

php Programming Glossary: messaging

Different WCF Bindings, their differences and compatibility with other platforms


with WS support. Supports transactions and reliable messaging. WSDualHttpBinding Web services with duplex contract and transaction..

GCM sending with curl (php)


response php android curl android gcm google cloud messaging share improve this question I changed the header to headers..

calculate time difference like facebook messaging system [duplicate]


time difference like facebook messaging system duplicate This question already has an answer here ..

Sending multiple iphone push notifications + APNS + PHP + Tutorial


iphone application and API for iphone application has a messaging system for students and doctors when any one sends message from..

What is the best way to format messages for queueing?


ActiveMQ is the most popular and powerful open source messaging and Integration Patterns provider. Apache ActiveMQ is fast supports.. in PHP. The main goals are reliable and durable failsafe messaging over networks decentralized architecture without a single point.. ZeroMQ 0MQ or ZMQ is a high performance asynchronous messaging library aimed at use in scalable distributed or concurrent applications...

Building highly scalable web services


services with their own interfaces. So for example messaging would have a messaging interface that might have send and getMessages.. own interfaces. So for example messaging would have a messaging interface that might have send and getMessages as methods and.. interface through soap or curl or something like that. The messaging application could then be any kind of application so a Java..

Free to use api to access an sms gateway


that once they sign up for the updates that standard text messaging rates may apply... cool. i am aware of using phps mail function..

Zend validators and error messages: addValidator and addErrorMessage


of this it may not work for all versions To me the error messaging handling is a bit messy unless you want to override every possible..

Creating a threaded private messaging system like facebook and gmail


a threaded private messaging system like facebook and gmail I am creating a threaded message.. way to do this. php sql design patterns database design messaging share improve this question Why don't you separate out message..

Does RabbitMQ call the callback function for a consumer when it has some message for it?


and pass the parameters that were inserted in shard 1 php messaging rabbitmq sharding share improve this question What you want..