

php Programming Glossary: matters

How to save a HTML5 Canvas as Image on a server


is created and isn't empty It seems as if the content type matters and that changing it to x www form urlencoded allowed the image..

str_shuffle and randomness


to generate passwords so the quality of the randomness matters. UPDATE As has been pointed out the str_shuffle method is not.. to generate passwords so the quality of the randomness matters. You can see clearly that str_shuffle produces almost same output..

Why is require_once so bad to use?


better way to do the same thing as require_once If it matters I'm using PHP5. php performance require once share improve..

Can PHP detect if its run from a cron job or from the command line?


everytime I run the script manually. I'm using php5 if it matters its a fairly standard linux server environment. Any ideas php..

SimpleXML how to prepend a child in a node?


magic outside of your actual program. By keeping the two matters separate you improve readability and maintainability. Here's..

data mapper vs active record [closed]


and data mapper Please be PHP specific where the language matters. Personal experiences are welcome Ideally with both. php database..

Best way to manage long-running php script?


a long time 5 30 minutes to complete. Just in case it matters the script is using cUrl to scrape data from another server...

In a PHP / Apache / Linux context, why exactly is chmod 777 dangerous?


When should I use require_once vs include?


vs include The code is in a custom WordPress theme if that matters. php include share improve this question There are require..

Using php's swiftmailer with gmail


not specifying the protocol ssl . Don't know if that bit matters but for me port 587 failed and 465 worked fine. Hope that helps...

PHP vs Java performance and scalability comparison [closed]


also curious if the front end web application technology matters in the scalability equation or does caching and persistence..

Best way to defend against mysql injection and cross site scripting


quotes . They are an inadequate solution and they confuse matters. Never embed strings directly in SQL. Use bound parameters or..

Compiling an AST back to source code


which generates nicely formatted text. And how you print matters depending on whether coders will be working on the regenerated.. what they used originally. For PHP which quote you use matters and determines which characters in the string literal has to..

unit testing and Static methods


or bad sample data. It allows you to focus on what really matters the functionality contained within findUser . share improve..

Restrict file access to authorized php users


pushing requests for them to a handler means it no longer matters where they're stored. But you're the man on the scene. .htaccess..

How to include a PHP variable inside a MySQL insert statement


there will be absolutely no need to worry about all these matters. For the limited set of placeholders you can use PDO . Though..

PHP OOP core framework


with Symfony 2.x but the the idea behind it is what matters. Also you might looks at ways how other frameworks implement..