

php Programming Glossary: mb

Best way to process large XML in PHP


I have to parse large XML files in php one of them is 6.5 MB and they could be even bigger. The SimpleXML extension as I've..

Efficient JPEG Image Resizing in PHP


by 700 pixels tall . This works great on small under 2 MB photos and the entire resize operation takes less than a second.. service photographers who may be uploading images up to 10 MB in size or images up to 5000x4000 pixels in size . Doing this.. images can spike the memory usage for the script past 80 MB . Is there any way to make this resize operation more efficient..

PHP - determine how many bytes sent over http


to the client For example if I'm outputting a 10 MB file is there a way to find out if all 10 MB were sent to the.. a 10 MB file is there a way to find out if all 10 MB were sent to the client or to see if the client interrupted..

Best practice: Import mySQL file in PHP; split queries


to the confines of a PHP script database file Around 2 3 MB uncompressed . Mysql is closed for access from the outside so..

Upload 1GB files using chunking in PHP


a web application that accepts file uploads of up to 4 MB. The server side script is PHP and web server is NGINX. Many..

Format bytes to kilobytes, megabytes, gigabytes


For instance I have an MP3 that Ubuntu displays as 5.2 MB 5445632 bytes . How would I display this on a web page as 5.2.. bytes . How would I display this on a web page as 5.2 MB AND have files less than one megabyte display as KB and files.. formatBytes bytes precision 2 units array 'B' 'KB' 'MB' 'GB' 'TB' bytes max bytes 0 pow floor bytes log bytes 0 log..

Upload max size in PHP?


max size in PHP Is it possible for the upload of ~100 MB files using PHP If so what changes need to occur in the configuration..

php get directory size


function format_size size mod 1024 units explode ' ' 'B KB MB GB TB PB' for i 0 size mod i size mod return round size 2 ...

Issues porting PHP/GD wrapper to Imagick


if outputted with Imagick instead size in the order of 2 MB ... There are a couple of questions on SO regarding this issue..

RegExp in preg_match function returning browser error


executable stack sizes Stacksize pcre.recursion_limit 64 MB 134217 32 MB 67108 16 MB 33554 8 MB 16777 4 MB 8388 2 MB 4194.. stack sizes Stacksize pcre.recursion_limit 64 MB 134217 32 MB 67108 16 MB 33554 8 MB 16777 4 MB 8388 2 MB 4194 1 MB 2097 512.. Stacksize pcre.recursion_limit 64 MB 134217 32 MB 67108 16 MB 33554 8 MB 16777 4 MB 8388 2 MB 4194 1 MB 2097 512 KB 1048 256..

How to keep the Chinese or other foreign language as they are instead of converting them into codes?


dom loadHTML html If I add this below before loadHTML html mb_convert_encoding html HTML ENTITIES UTF 8 I get #20320 #30340.. are not ä½ ç ä¹±å what I am after.... php domdocument cjk mb convert encoding share improve this question DOMDocument..

Is switching from PHP to Python worth the trouble [closed]


string in PHP while splitting at the position of the mb character . In Python everything is an object. This gives you..

Cache over 1mb memcache alternatives


over 1mb memcache alternatives I have an object in php that is more.. I have an object in php that is more than one mb. I am using memcache which allows me to store 1mb or data. Does.. than one mb. I am using memcache which allows me to store 1mb or data. Does anyone know any other alternatives for data over..

How to properly handle international character in PHP / MySQL / Apache


type text html charset utf 8' 2 You should always use the mb version of string related functions for example mbstrlen instead.. use the mb version of string related functions for example mbstrlen instead of strlen to get the string length of a string...

Are the PHP preg_functions multibyte safe?


PHP so does that mean the default preg_functions are all mb safe Couldn't find any mention in the php documentation. php..

Should I use multi-byte overloading (mbstring.func_overload)?


I use multi byte overloading mbstring.func_overload I'm in the process of making my PHP site.. aware. I'm wondering if anyone has experience with the mbstring.func_overload setting which replaces the normal string.. functions e.g. strlen with their multi byte equivalents mb_strlen . There aren't any comments on the PHP manual page. Are..

PHP: How do I detect if an input string is Arabic


fron the php.net comments but it should work fine k mb_convert_encoding u 'UCS 2LE' 'UTF 8' k1 ord substr k 0 1 k2.. substr k 1 1 return k2 256 k1 function is_arabic str if mb_detect_encoding str 'UTF 8' str mb_convert_encoding str mb_detect_encoding.. is_arabic str if mb_detect_encoding str 'UTF 8' str mb_convert_encoding str mb_detect_encoding str 'UTF 8' str str_split..

Multi-byte safe wordwrap() function for UTF-8


multi byte strings like UTF 8. There are a few examples of mb safe functions in the comments but with some different test.. x00 x7F xC0 xFF x80 xBF '. width.' #' if function_exists 'mb_strlen' str_len mb_strlen str 'UTF 8' else str_len preg_match_all.. xBF '. width.' #' if function_exists 'mb_strlen' str_len mb_strlen str 'UTF 8' else str_len preg_match_all ' x00 x7F xC0..

Limit download speed using PHP


10 Mbps or if it download at 80 kbps as i set it after 5 mb it stops downloading. Can some one tell me where I can found..

Simplest way to detect a mobile device


i palm os phone p ixi re plucker pocket psp series 4 6 0 symbian treo up . browser link vodafone wap windows ce phone xda.. au di m r s avan be ck ll nq bi lb rd bl ac az br e v w bumb bw n u c55 capi ccwa cdm cell chtm cldc cmd co mp nd craw da.. sk 0 sl 45 id sm al ar b3 it t5 so ft ny sp 01 h v v sy 01 mb t2 18 50 t6 00 10 18 ta gt lk tcl tdg tel i m tim t mo to pl..

php readdir problem with japanese language file name


.. echo file. br n closedir handle When it does have mb language such as japanese it doesn't display properly instead..

Detect encoding and make everything UTF-8


everything the same encoding Perhaps with the function mb detect encoding Can I write a function for this So my problems.. this work function correct_encoding text current_encoding mb_detect_encoding text 'auto' text iconv current_encoding 'UTF..

overriding upload_max_filesize


still get the value which is in my php.ini file which is 2 mb. ini_set 'upload_max_filesize' '30M' ini_set 'post_max_size'..