

php Programming Glossary: memory_get_usage

How to find memory used by an object in PHP? (sizeof)


management share improve this question You could use memory_get_usage . Run it once before creating your object then again after creating..

the difference between unset and = null


to be how much memory is restored after each call echo memory_get_usage PHP_EOL a str_repeat 'hello world ' 100 echo memory_get_usage.. PHP_EOL a str_repeat 'hello world ' 100 echo memory_get_usage PHP_EOL EITHER unset a OR a null echo memory_get_usage PHP_EOL.. memory_get_usage PHP_EOL EITHER unset a OR a null echo memory_get_usage PHP_EOL When using unset all but 64 bytes of memory are given..

How to determine the memory footprint (size) of a variable?


just tells me the number of elements properties. EDIT memory_get_usage helps in that it gives me the memory size used by the whole.. of a single variable but as Gordon suggested you can use memory_get_usage . That will return the total amount of memory allocated so you.. This is a bit hacky but it should work. start_memory memory_get_usage foo Some variable echo memory_get_usage start_memory Note that..

How important is it to unset variables in PHP?


I linked below the question x str_repeat 'x' 80000 echo memory_get_usage . br n 120172 echo memory_get_peak_usage . br n 121248 x str_repeat.. . br n 121248 x str_repeat 'x' 80000 echo memory_get_usage . br n 120172 echo memory_get_peak_usage . br n 201284 As you..

PDO::fetchAll vs. PDO::fetch in a loop


usage stmt dbh query sql data array memory_start_all memory_get_usage data stmt fetchAll memory_end_all memory_get_usage stmt dbh.. memory_get_usage data stmt fetchAll memory_end_all memory_get_usage stmt dbh query sql data array memory_end_one 0 memory_start_one.. dbh query sql data array memory_end_one 0 memory_start_one memory_get_usage while data stmt fetch memory_end_one max memory_end_one memory_get_usage..

Diagnosing Memory Leaks - Allowed memory size of # bytes exhausted


be leaking or needlessly accumulating memory. I've printed memory_get_usage statements at the end of each iteration and can see the number.. Free the variable in an attempt to recover memory print memory_get_usage true increases over time For the purposes of this question let's.. The simplest instrument is to selectively place calls to memory_get_usage and narrow it down to where the code leaks. You can also use..

PHP memory profiling


the same technique around your data using the very similar memory_get_usage . Pretty unsophisticated approach but it's a quick way to check..