

php Programming Glossary: mbox

How can I save email attachments to the server in PHP?


iterate the files. Here's a rough outline of the code if mbox imap_open myserver.com 110 pop3 notls INBOX u p die 'Cannot.. die 'Cannot connect check mail Exiting' if hdr imap_check mbox msgCount hdr Nmsgs else die Failed to get mail foreach overview.. foreach overview as message msgStruct imap_fetchstructure mbox message msgno if it has parts there are attachments that need..

Fetching mail from a POP3 server using php


to a POP3 server on port 110 on the local server use mbox imap_open localhost 110 pop3 INBOX user_id password Other than..

PHP Displaying unread mail count


would retrieve only the unreaded mail. How can I do it if mbox imap_open . mailserver . . port . INBOX user pass echo Connected.. . imap_last_error . n echo FAIL n if hdr imap_check mbox msgCount hdr Nmsgs echo Ci sono . msgCount. mail else echo Failed.. Failed to get mail If I do overview imap_fetch_overview mbox 1 msgCount 0 the script load to an infinity time. The imap_search..