

php Programming Glossary: mature

How to overload class constructor within traits in PHP >= 5.4


not apply to them. The traits in Scala language a very mature and SOLID friendly successor of Java can't have a constructor..

To swap or not to swap, from CodeIgniter to Laravel? [closed]


May 2013. It offers some great new features and a very mature structure based on Composer as a dependency manager. Update..

Is switching from PHP to Python worth the trouble [closed]


when learning python. For some time Python IDEs were less mature than IDEs of other languages but now it is slowly changing...

PHP + Quickbooks integration (API) [closed]


P.S. MP_ What about my framework seems not mature We're using in about 20 production environments here now for..

Safe PHP Template Engines [closed]


the only PHP implementation I've seen Calypso is not very mature and doesn't look like it's going anywhere. A newish project..

How can I implement OCR on a website using PHP? [closed]


Of course you can call it from within PHP via exec . Its mature and has a lot of options. From the project site The OCRopus..

How to call winapi functions from PHP?


use it. Also this DOTNET class seems very limited and not mature. Compared to VB's practically drag and drop capabilities of..

PHP Logging framework? [closed]


mimic those see log4php and log5php but both are still not mature enough. Thanks php logging share improve this question ..

How can I vendorize bcrypt in a PHP application (and should I)?


and should I I am contributing to a relatively mature open source PHP project. Recently I discovered that it stores..

What to use for localization (php/smarty/pear application)?


improve this question I would use gettext since it's a mature system and provides features like singular plural versions of..

Why don't people use PHP for desktop applications? [closed]


the job. Soon after I realize that the tools are not very mature. So then I start to wonder why no one has written any tools.. any tools or at least why the tools that do exist have not matured. The only thing I can think is that PHP started life as procedural..

PHP error: Notice: Undefined index:


to build a shopping cart that you instead utilize a mature ecommerce solution like Magento or OsCommerce. A shopping cart..

Geo-Search (Distance) in PHP/MySQL (Performance)


this coordinate pairs in PostgreSQL seems to have a fairly mature Spatial extension. Do you know anything about it Or would PostgreSQL..

A PHP and jQuery form creation and validation library available? [closed]


Original Question Is there a well tested and preferably mature library out there for creating forms in PHP with both client..

Is strip_tags() vulnerable to scripting attacks?


to say it's safe Use Mature Solutions When possible use mature existing solutions instead of trying to create your own. Functions..

Calling PHP from Java [duplicate]


Caucho's Quercus product uses it so I would suspect it is mature enough to do whatever you need. http quercus.caucho.com Here..

PHP Lexer and Parser Generator?


in PHP was asked before but 1 year ago. Is there any new mature PHP parser generator now My searches drove me to the following..