

php Programming Glossary: merges

How to merge Zend Framework 2 module public directories


as one of the following AssetManager backed by assetic merges assets at runtime has caching for production environments and..

PHP Default Function Parameter values, how to 'pass default value' for 'not last' parameters?


This is possible through the use of array_merge which merges two arrays overriding the first array with any duplicate elements..

PHP, SimpleXML, decoding entities in CDATA


escapes it and puts it back as an ordinary text node or merges it with any text nodes to either side. The text represented..

How can I merge PHP arrays?


This does what Erik suggested id no. as array key and merges vlaues in array2 to results . results array foreach array as..

PHP+GD: imagecopymerge not retaining PNG transparencies


in various places. I want to make a PHP script that merges the two it should be as simple as something like original getPNG..

Multiple database connection in Doctrine2 and Zend framework


cross database join as Doctrine 1 executes 2 queries and merges the results itself which is not optimal performance wise. What..

how to merge multidimensional arrays whilst preserving all unique key/values?


it a bit to apply to n dimensional arrays. Recursively merges array2 to array1 while keeping the array2 values and keys unique...

How to efficiently monitor a directory for changes on linux?


I am working with magento and there is a function that merges CSS and Javascript into one big file. Regardless the pros and..

php merge two arrays


return result Accepts an unlimited number of input arrays merges all sub arrays into one container as indexed arrays and returns..

Merging two complex objects in PHP


true a2 json_decode json2 true Recursive function that merges two associative arrays Unlike array_merge_recursive a differing..