHP throwing a 500 error automatically when error_reporting..

Simple test vs PHPunit


the php testers toolbox osi days 2011 It mentions stuff like Atoum which calls its self A simple modern and intuitive..

mysqli giving “Commands out of sync” error - why?


its own set of rows. That's why the answer from @a1ex07 mentions using mysqli_multi_query and looping until mysqli_next_result..

Craigslist Automated Posting API? [closed]


I just checked the CL's terms of use and it explicitely mentions any automated posting to be illegal. So if its a generic commercial..

PHP buffer why \r\n


function and the solution to this SO question . Neither mentions why to include r n . EDIT REGARDING HEADERS If I don't add r..

Multiple javascript/css files: best practices?


where possible included at the end. The end of the body It mentions that the delimeter seems to be whether they write content. All..

APNS JSON PAYLOAD - more arguments


you got the answer yet. But this is what the documentation mentions Providers can specify custom payload values outside the Apple..

Object-oriented-like structures in relational databases


code. Today I may use one of the ORM packages that Scott mentions but there's really no huge problems just using SQL directly...

Using comet with PHP?


be a long time for COMET requests. This article on Ajaxian mentions using COMET on Apache and that it is difficult. The problem..

Having a single entry point to a website. Bad? Good? Non-issue?


point for whatever you build with them. In his talk Rasmus mentions that he thinks this is bad. It seems to me that he would be..

Web Page Screenshots with PHP?


an OSX commandline program that does this. The page also mentions Linux alternatives. edit wkhtml2image is the newest kid in town..

How to make a redirect in PHP?


either 301 permanent redirect or 303 other . Note W3C mentions that the 303 header is incompatible with many pre HTTP 1.1 user..

Headers already sent by PHP


The message in the inner parenthesis is more crucial. It mentions auth.php and line 52 as the source of premature output. One..

PHP: How to check whether a library has been properly installed and enabled?


but code using this library does not work. Documentation mentions a need to configure PHP with zlib DIR but for versions below..