

php Programming Glossary: mcrypt_rand

Flash Encryption PHP Decryption


algorithm this mode this iv mcrypt_create_iv this iv_size MCRYPT_RAND function encrypt data size mcrypt_get_block_size this algorithm..

PHP - MySQL connection not working: 2002 No such file or directory


How to save encrypted data in cookie (using php)?


encrypt src srand double microtime 1000000 for sake of MCRYPT_RAND this iv mcrypt_create_iv this ks MCRYPT_RAND mcrypt_generic_init.. for sake of MCRYPT_RAND this iv mcrypt_create_iv this ks MCRYPT_RAND mcrypt_generic_init this td this salt this iv tmpStr mcrypt_generic..

PHP Mcrypt - Encrypting / Decrypting file


self MODE '' iv mcrypt_create_iv mcrypt_enc_get_iv_size td MCRYPT_RAND mcrypt_generic_init td self KEY iv crypttext mcrypt_generic..

tripledes encryption not yielding same results in PHP and C#


'' 'ecb' '' iv mcrypt_create_iv mcrypt_enc_get_iv_size td MCRYPT_RAND mcrypt_generic_init td key iv encrypted_data mcrypt_generic..

PHP AES encrypt / decrypt


mcrypt_get_iv_size MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_256 MCRYPT_MODE_ECB MCRYPT_RAND function fnDecrypt sValue sSecretKey return trim mcrypt_decrypt.. mcrypt_get_iv_size MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_256 MCRYPT_MODE_ECB MCRYPT_RAND The result is Encrypted boKRNTYYNp7AiOvY1CidqsAn9wX4ufz D9XrpjAOPk8.. mcrypt_get_iv_size MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_256 MCRYPT_MODE_ECB MCRYPT_RAND 0 function fnDecrypt sValue sSecretKey return rtrim mcrypt_decrypt..

Decrypting strings in Python that were encrypted with MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_256 in PHP


mcrypt_get_iv_size MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_256 MCRYPT_MODE_ECB MCRYPT_RAND How do I decrypt these values in Python php python encryption..