

php Programming Glossary: md5

php get all the images from url which width and height >=200 more quicker


if info 'content_type' null temp temp img . md5 mt_rand . ext touch temp imageContent curl_multi_getcontent..

unserialize() [function.unserialize]: Error at offset


h db sid preg_replace ' ^a z0 9 i' '' session_id key md5 microtime . sid . rand sql INSERT INTO . TABLE_TEMPDATA . tempdata_key..

Secure random number generation in PHP


and useless CRLF by hashing... if pr_bits pr_bits md5 pr_bits TRUE catch Exception ex echo 'Exception ' . ex getMessage..

“Keep Me Logged In” - the best approach


session 3 Create a cookie called SOMETHING containing md5 salt username ip salt and a cookie called somethingElse containing.. calculated hash for the ip thus cookieHash databaseHash md5 salt username ip salt if they do goto 2 if they don't goto 1..

How can I store my users' passwords safely?


I'm pretty new to PHP. salt 'csdnfgksdgojnmfnb' password md5 salt. _POST 'password' result mysql_query SELECT id FROM users..

PHP: How to generate a random, unique, alphanumeric string?


If you do not need it to be absolutely unique over time md5 uniqid rand true Otherwise given you have already determined..

How to use HTTP cache headers with PHP


SHA1 vs md5 vs SHA256: which to use for a PHP login?


vs md5 vs SHA256 which to use for a PHP login I'm making a php login.. the password as a hash in mysql function createSalt string md5 uniqid rand true return substr string 0 3 salt createSalt hash.. 0 3 salt createSalt hash sha1 salt . hash php login md5 sha1 sha256 share improve this question Neither. You should..

Sending HTML email from PHP


the MD5 algorithm to generate a random hash random_hash md5 date 'r' time define the headers we want passed. Note that they..

php send e-mail with attachment


to subject mail_msg filename contentType random_hash md5 date 'r' time headers From webmaster@example.com r nReply To..

How should I choose an authentication library for CodeIgniter?


users ambiguous and redundant Uses potentially unsafe md5 hashing Failed login attempts only stored by IP not by username.. Hijacks form validation Uses potentially unsafe md5 hashing pc_user Pros Good feature set for its tiny footprint..

PHP image upload security check list


0777 change the image name uploadfile uploaddir . md5 basename _FILES 'my_files' 'name' . file_ext if move_uploaded_file..

How do you use bcrypt for hashing passwords in PHP?


. getmypid for i 0 i count i 16 this randomState md5 microtime . this randomState if PHP_VERSION '5' bytes . md5.. microtime . this randomState if PHP_VERSION '5' bytes . md5 this randomState true else bytes . pack 'H ' md5 this randomState.. bytes . md5 this randomState true else bytes . pack 'H ' md5 this randomState bytes substr bytes 0 count return bytes private..

joomla password encryption


Looks like this is not the normal MD5 so i cannot use md5 password . what is the possible way to create.. md5 share improve this question Joomla passwords are MD5 hashed but the passwords are salted before being hashed. They..

How to encrypt/decrypt data in php?


choices of many people. Hashing algorithms such as MD5 or SHA1 were made to verify file contents against a known hash..

How can I store my users' passwords safely?


passwords safely How much more safe is this than plain MD5 I've just started looking into password security. I'm pretty.. the ' I'll do it myself thank you ' approach do not use MD5 or SHA1 anymore . They are nice hashing algorithm but considered..

PHP:How to send the original password to the user when he clicks forgot password which is encrypted by using md5?


of many other things say a user's online banking system . MD5 is not an encryption algorithm it is a hashing algorithm. The..

Sending HTML email from PHP


create a boundary string. It must be unique so we use the MD5 algorithm to generate a random hash random_hash md5 date 'r'..

How to output MD5 hashed password in plain text?


to output MD5 hashed password in plain text I have passwords for members.. I have passwords for members on a site encrypted using MD5 and stored in the database. I want to implement a lost password.. hence impossible php md5 share improve this question MD5 isn't encryption it's a one way hash. You can't reverse a one..

Compare 2 images in php


if they are both the same files are easy threw the files MD5 but is it possible or even plausible to determine if 2 images..

Easiest way for PHP email verification link


secret 35onoi2 7# g03kl email urlencode _POST 'email' hash MD5 _POST 'email' . secret link http example.com register.php email..

Programmaticly building htpasswd


depending on the hash function specified. If you are using MD5 they look like this foo apr1 y1cXxW5l 3vapv2yyCXaYz8zGoXj241.. base64. If your language has an implementation of either MD5 or SHA1 and base64 you can just create the file like this php..

Secure hash and salt for PHP passwords


hash and salt for PHP passwords It is currently said that MD5 is partially unsafe. Taking this into consideration I'd like.. Also should I store two fields in the database one using MD5 and another one using SHA for example Would it make it safer.. cover my question What's the difference between SHA and MD5 in PHP Simple Password Encryption Secure methods of storing..

What is the best way to generate a random key within PHP?


a microtime true for x 0 x 1000 x temp rand_md5 1000 echo MD5 t . microtime true a . n Results Rand 2.09621596336 SHA 1 0.611464977264.. true a . n Results Rand 2.09621596336 SHA 1 0.611464977264 MD5 0.618473052979 So my suggestion if you want speed but not full.. if you want speed but not full charset is to stick to MD5 SHA 1 or Uniqid which I didn't test.. yet share improve this..

AESCrypt decryption between iOS and PHP


'7opqbb7sEVNoXplyQv X8g ' UPDATE Been doing some MD5 decryption and experimenting a lot but still far from achieving..