

php Programming Glossary: merged

Merge a table and a change log into a view in PostgreSQL


change date grouped by column name . The two results are merged in PHP and presented on the web interface. This is a rather..

Merge FDF data into a PDF file using PHP


I first generated the FDF file as before and then merged it into my PDF file using the following PHP code header 'Content..

PHP, SimpleXML, decoding entities in CDATA


new SimpleXMLElement xml_string LIBXML_NOCDATA echo 'CDATA merged ' person asXML If the XML document you're parsing contains a..

convert to 3-digit hex color code


#069 etc. I can see how the repeating letters numbers are merged to create a 3 digit hex color code but I don't fully understand..

PHP StdErr after Exec()


to execute a command and get both stderr and stdout not merged a solution would probably to use proc_open which provides a..

How to pass variables as stdin into command line from PHP


pdftk app to merge an XFDF with a PDF form and output the merged PDF to the user. According to the pdftk documentation I can..

Get MySQL Query Results as Their Native Data Type?


and memory savings with mysqlnd . Not sure this has been merged into the official mysqlnd driver though best way would be to..

PHP, Merging arrays with common keys


'3' 'bus' '2' array2 array 'dog' '1' 'car' '2' 'bird' '9' merged array 'car' array '3' '2' 'bus' array '2' null 'dog' array null.. array_merge keys array_keys arr i keys array_unique keys merged array foreach keys as key merged key array for i 0 i num i .. i keys array_unique keys merged array foreach keys as key merged key array for i 0 i num i merged key isset arr i key arr i..

Merging 2 pdf with Zend Framework


the pdf's content. Both PDF have the same format A4 . The merged file will have 2 pages and won't be saved on server as well...

Is it wise to use PHP for a daemon?


with PHP especially when the signal is queued instead of merged. That may not be an issue for you i.e. if you just need to handle..

Merge 2 Arrays and Sum the Values (Numeric Keys)


function array_merge_numeric_values arrays func_get_args merged array foreach arrays as array foreach array as key value if.. arrays as array foreach array as key value if isset merged key merged key value else merged key value php mysql arrays.. as array foreach array as key value if isset merged key merged key value else merged key value php mysql arrays share..

encode json using php?


but merge the arrays together and then json_encode the merged array at the end. out array while ... array_push out array 'id'..