

php Programming Glossary: memory_get_peak_usage

memory_get_peak_usage() with “real usage”


with &ldquo real usage&rdquo If the real_usage argument is.. 'memory_limit' '1M' x '' while true echo not real . memory_get_peak_usage false 1024 1024 . MiB n echo real . memory_get_peak_usage true.. memory_get_peak_usage false 1024 1024 . MiB n echo real . memory_get_peak_usage true 1024 1024 . MiB n n x . str_repeat ' ' 1024 25 store 25kb..

Force freeing memory in PHP


filenames there seems to be some memory lost according to memory_get_peak_usage about 2 10 MB each time . I have double and triplechecked my.. sprintf equivalents are also fine. The memory reported by memory_get_peak_usage is basically always the last bit of memory in the virtual map..

How important is it to unset variables in PHP?


'x' 80000 echo memory_get_usage . br n 120172 echo memory_get_peak_usage . br n 121248 x str_repeat 'x' 80000 echo memory_get_usage ... 'x' 80000 echo memory_get_usage . br n 120172 echo memory_get_peak_usage . br n 201284 As you can see at one point PHP had used up almost.. example for i 0 i 3 i str str_repeat Hello 10000 echo memory_get_peak_usage PHP_EOL This will output something like 375696 425824 425824..

Memory optimization in PHP array


array 218 756 848 SplFixedArray 92 914 208 as measured by memory_get_peak_usage array new SplFixedArray 1024 1024 array for i 0 i 1024 1024.. 1024 1024 array for i 0 i 1024 1024 i array i 0 echo memory_get_peak_usage Note that the same array in C using 64 bit integers would be..

DOMDocument PHP Memory Leak


file_get_contents 'http www.ebay.com ' unset dom echo memory_get_peak_usage true . ' br ' flush php memory leaks domdocument share improve..

PHP memory profiling


see how much memory a function call is using you could use memory_get_peak_usage before and after a call and take the difference. You use the..