

php Programming Glossary: mcrypt_des

Flash Encryption PHP Decryption


init function init key this key key key this algorithm MCRYPT_DES this mode MCRYPT_MODE_ECB this iv_size mcrypt_get_iv_size..

how to sync encryption between delphi and php using dcpcrypt


php php function decrypt str key size mcrypt_get_iv_size MCRYPT_DES MCRYPT_MODE_CBC iv mcrypt_create_iv size MCRYPT_DEV_RANDOM data.. 'des' 'ecb' k substr sha1 key 0 block str mcrypt_decrypt MCRYPT_DES k data MCRYPT_MODE_CBC iv pad ord str len strlen str 1 return.. php function decrypt_SO str key ivsize mcrypt_get_iv_size MCRYPT_DES MCRYPT_MODE_CBC blocksize mcrypt_get_block_size MCRYPT_DES MCRYPT_MODE_CBC..

DES Encryption in PHP and C#


echo Key key IV iv br encrypted_string mcrypt_encrypt MCRYPT_DES key string MCRYPT_MODE_CBC iv return base64_encode encrypted_string..

How to add/remove PKCS7 padding from an AES encrypted string?


padding string to the original data. return mcrypt_encrypt MCRYPT_DES key str MCRYPT_MODE_ECB Here is the encryption itself. Use MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_128.. the encryption itself. Use MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_128 instead of MCRYPT_DES . Now the other direction function decrypt str key str mcrypt_decrypt.. direction function decrypt str key str mcrypt_decrypt MCRYPT_DES key str MCRYPT_MODE_ECB The decryption. You would of course..