

php Programming Glossary: memorystream

UploadFile with POST values by WebClient


response.GetResponseStream using var stream new MemoryStream responseStream.CopyTo stream return stream.ToArray and now..

C# Encryption to PHP Decryption


var encryptor rj.CreateEncryptor key IV var msEncrypt new MemoryStream var csEncrypt new CryptoStream msEncrypt encryptor CryptoStreamMode.Write.. fromEncrypt new byte sEncrypted.Length var msDecrypt new MemoryStream sEncrypted var csDecrypt new CryptoStream msDecrypt decryptor..

Rijndael 256 Encrypt/decrypt between c# and php?


rj.Key Key rj.IV IV rj.Mode CipherMode.CBC try MemoryStream ms new MemoryStream using CryptoStream cs new CryptoStream.. rj.IV IV rj.Mode CipherMode.CBC try MemoryStream ms new MemoryStream using CryptoStream cs new CryptoStream ms rj.CreateEncryptor..

Rewrite Rijndael 256 C# Encryption Code in PHP


memory stream which will be used to hold encrypted data. MemoryStream memoryStream new MemoryStream Define cryptographic stream always.. used to hold encrypted data. MemoryStream memoryStream new MemoryStream Define cryptographic stream always use Write mode for encryption..

DES Encryption in PHP and C#


string strEncriptar DESCryptoServiceProvider provider MemoryStream stream CryptoStream stream2 string str2 string str 29393651.. byte buffer Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes strEncriptar stream new MemoryStream stream2 new CryptoStream stream provider.CreateEncryptor bytes..

Cross platform (php to C# .NET) encryption/decryption with Rijndael


rj.KeySize 256 rj.BlockSize 256 rj.Key Key rj.IV IV MemoryStream ms new MemoryStream message using CryptoStream cs new CryptoStream.. rj.BlockSize 256 rj.Key Key rj.IV IV MemoryStream ms new MemoryStream message using CryptoStream cs new CryptoStream ms rj.CreateDecryptor.. 256 rj.BlockSize 256 rj.Key Key rj.IV IV var ms new MemoryStream cypher using var cs new CryptoStream ms rj.CreateDecryptor Key..

asp.net version of timthumb php class


.ToLower 'If cacheObj IsNot Nothing Then ' Dim msCache As MemoryStream DirectCast cacheObj MemoryStream ' WriteImage msCache context.. Then ' Dim msCache As MemoryStream DirectCast cacheObj MemoryStream ' WriteImage msCache context ' Exit Sub 'End If 'process request.. jpeg .First 'save image to memory stream Dim ms As New MemoryStream bmpThumb.Save ms ici BuildQualityParams context ''save image..

How to generate HMAC-SHA1 in C#?


HMACSHA1 key byte byteArray Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes input MemoryStream stream new MemoryStream byteArray return myhmacsha1.ComputeHash.. Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes input MemoryStream stream new MemoryStream byteArray return myhmacsha1.ComputeHash stream .Aggregate s..