

php Programming Glossary: mb_substr

How to generate random password with PHP?


for i 0 result '' i length i index rand 0 count 1 result . mb_substr chars index 1 return result To optimize you can define chars..

Truncate a multibyte String to n chars


' cutPos chars mb_strlen terminator boundaryPos mb_strrpos mb_substr string 0 mb_strpos string ' ' cutPos ' ' return mb_substr string.. mb_substr string 0 mb_strpos string ' ' cutPos ' ' return mb_substr string 0 boundaryPos false cutPos boundaryPos . terminator But..

ucfirst() function for multibyte character encodings


you've already noticed. You can fake a mb_ucfirst with two mb_substr function mb_ucfirst string encoding firstChar mb_substr string.. mb_substr function mb_ucfirst string encoding firstChar mb_substr string 0 1 encoding then mb_substr string 1 null encoding return.. encoding firstChar mb_substr string 0 1 encoding then mb_substr string 1 null encoding return mb_strtoupper firstChar encoding..

How to iterate UTF-8 string in PHP?


like to have str 0 K str 1 str 2 t It is possible with mb_substr but this is extremely slow ie. mb_substr str 0 1 K mb_substr.. is possible with mb_substr but this is extremely slow ie. mb_substr str 0 1 K mb_substr str 1 1 mb_substr str 2 1 t Is there another.. but this is extremely slow ie. mb_substr str 0 1 K mb_substr str 1 1 mb_substr str 2 1 t Is there another way to interate..

Regex / DOMDocument - match and replace text not in a link


to has a bug with UTF 8 encoding see here and here . The mb_substr is trimming the body tag from the output this way you get back.. the body tag itself to get only the original content echo mb_substr dom saveXML xpath query ' body' item 0 6 7 UTF 8 References..

Declaration to make PHP script completely Unicode-friendly


character functions eg mb_strlen mb_strstr mb_strpos and mb_substr . All regexes and regexy functions transparently work on Unicode.. counterparts on the standard string functions. For example mb_substr is called instead of substr if function overloading is enabled...

Wrong output when using array indexing on UTF-8 string


string utf 8 char share improve this question Use mb_substr string 0 1 'utf 8' to get the character instead. What happens.. on its own which is why you see the question mark. mb_substr knows the encoding rules so it will not naively give you back.. just one byte with string ü ö ä echo strlen string 0 While mb_substr gives you back two bytes string ü ö ä echo strlen mb_substr..