

php Programming Glossary: mb_convert_encoding

PHP DomDocument failing to handle utf-8 characters (??


fine. If you don't want to do that your own that is what mb_convert_encoding with the HTML ENTITIES target encoding does Those characters.. ' x 80 x 10FFFF u' function match list utf8 match entity mb_convert_encoding utf8 'HTML ENTITIES' 'UTF 8' printf s s n utf8 entity return.. all outside of US ASCII into HTML Entities us_ascii mb_convert_encoding utf_8 'HTML ENTITIES' 'UTF 8' Take care that your input is actually..

PHP: Truncate HTML, ignoring tags


are not supported though you may hack in support by using mb_convert_encoding to convert to UTF 8 before calling the function then converting..

I need help fixing Broken UTF8 encoding


code where you attempt numerous variations on calls to mb_convert_encoding to see if you can find a combination of 'from' and 'to' that..

How do I use filesystem functions in PHP, using UTF-8 strings?


be one of ISO 8859 # but this means you'll need to use mb_convert_encoding instead of utf8_decode . PHP6 with unicode_semantics On may..

How to decode Unicode escape sequences like “\u00ed” to proper UTF-8 encoded characters?


this function replace_unicode_escape_sequence match return mb_convert_encoding pack 'H ' match 1 'UTF 8' 'UCS 2BE' str preg_replace_callback.. 0 9a fA Z 4 ' function v v strtr v 0 array ' u' '' return mb_convert_encoding pack 'H ' v 'UTF 8' 'UTF 16BE' string share improve this answer..

Convert utf8-characters to iso-88591 and back in PHP


1 share improve this question Have a look at iconv or mb_convert_encoding . Just by the way why don't utf8_encode and utf8_decode work.. utf8 iso88591_2 iconv 'UTF 8' 'ISO 8859 1' utf8 iso88591_2 mb_convert_encoding utf8 'ISO 8859 1' 'UTF 8' iso88591 ' ' file must be ISO 8859.. iso88591 utf8_2 iconv 'ISO 8859 1' 'UTF 8' iso88591 utf8_2 mb_convert_encoding iso88591 'UTF 8' 'ISO 8859 1' all should do the same with utf8_en..

Regex / DOMDocument - match and replace text not in a link


formatted documents but also with document fragments. The mb_convert_encoding is needed because loadHtml seems to has a bug with UTF 8 encoding.. a hack to properly handle UTF 8 encoding dom loadHtml mb_convert_encoding html 'HTML ENTITIES' UTF 8 xpath new DOMXPath dom foreach xpath..

How to write file in UTF-8 format?


to convert the string explicitly for example with iconv or mb_convert_encoding . Try this data file_get_contents npath data mb_convert_encoding.. . Try this data file_get_contents npath data mb_convert_encoding data 'UTF 8' 'OLD ENCODING' file_put_contents 'tempfolder '...

PHP messing with HTML Charset Encoding


to the user or to adapt it to Mysql before it's store. mb_convert_encoding text mb_internal_encoding 'UTF 8' If it's UTF 8 to internal.. 'ASCII' from_code 'iso 8859 1' if empty to_code return mb_convert_encoding text mb_internal_encoding from_code return mb_convert_encoding.. text mb_internal_encoding from_code return mb_convert_encoding text to_code from_code function encoding_html text code '' if..