

php Programming Glossary: meow

Can I include code into a PHP class?


this php Meowing.php interface Meowing public function meow Now you got the contract that all Meowing Behaviors must obey.. that all Meowing Behaviors must obey namely having a meow method. Next define a Meowing Behavior php RegularMeow.php class.. class RegularMeow implements Meowing public function meow return 'meow' Now to use it use php Cat.php class Cat protected..

SimpleXML: append one tree to another


a b c dictionary ' kitty new SimpleXMLElement ' cat sound meow sound texture fuzzy texture cat ' Create new DOMElements from..

How do I chain methods in PHP?


seeing the same in PHP so I wrote this class cat function meow echo meow function purr echo purr kitty new cat kitty meow purr.. same in PHP so I wrote this class cat function meow echo meow function purr echo purr kitty new cat kitty meow purr I cannot.. meow echo meow function purr echo purr kitty new cat kitty meow purr I cannot get the chain to work. It generates a fatal error..