php Programming Glossary: messagedata
PHP SoapClient and a complex header eb Service 014 eb Action SessionCreateRS eb Action 015 eb MessageData 016 eb MessageId mid 20030707 12545 017 eb Timestamp 2001 02 15T11 25 12Z eb Timestamp 018 eb MessageData 019 RefToMessageId mid 20001209 133003 2333@clientURL RefToMessageId.. Service 'Session' public Action 'SessionCreateRQ' public MessageData array 'MessageId' mid 'Timestamp' '2010 11..
parse an XML with SimpleXML which has multiple namespaces theservice eb Service eb Action theaction eb Action eb MessageData eb MessageId a certain messageid eb MessageId eb Timestamp 2009.. eb RefToMessageId mid areference eb RefToMessageId eb MessageData eb MessageHeader wsse Security xmlns wsse http