

php Programming Glossary: messagedata

PHP SoapClient and a complex header


eb Service 014 eb Action SessionCreateRS eb Action 015 eb MessageData 016 eb MessageId mid 20030707 12545 1369@webservices.sabre.com.. 017 eb Timestamp 2001 02 15T11 25 12Z eb Timestamp 018 eb MessageData 019 RefToMessageId mid 20001209 133003 2333@clientURL RefToMessageId.. Service 'Session' public Action 'SessionCreateRQ' public MessageData array 'MessageId' mid 12345@example.com 'Timestamp' '2010 11..

parse an XML with SimpleXML which has multiple namespaces


theservice eb Service eb Action theaction eb Action eb MessageData eb MessageId a certain messageid eb MessageId eb Timestamp 2009.. eb RefToMessageId mid areference eb RefToMessageId eb MessageData eb MessageHeader wsse Security xmlns wsse http schemas.xmlsoap.org..