

php Programming Glossary: max_execution_time

Limit execution time of an function or command PHP


error. The default limit is 30 seconds or if it exists the max_execution_time value defined in the php.ini. When called set_time_limit restarts..

Converting HTML to PDF (not PDF to HTML) using PHP


memory and time I set the following parameters in php.ini max_execution_time 600 memory_limit 250M but things still don't work. Needs HTML..

Increasing PHP memory_limit. At what point does it become insane?


you have etc php.ini for Apache with low memory_limit low max_execution_time ... and etc phpcli.ini for batches run from command line with.. still have security for your website memory_limit and max_execution_time being security measures Still if you have the time to optimize..

How to continue process after responding to ajax request in PHP?


paste Note that your PHP script still has to fit in the max_execution_time and memory_limit constraints which means you shouldn't use this..

upload large files using php, apache


somepage.html else echo File not uploaded php.ini max_execution_time 300 Maximum execution time of each script in seconds max_input_time..

What's the best way to create a single-file upload form using PHP?


may receive errors. Check your php.ini file for these keys max_execution_time 30 upload_max_filesize 2M Increasing these values as appropriate..

How does PHP max_execution_time work?


does PHP max_execution_time work I have few doubts about maximum execution time set in.. about maximum execution time set in php.ini. Assuming max_execution_time is 3 minutes consider the following cases I have a process which.. limit. php share improve this question The rules on max_execution_time are relatively simple. Execution time starts to count when the..

Tracking the script execution time in PHP


CPU time that a particular script has used to enforce the max_execution_time limit . Is there a way to get access to this inside of the script..

Can file uploads time out in PHP?


for the following php.ini settings max_input_time not max_execution_time upload_max_filesize post_max_size and maybe memory_limit share..

PHP Warning: POST Content-Length of 113 bytes exceeds the limit of -1988100096 bytes in Unknown


php.ini to upload_max_filesize 2000M post_max_size 2000M max_execution_time 120 max_file_uploads 7 memory_limit 128M I had to change to..

Increase max execution time for php


ini share improve this question php.ini file ini_set 'max_execution_time' 300 300 seconds 5 minutes htaccess file IfModule mod_php5.c.. 5 minutes htaccess file IfModule mod_php5.c php_value max_execution_time 259200 IfModule More details IfModule mod_php5.c php_value post_max_size.. 5M php_value memory_limit 300M php_value max_execution_time 259200 php_value max_input_time 259200 php_value session.gc_maxlifetime..

What does setting “max_execution_time” to “-1” do?


does setting &ldquo max_execution_time&rdquo to &ldquo 1&rdquo do I saw this in a script I have to.. this in a script I have to work with. What does setting max_execution_time to 1 do php share improve this question It sets the maximum..

PHP/Apache/AJAX - POST limit?


level if your data is an array with a lot of sublevels max_execution_time but quite sure it's not that memory_limit as you may reach a..