

php Programming Glossary: merge

How can an SQL query return data from multiple tables


point in time you are wondering whether or not you can merge join types in a query and the answer is yes you absolutely can...

How to merge transparent PNG with image using PHP?


to merge transparent PNG with image using PHP The situation is this.. want to put the transparent png on top of the image and merge those two which would lead to a final third picture that looks.. png on top of the original image . Thanks. php image merge resize png share improve this question You can merge the..

PHP: Merge 2 Multidimensional Arrays


Merge 2 Multidimensional Arrays I need to merge 2 multidimensional arrays together to create a new array. The.. last item in the array. I'm presuming by looping the array_merge function it wipes my new array every loop. i 0 NewArray array.. array foreach OriginalArray as value NewArray array_merge value array _FILES 'Upload' 'name' i i How do I correct this..

User recognition without cookies or local storage


user Generate Unknown user RNA and Values The system will merge RNA information and teach the Perceptron After training the.. dw index Special for script debugging debug_vars array_merge row_data array Bias 1 Yin yin Y Y debug_dw debug_w array.. W . i empty_data_row deltaW . i debug_vars array_merge empty_data_row array o Bias Yin Y deltaBias Counts training..

Reference: all basic ways to sort arrays and data in PHP


more advanced algorithms such as quicksort heapsort or merge sort. However insertion sort provides several advantages function.. true i return array Merge sort In computer science a merge sort also commonly spelled mergesort is an O n log n comparison.. In computer science a merge sort also commonly spelled mergesort is an O n log n comparison based sorting algorithm. Most..

Interleaving multiple arrays into a single array


multiple arrays into a single array I need to merge several arrays into a single array. The best way to describe.. improve this question for example function array_zip_merge output array The loop incrementer takes each array out of the.. b range 'a' 'f' c range 'A' 'B' echo implode '' array_zip_merge a b c prints 1aA2bB3c4d5e6f78910 share improve this answer..

Stemming algorithm that produces real words


with. To produce real words you'll probably have to merge the stemmer's output with some form of lookup function to convert..

PHP - Merge duplicate array keys in a multidimensional array


Love TKO 3 Array ACDC Back in Black I would like to merge the arrays which have duplicate keys so I can get the following..

How do I remove  from the beginning of a file?


when I open it using gedit but when it's read by PHP to merge all the CSS files into one this CSS has the following chars..

Merging two images with PHP


two images with PHP I'm trying to merge two images together with PHP. For example... how would I go.. would I go about placing image one on top of image two or merge with basic PHP I have tried something such as watermarking but.. Two ...and have it turn into this FINAL RESULT php image merge resize overlay share improve this question I got it working..

Preserve key order (stable sort) when sorting with PHP's uasort


if you can't do that then use the function below. It is a merge sort which is guaranteed O n log n complexity which means it.. and insertion sort which are O n^2 . php function mergesort array cmp_function 'strcmp' Arrays of size 2 require no.. array_slice array halfway Recurse to sort the two halves mergesort array1 cmp_function mergesort array2 cmp_function If all..

What is the best method to merge two PHP objects?


is the best method to merge two PHP objects We have two PHP5 objects and would like to.. PHP objects We have two PHP5 objects and would like to merge the content of one into the second. There are no notion of subclasses.. objects A and B into arrays then merging them using array_merge before re transforming into an object but we can't say we are..

Merge PDF files with PHP


a website. user can select some pdf files and they select merge to create a single pdf file which contains the selected pages...

Merge a table and a change log into a view in PostgreSQL


a table and a change log into a view in PostgreSQL My PostgreSQL..

Merge XML files in PHP


XML files in PHP I have 2 files 1.xml and 2.xml both having..

PHP/GD, how to copy a circle from one image to another?


color color color imagesetpixel gray i j gray_color 6. Merge the copy with the origianl maintaining alpha imagecopymergegray..

php add a picture onto another


imagecolorallocate redimg 255 0 0 imagefill redimg 0 0 red Merge the red image onto the PNG image imagecopymerge image redimg..

Merge FDF data into a PDF file using PHP


FDF data into a PDF file using PHP Is it possible to merge..

PHP, SimpleXML, decoding entities in CDATA


name # Someone #039 s Name The php docs say that NOCDATA Merge s CDATA as text nodes . To me this means that CDATA will then.. nodes in the same way that it handles text nodes What does Merge CDATA as text nodes actually do since I don't seem to be understanding..

Possible grouping of words


getPossibleGroups implode ' ' array_slice words i groups 1 Merge both things allGroups array_map function v use firstGroup return..

PHP: Merge 2 Multidimensional Arrays


Merge 2 Multidimensional Arrays I need to merge 2 multidimensional..

Reference: all basic ways to sort arrays and data in PHP


array array i gap array i swap true i return array Merge sort In computer science a merge sort also commonly spelled..

PHP - Merge duplicate array keys in a multidimensional array


Merge duplicate array keys in a multidimensional array I have a multidimensional..

How much does it cost me to choose ASP.NET over PHP?


SQL server that are not present in MySQL and Postgresql. Merge replication is one of them but there are others as well. Do..

Preserve key order (stable sort) when sorting with PHP's uasort


array1 array2 0 1 array array_merge array1 array2 return Merge the two sorted arrays into a single sorted array array array.. array2 ptr2 1 array array1 ptr1 else array array2 ptr2 Merge the remainder while ptr1 count array1 array array1 ptr1 while..

Merge array items into string


array items into string How do I merge all the array items..

Merge PDF files with PHP


PDF files with PHP My concept is there are 10 pdf files in..

Merge arrays (PHP)


arrays PHP How combine arrays in this way source Array 0 Array..

Transparently flatten an array


flatten an array Reading this question Merge and group by several arrays i got the following idea when working..

Merge 2 Arrays and Sum the Values (Numeric Keys)


2 Arrays and Sum the Values Numeric Keys I have 2 arrays Array..

Merge two images in php


two images in php I have two images I would like to merge then..